
My Senior Crush

Get to know about the life of Jane (Janet Friola) and swoon over her crush of a lifetime. Brace yourself for the emotional rollercoaster starting from the first butterflies to intense passion. Curious about how it turned into a love story and whether or not they get their happily ever-after? This novel takes you through the experience leaving you wanting for more...

Star_Queen · Teen
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15 Chs


It was hard to understand whether it was love or just an infatuation at first. But as I began living a life devoid of his presence, it slowly dawned on me that this childhood friendship was something more than just a crush.

He looked back at me with an intensity and warmth that matches mine. If eyes could speak, his eyes would've conveyed a thousand words right about this moment.

Not being able to resist any longer, I stretch out my hand to wipe away his tears. He instinctively leans into my touch and closes his eyes. It seems like he really was craving for a moment like this for a long time. I rub his cheek with my thumb, his trimmed beard hairs prickling my fingertips.

A few minutes more, and then he visibly composed himself as if being reminded of the nurse's presence in the room once again. Straightening his white coat, he said while taking my right hand in his, "Get well soon Jane. This time I won't leave you behind."

Saying that, he turned towards the nurse and mumbled her to do something. I couldn't quite get it as I was still recovering from my daze. The nurse then turned to the bedside table and handed me some medicines and a glass of water. "Madam, these are your afternoon medicines. Please have them and then I shall bring you your lunch."

She walks out of the room leaving me alone with my thoughts. 'Where's Dad? Doesn't he know that I'm awake? He must've been worried like hell seeing me in that condition.'

The afternoon felt like a long one, when there wasn't anyone to accompany me. My phone was with Dad, so I couldn't use it either. As the sun went down in the evening, I sat up on my bed and looked out the window at the beautiful sunset.

A while later footsteps came running towards me and I wondered who it was...

'It's Dad!' A smile crept on my lips involuntarily. 'Dad finally came.' As soon as he saw me, he ran towards me and almost fell as he stumbled on one of the wheels of the bed. He hugged me tight, and soon I could hear him sniffle.

I was treated like a princess by him when Mom was alive. And when Mom left us, he treated me like, I was the only ever precious thing he had left in his life. He would never scold me, and whenever I made a mistake, he would sit down with me on the sofa, pat my head gently and make me understand it.

I owe him my life for playing the role of being both of my parents. His hug melts away all my boredom and worries instantly like a warm hearth on a winter night.

A few seconds later I realise that my own cheeks are wet with tears. The thought of never being able to see my Dad again when I slowly slumbered into darkness after my accident, terrified me. Now that he's holding me tightly the weight has slowly been lifted off my chest.

"I'm alright Dad. Don't worry." He pulls back and looks at me, "I thought you were leaving me too. I was afraid my child." I can easily sympathize with him as I was going through same thing too. "It's okay, Dad. Everything's alright now. Have you eaten anything? You look pale." Looking at his face closely I realised his face was stained with tears and I immediately knew that he hasn't even had a morsel of food since he got the news of my accident.

"Eat something, Dad. Or else you get sick. Who will take care of this princess without you?" I give him a strained smile while trying to stop my tears.

"Okay! I'll buy something to eat after I leave from here. Have you had lunch, Jane?"

"Daa..ad!" I dragged on. "The hospital staffs are very efficient. They have fed me my medicines too. You don't need to worry. Now go home." He looks at me one last time, not wanting to leave, but I give him a mocking glare. He chuckles and then finally leaves.

I have been the luckiest girl so far to have such a man for my Dad. Mom had the best taste in men. I chuckled to myself.