
My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

It was just like any other day, or so I thought at least. The birds were chirping up on trees, clouds were rolling by the bright blue sky and Elves were dumpster diving in the alleyway. Okay, one of those three didn't sound right... I had a boring life once. Recently though, it has become less boring... to put it one way. Finding a random Elf in the dumpster? Heh, must be a Monday. A normal person would have walked by. A normal person would have ignored it. I must be a pretty weird guy, then. Now I have this Elf swearing her allegiance to me. What's next, vampires? Better not jinx it. Discord Link Here - https://discord.gg/yhDAk9bjdU

Brendanjoke · Fantasy
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978 Chs

The Entire History Of You, Part 5

"Wherever are you off this late in the night, little Sera?"

A pale beam of moonlight behind the rims of a lone spotlight, illuminating the hand-painted backdrop of a deep forest green. The scene was set, away went the music, the choir, emphasizing the stillness, the quiet of the night. 

"You've never wandered off on your own before without letting me know beforehand. Whatever happened to upholding the rules? My, adolescence… could it be that you are of that age where secrets start to sprout in abundance? Time really flies, doesn't it?"

Every noise seemed to resound, the creak of a carriage parked beneath a tree, the muffled thud of leather boots, the quake of breath in the cold of night. The only thing soundless, the only thing silent… was her. It's always her.