
My Seven Elder Brothers Found Me

The little princess of the Lin family, who had been kidnapped for more than ten years, was finally found. All of her seven elder brothers went crazy! On this day, the village girl, Lin Han, entered the city! Lin Han pouted. ‘Big Brother, I’m hungry…" Her generous Big Brother said, "The entire street belongs to me. What do you want? Just go ahead and buy!" When Lin Han felt wronged, she said, ‘Second Brother, someone wants to beat me up…" Her Second Brother replied, "Your Second Brother calls the shots in the underworld. If anyone dares to bully you, tell me! I'll make sure they don't die in the process!" Lin Han blushed and said, "Third Brother, I want to try speculating stocks…" Her Third Brother replied, "I'll give you an account. There are 500 million bucks in it. If you lose all of them, come and get more from me!" Lin Han beamed eagerly. "Fourth Brother, I want to play at an amusement park…" Her Fourth Brother told her, "I bought Disneyland! Enjoy yourself!" Lin Han said, "Brother, I want to…" Her Fifth Brother replied, "Sure!" Her Sixth Brother, "Torture them!" Her Seventh Brother, "Buy!" Lin Han was in a daze… Could her brothers put a leash on their flooding love? Persona: Female lead: Moe and cute. She had a kind heart and was extremely scared to lose the things she just obtained. She might look to be extremely reliant on others. Male lead: A slave to his wife. If it were not for him spoiling the female lead so much, her brothers would never agree to let their little sister stay together with this man.

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Killing a Chicken Using a Butcher’s Knife

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Then, let's think of another way." Cao Da was a little upset. He started the car and left with Xue'er.

Xue'er saw that Cao Da did not go to the cemetery. Instead, he drove away. She frowned slightly and her eyes dimmed. She pursed her lips but did not say anything in the end. She just watched the car slowly drive away.

As for Cao Da, he was thinking about how to get the money. Other than this, the other thing on his mind was Lin Han's good-looking face.

Lin Han, huh... Lin Han looked very rich with the two men.

He suddenly remembered that the boss that he owed money to. Other than money, the boss was a lecherous person. If he could get Lin Han out and send her to the boss's bed, the boss would be happy and he might not have to pay back the money.

As this thought flashed through his mind, Cao Da suddenly stepped on the brakes and parked the car by the side of the road.

Lin Xue'er was shocked and frightened. Fortunately, she had fastened her seatbelt, so she did not crash into the car window.

"Cao Da, what are you doing?" Lin Xue'er was shocked and cried out in surprise.

Cao Da came back to his senses and looked at the average-looking Lin Xue'er beside him. He smiled at Lin Xue'er and said, "no, nothing. I was daydreaming just now."

Lin Han brought her two older brothers to his parents' cemetery. She stayed there for a long time before she learned that Xue'er had gone home and did not visit the cemetery.

Hearing Guan Yu's words, Lin Han paused. A trace of regret flashed across her eyes. Xue'er had chosen the wrong path in the end.

However, sometimes, she had to walk on her own. She had to run into a wall before she knew that she could turn back. No one could help her.

"Mom and dad, don't worry. If there's really something fishy about your deaths, I won't let you die in vain. You've worked hard your whole life. Enjoy your life," Lin Han said, her eyes slightly red.

She had originally planned to take her parents and Lin Xue'er on a trip. Unfortunately, when she booked the tickets, her parents were gone.

She burned the plane tickets to her parents. She did not know if her parents would be able to use them in another world.

Seeing her little sister kneeling in front of the tombstone and crying, Lin Rongsheng and Lin Xuyang felt their hearts ache. They pulled her up and took her away.

At this time, Qishan village was completely revamped and revitalized. It was no longer as poor and backward as before.

"The scenery here is not bad. When the mining is done in the future, it will be a very good tourist attraction." On the way back, Lin Rongsheng looked at the green mountains and rivers in the distance and could not help but sigh. This scenery was really the work of nature.

"Yes," Lin Han replied.

The development of this place was something that would happen sooner or later. She had been prepared for it a long time ago.

"Little sister, do you need help with your sister's matter?" Lin Xuyang was thinking about Lin Xue'er.

Now that Lin Han was their sister, they felt responsible for anything that had to do with her. He was still worried about her after all.

When Lin Han heard this, she smiled at Lin Xuyang and said, "there's no need."

Lin Han did not need to trouble her brothers for such a small matter. There was no need to use a butcher's knife to kill a chicken.

Lin Han and Lin Xuyang returned to the capital, while Lin Xue'er followed Cao Da back to their home.

When they returned home, Cao Da asked Lin Xue'er, "Xue'er, do you have a photo of Lin Han?"

"Lin Han? Why do you want a photo of her?" Xue'er immediately became alert.

"My friend said he seems to know her. I'll show him the photo. Don't worry, we're already married. What else can I do? You're the only one in my heart," Cao Da said as he reached out and hugged Xue'er's waist, kissing her neck.

This move pleased Xue'er, and she did not think too much about it. She found a photo of herself and Lin Han.

However, the photo had been folded, with Lin Han folded to the back, leaving Xue'er alone at the front. This was because the Lin Han in the photo was really too beautiful.

"I don't want this photo anymore. I'll cut out Lin Han from the photo and give it to you." Xue'er used a pair of scissors to cut out Lin Han from the photo and handed it to Cao Da.

Cao Da took the photo and had dinner with the boss in the evening.