
My Secret Wife and I

A story about the most popular student in the College University and a transferred female student who was his classmate too. He caught his eyes in the very first day that they met. When she was so mad at him because he throw her bag in the floor. A love hate relationship, sweet and romantic love affair will develop in their unexpected arranged marriage. However, some difficulties and struggles may occurred their relationship. It may lead to jealousy, hatred and some serious accident, which may lead to their separation to each other. Is their true love will find the way to their lost hearts? Or they still missed and long for each other kisses? ~ Season 2 at Chapter 58 Jake finally stopped singing when he saw the woman standing in front of him, and the band also stopped playing. He though it was just one of his admirers or fans. He looked closely at the drunk woman who could not even stand up still. She was wearing a loose black shirt and jeans, her hair was long, white skin and with a simple beauty. She even stepped closer to him before speaking. "Hey you! I know you, that such face deceits women!" said Anne loudly. "What?!!!" Jake asked in surprised. "You handsome men, always brings false hope to women, then when they fell in love with you, you will leave! You are so bad! You are shameless!" Anne shouted angrily. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, she's drunk. What are you doing Anne, stop it!" Elle said emphatically, but Anne still did not listen, she continued to speak hurtfully. "Handsome people like you, should be buried alive or thrown into hell!" Anne said angrily as she pointing Jake in the chest. Jake did not say anything, but just shook his head at what the drunk woman was saying. "Come on Anne!!!" Elle shouted, as she tried to hold Anne by the arm, but Anne gone wild. "No, I will get revenge in this idiot!" After Anne said this, she suddenly grabbed the man's leather jacket and pulled it closer to her face, Jake bowed to the woman's sudden action and at that moment their lips pressed together. Elle was shocked by what Anne did, she was dumbfounded and even the people at the bar, she could not believe that Anne would do it. "Oh no… is my friend going crazy?" Elle said dumbfounded, as she watched Jake and Anne kissed. Jake smiled and responded to Anne's kisses, after a while she slowly stopped, stared into his eyes and suddenly release him and step backed away and then walked away from him. "Let's go!" she whispered to Elle as she was stunned, Elle immediately followed her out of the bar. Jake was left shaking his head, as he watched Anne out of the bar, he never thought he would meet that kind of woman tonight. He still remember that night, when unexpected roommate came in. He opened the door of his bedroom and changed clothes. He first took off his rubber shoes, and he took off his sweaty white shirt and then he took off his shorts. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened, and the freshly bathed woman came out with only a towel wrapped around her body. They were both surprised and screamed. “AAAAAHHHHH!!!” Jake quickly lifted his stripped shorts again and angrily asked the woman. “What are you doing here?” asked as the same time. “Tsssk! I asked you first, answer, what are you doing in my room?” Jake shouted as he frowned. “Wait, what room? This is my room I can even show you my school receipt.” the woman proudly said. Jake move closer to her and looked at her lips while holding her chin and asked. “Wait, aren’t you that girl at the bar? The one who kissed me???” . . Please support me! More exciting scene to go...

Midnyt_Zun · Urban
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228 Chs

Chapter 19

They eat their dinner together, while Lance ignore her. Her Grandfather wondered.

"Ah Ada, hows your study?" asked Don Manuel.

"It's okay Grandpa, we're just finished the exam." Ada said.

"Ah, Lance says you're joining the Ms. Campus, when is that?" he asked.

"Oh yes, the voting starts on Monday, and on Friday will be the final round." Ada explained.

"Is that so? Well, goodluck! If you have to wear something just say it. Do you need a gown?" their Grandpa asked.

"Ahh, I don't know, if really need." said Ada.

"Lance?" he turned to Lance.

"It's needed." Lance replied briefly.

"Is that so? You have to buy with Ada!" he said.

"All right Grandpa," Lance said.

"Ok, you should buy beautiful gown for Ada!" he said.

"Ahm, maybe it's okay, even if it's just a simple gown, I don't even know, if I can make it to the grand finals." Ada explained.

"Let it go Ada, I'm sure you will win!" her Grandfather said while holding Ada's hand.

"Thank you Grandpa." Ada said as she smiled.

Lance got up and said goodbye.

"I'm done, I'll go ahead Grandpa." Lance said and went up.

When Lance go upstairs, they talked about Lance.

"Did you fight?" her Grandfather asked and she nodded.

"Because Grandpa, he posted my picture on fb, it was my side view. I asked him to delete it, but he get mad at me!" said Ada.

"You know, Lance already talked to me about it. I even learned that you bullied at school. He wanted to defend you, but because I said you need to secret your relationship, he feel upset.

Well, if anyone else knows about it, that's fine! I won't be mad at you! We can't even control the destiny! The important is, you are both happy! " He said.

"You're right Grandpa." Ada said.

"I'm happy, because even though we just settled your engagement and got married, I know you love Lance. You care about each other, just keep it up!

If you having a quarrel, then that's natural in a relationship. It's just a fight, but in the end of the day, you are still married and the important is - you love each other!" Grandfather said to her.

"Ok Grandpa. Thank you." Ada said.

"I'm just here, to guide you!" he said while smiling.

After they had eaten, she said good-bye to her Grandfather and Ada went up and go to their room.

As Ada entered the room she saw Lance standing on the balcony while drinking. She came up to him and hugged Lance waist.

"Lance, I'm sorry..." said Ada softly.

Lance took a deep breath before speaking.

"For what?" he said.

"Ahm, because of - hmm, you know that!" said Ada.

Lance smiled.

"Oh, you smiled so, you not mad at me now." said Ada.

"No." Lance said and turned to face Ada.

"It's okay, if you want to keep that post. Please don't mad at me." Ada said as she held Lance hand.

"Ok, but in one condition!" said Lance.

"Condition? What condition?" Ada asked.

"I want you to shout out at the roof top, of the school, and say that - "You love me" 10 times and make sure I should hear it." said Lance.

"Ha? What? That is so hard." Ada said.

"Well..." Lance said as he entered the room.

"Wait Lance, could it be other than that?" Ada asked.

"Oh well how about you post in fb and say that you love me." said Lance.

"Ha? That's not easy too!" said Ada.

"So, you choose only 1 or 2!" Lance said and he lay down on the bed.

"Lance, is there something else?" said Ada.

But Lance ignore her and go asleep.

Ada wondered what she would choose. Posting was easy but they would know that I was the girl with Lance.

While on the rooftop, they won't even know who I am, because it's so far away, but I need a megaphone to hear me down.

"Hayst! Omg! Grrrr!" Ada blows.

"For sure, there's a lot of people are there on Monday, it's too embarassing." said Ada.

Ada just fell asleep thinking.

Monday is coming ...

As soon as she wakes up, Ada immediately stand up. She was restless, Lance noticed it.

"What the hell are you doing? Why are you back in forth in the bathroom? Do you have stomachache?" asked Lance.

"Ha no, I'm just nervous." Ada said.

"Ow! I thought there's something wrong!" said Lance.

After that, they prepare and dress up.

"Are you done?!" Lance said.

"Yup." Ada said.

Ada was planning to do it later, when she got to school.

When they got to school, she immediately go to her locker room.

She put the megaphone first in her locker and extra clothes and other disguised items. She took a deep breath as she closed the locker.

As the event began, all the Teachers and students gathered in the field for the Open Ceremony. Then the contest was started.

Ada ware the clothes that Lance give it to her. Her hairstyle was simple, Joice just braided her hair and sheer make-up! Lance gave her a glossy white dress, that has a design on the side, and 1 inch above the knee long and it wasn't too short.

When the host introduced her as the Football Team Muse, she stepped onto the stage and they admired her beauty.

She spoke to the mic and asked for some support by voting for her as Ms. Campus. Joice is the one who gives the paper ballot for Ada. Then she was thankful, and Lance immediately helped her down the stage.

The football game has started, they are compiting with the other school.

In the first round, the opponent just score. However, they chased in the second round. There's a lot of students cheers for Lance and for they team.

Meanwhile, Ada was very nervous. She intends to do what is planned in the last round and after Lance game.

Every breaktime Lance looks at her, and she smiles. Joice yelled at her.

"Hey! Lance looking at you again!" Joice moaned and they laughed.