
My Servant Omega (omegaverse)

In a world where humans are born with a second genders, known as Omega, Alpha, and beta. Amongst the three omegas are often seen as the scum of the earth, the lesser beings of society, how will our main stars overcome such obstacles and get together. Our main male lead starts with Dominic Lanxian, a very powerful and cold-hearted dominate Alpha, who is the CEO of the countries leading telecommunications company. Dominic is not only a CEO but is disclosing a part of his life only his best friend knows about. Dominic is very different to other Alphas, in that though he’s already 28 he has never been in a relationship and has vowed internally to save himself for his true love, and shower him/her with the love an affection never seen from him before. Our second male lead is Kang Lei (AKA Xi WuXain) a 23 years single father who is an unclaimed omega. Due to his second gender, Kang Lei was abandoned by his family and left to fend for himself at a young age. Kang Lei has a secret he wishes never to relieve, especially to his son. His hope is to one day own his own restaurant, but for now he really wants to be the best father to His son. Dominic and Kang come from different worlds, so how will they meet? Will Dominic Judge Kang Lei like others do, without understanding? Will Kang Lei be able to get over is past and allow Dominic to love him? So many questions, let’s find out the answers....

Reading_Junkie · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Chapter 27- Doctors order

Doctor Cheng, checked Dominic over and sighed remorsefully, he then turned to Michael and lightly spoke.

"His testosterone levels are increasing, I was going to mention this back at the office, but with Dominic's demeanour at the time I thought it best not too. But maybe we should get him a partner, or he can...you know beat the Johnson, he needs to start regularly releasing"

Michael was now fully amused and couldn't contain his laughter, even in such a serious situation he burst out laughing.

"Hahaha!..... okay... doc let me let you in on a little secret" he went and put the arms around the Dr. Cheng's shoulders and with them both facing Dominic on the bed, he pointed at and continued.

"How can I put this... Dominic his a virgin... and please don't ask me how I know this, but he has never... ahem what did you say... beat the Johnson"

Dr Cheng, was dumbfounded, how could a young man at this age and a dominant alpha at that still be a virgin, no wonder his balls are practically at the point of bursting.

"Well if he wants to get some control he's going to have to change all that, if he doesn't want to sleep with just any random person, you're an expert encourage and teach him how to release" Dr. Cheng stated to Michael who stated holding his hands in the air and backing up.

"Huh.... ahhh come on Dr Cheng... you really want me to teach my future brother-in-law how to play with his own dick....nah nah... there's internet sites for that he can read, beside my further wife will kill me"

Dr Cheng Scoffed "future wife my ass, do whatever just make him empty his balls, that should help a little and relief some of his headaches" and with that Doctor Cheng left poor Michael to later deliver the news.

After a few hours all was calm again and as Michael didn't want to worry Dominic, he had told everyone to keep what had happened a secret, it was something they had to take to their graves.

Once Dominic awoke and unaware of what had really taken place hours earlier, he had to embarrassingly listen to Michael explain sex education to him like a child, he stormed to his office, swearing that he will ship Michael off to some deserted island for a year for his pain and suffering.

Once in his office, proceeded to review the files left on his desk, remembering his earlier conversation with Andrew and the new recruit. After shifting through and signing off the required company documents, he came upon Kang Lei's files and paused in amazement at kang Lei's photo, there was something about the man in the picture, he didn't know why, but was immediately drawn to him.

Pulling himself from his trance, he requested for Michael and Andrew to come see him in his office.

"Brother you called", Andrew said upon entering, still somewhat shaken from the earlier events.

"I need you two to take over things at the company for a while, Michael I'll appoint you as the interim CEO till I decide to return, I'll review the documents here, but primarily I just need you to be the figurehead to keep everyone in check and attend face-to-face meetings, you know what to do. Andrew, you as well stay close to Michael and help him with the formalities, any questions?" Dominic was always cold and serious when it came to work.

Michael paid little attention to this, but Andrew wanted to know what was wrong with his brother, and Michael was being secretive.

"Ahem, so can I tell everyone that Andrew's my wife" Michael suddenly asked.

"Are you stupid, do you want to ruin my chances of getting a partner, and is that really a question to be asking at a time like this" hollered Andrew. Sometimes he really didn't understand Michael's thought process.

Michael looked straight into Andrew's eyes and shamelessly replied, "Hundred percent".

"Enough with your nonsense, Andrew step out, I need to discuss something with Michael" Requested Dominic.

Andrew hesitated, he wanted to asked Dominic about what had happened. Michael seeing his dilemma, gently squeezed his shoulder, understanding Michael's actions Andrew withheld his curiosity.... "O....okay brother" he answered softly.

"Is there something else you wish to discuss, Andrew?" questioned Dominic, sensing the change in his demeanour.

"No...everything's fine brother" he smiled gently as he got up to leave.

After Andrew had gone, Dominic handed Kang Lei's file to Michael and simple stated, "get me all the information you can on this guy".

Michael took the file and quickly looked it over, he often did this kind of thing for Dominic for all new employees, to ensure they weren't a threat or undercover spies.

"Okay, boss, I'll get it to you by tomorrow" Michael then leaned over Dominic's desk and whispered "brother... about what we were talking about… If you don't want to do it yourself, I could get you someone to help... I know a few omegas or if you prefer beta's" Michael cheekily said, giving Dominic a wink.

"SHUT UP AND GET OUT!" Dominic roared.

Michael quickly moved back, raising his hands to surrender, "ahhh! ... Calm down... calm down...am only doing what the doctor recommended, this is your fault for holding your balls captive"

Again Dominic roared, releasing his pheromones "I SAID GET OUT"

Michael quickly ran from his office without another word and ran into Andrew, who was smirking at his misfortune, then taking a dig at Michael expense "not everyone's a whore like you"

Michael still feeling devious wrapped his arm around Andrew's waist, pulling him close, he seductively whispered into his ear "am only getting practice to blow my wife's mind". He softly kissed Andrew on his cheek, before leaving a red-faced Andrew frozen stupid.