
My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

It was just like any other day, or so I thought at least. The birds were chirping up on trees, clouds were rolling by the bright blue sky and Elves were dumpster diving in the alleyway. Okay, one of those three didn't sound right... I had a boring life once. Recently though, it has become less boring... to put it one way. Finding a random Elf in the dumpster? Heh, must be a Monday. A normal person would have walked by. A normal person would have ignored it. I must be a pretty weird guy, then. Now I have this Elf swearing her allegiance to me. What's next, vampires? Better not jinx it. Discord Link Here - https://discord.gg/yhDAk9bjdU

Brendanjoke · Fantasy
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978 Chs

A Different Point of View

The theater was brimming.

I've never been to a Broadway showing before, and I think the closest I ever got to one was helping Sammy puppeteer her straw dolls for a showing we put on for Mom that one time she got real sick, but I'm gonna take a gander and say that this here play was certainly ten steps above playing with dolls.

The dazzle of bright stage lights balanced and adjusted atop hidden catwalks, the signature red curtains cascading a bright crimson blanket over the stage itself, and not to mention the rolling red carpets leading to the rows and rows of seats that were filled and occupied in no time at all.

As was with every attraction ever attended, the stage play was no exception to a crowded audience. In fact, it was a downright miracle we even managed at all to acquire some seats for three in the scramble. Good seats too. Not too far, not too close.