
My Secret Wife and I

A story about the most popular student in the College University and a transferred female student who was his classmate too. He caught his eyes in the very first day that they met. When she was so mad at him because he throw her bag in the floor. A love hate relationship, sweet and romantic love affair will develop in their unexpected arranged marriage. However, some difficulties and struggles may occurred their relationship. It may lead to jealousy, hatred and some serious accident, which may lead to their separation to each other. Is their true love will find the way to their lost hearts? Or they still missed and long for each other kisses? ~ Season 2 at Chapter 58 Jake finally stopped singing when he saw the woman standing in front of him, and the band also stopped playing. He though it was just one of his admirers or fans. He looked closely at the drunk woman who could not even stand up still. She was wearing a loose black shirt and jeans, her hair was long, white skin and with a simple beauty. She even stepped closer to him before speaking. "Hey you! I know you, that such face deceits women!" said Anne loudly. "What?!!!" Jake asked in surprised. "You handsome men, always brings false hope to women, then when they fell in love with you, you will leave! You are so bad! You are shameless!" Anne shouted angrily. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, she's drunk. What are you doing Anne, stop it!" Elle said emphatically, but Anne still did not listen, she continued to speak hurtfully. "Handsome people like you, should be buried alive or thrown into hell!" Anne said angrily as she pointing Jake in the chest. Jake did not say anything, but just shook his head at what the drunk woman was saying. "Come on Anne!!!" Elle shouted, as she tried to hold Anne by the arm, but Anne gone wild. "No, I will get revenge in this idiot!" After Anne said this, she suddenly grabbed the man's leather jacket and pulled it closer to her face, Jake bowed to the woman's sudden action and at that moment their lips pressed together. Elle was shocked by what Anne did, she was dumbfounded and even the people at the bar, she could not believe that Anne would do it. "Oh no… is my friend going crazy?" Elle said dumbfounded, as she watched Jake and Anne kissed. Jake smiled and responded to Anne's kisses, after a while she slowly stopped, stared into his eyes and suddenly release him and step backed away and then walked away from him. "Let's go!" she whispered to Elle as she was stunned, Elle immediately followed her out of the bar. Jake was left shaking his head, as he watched Anne out of the bar, he never thought he would meet that kind of woman tonight. He still remember that night, when unexpected roommate came in. He opened the door of his bedroom and changed clothes. He first took off his rubber shoes, and he took off his sweaty white shirt and then he took off his shorts. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened, and the freshly bathed woman came out with only a towel wrapped around her body. They were both surprised and screamed. “AAAAAHHHHH!!!” Jake quickly lifted his stripped shorts again and angrily asked the woman. “What are you doing here?” asked as the same time. “Tsssk! I asked you first, answer, what are you doing in my room?” Jake shouted as he frowned. “Wait, what room? This is my room I can even show you my school receipt.” the woman proudly said. Jake move closer to her and looked at her lips while holding her chin and asked. “Wait, aren’t you that girl at the bar? The one who kissed me???” . . Please support me! More exciting scene to go...

Midnyt_Zun · Urban
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228 Chs

Chapter 18

While Ada and Joice are busy talking on the lawn. Suddenly someone dropped a bag on Ada's side, they thought it's Mark but...

"L-Lance!" Joice said in a surprise.

"Oh! Why do you look like, you saw a ghost?" he said and then he sat down on the lawn next to Ada.

Ada is so nervous, and she wonders why Lance is here with her. Suddenly, Lance asked them.

"So, what's the plan?" said Lance.

"Ah, here. What can you say." Joice handed her notebook to Lance and read it.

"It's okay! But it doesn't seem like enough to get her more votes. She needs to be recognized here in the Campus, so her votes will rised!" said Lance.

"What if, you become muse with our team? We have a game on Monday!" said Lance.

"Ha, muse?" said Ada surprisingly.

"Lamce is right! Many estudents will watch the game, and you will recognized and let's give them a paper to vote for you!" said Joice.

"Ha? Are you sure of that? Isn't the skirt of a muse is short?" Ada asked immediately because she knew Lance didn't want it.

"Uhm, don't worry I'll get your special outfit!" said Lance.

"Oh, that's it! I'm helping you with your hair and make up!" Joice said.

"Ok, all right then." said Ada.

After agreeing, Lance called someone.

"Hello! Yes, I found the muse for our team!" said Lance.

"Yes! Yes! Hahaha!" his language.

"Ok! Can you help me for her outfit, but not so daring?" said Lance.

"Ok! Thank you!" said Lance.

After the phone came down, Mark came to them with a drink.

"Here, this is your drink." Mark said and handed it to Ada, but Lance stole it.

"Thanks!" Lance said and he drink it.

"Hey! That's not for you!" shouted Mark.

"It's okay Mark!" Ada said immediately.

Lance smiled, then drank and gave the rest to Ada.

"Let's go!" Lance said then they stood up and he took Ada by the arm and pulled her up.

Ada was surprised, along with Joice and Mark.

"Wait, where are we going?" Ada asked eagerly.

"Wait, Lance!" Ada almost crouched down, as Lance pulled her aside.

"Ada!" Joice said.

"All right Joice, just text me! Bye!" said Ada.

"Ok-bye..." Joice said softly.

Both of them were wondering what Lance had done. Joice also said to Mark that Ada will be a muse on their football team. And Mark was surprised.

"Wait Lance, let go of me, they looking on us!" said Ada.

"Don't you want to get a vote?" said Lance.

"Yes, but not like this! They might be angry at me! What are you doing?" Ada said and Lance called her up and faced her.

"I just want to, get rid of that shit! Tsk!" then Lance walked again out of the gate. He was referring to Mark and he let go of Ada.

Ada follow him while walking behind him, Lance turned to her, looking at her if she was following.

When they arrived at the intersection, the car was waiting. Lance opened the back door and waited for Ada to come in and he followed.

While on the way, Ada looked out the window and did not look at Lance. While Lance have an idea, he took his cellphone.

After lowering the phone, Lance suddenly kissed her. She was shocked at it, so she pushed him.

"You!" said Ada.

"Why? I don't have the right to kiss my wife?" said Lance.

So, Ada take a deep breath and looked out the window again. Lance just sighed and picked up his phone again.

Lance secretly pictured Ada while looking outside. And he posted it on his fb account with the caption-

"My sunset is always beautiful with you!"

Then Lance smiled, looking at his post.

The amount of comments on Lance's post were overwhelming. So, he deleted the comment section.

When they reached the mansion, Ada received a text from Joice.

"Ada, are you still with Lance?" Joice text.

"No, I'm at my house. Why?" text by Ada.

"OMG! Who's that girl with Lance? I thought it was you!" text by Joice.

"Why? What is it?" text by Ada.

"Lance has a post right now!" text by Joice.

"What post?" text Ada again.

"Just take a look by yourself." Joice replied.

Ada immediately searches for Lance's post. And when she saw it, Lance posted a picture of her looking out the window.

She immediately asked Lance about it, while he changing his clothes.

"Lance, what is your post?" Ada asked as him while holding her phone.

Lance barely looked.

"So?" Lance frowned.

"Go ahead and delete it. " Ada ordered.

"Why?" said Lance.

"What the heck? My picture is on your post!" said Ada.

"I don't even see your face there!" Lance said as he pulled off his uniform in front of Ada.

"Even so! Joice knew that I were the last one with you!" said Ada.

But Lance ignored her, continuing to undress. And went to his closet to get short. Ada still followed.

"All right Lance here you go, for such a reason! Didn't your Grandpa say, no one knows, about us?" said Ada.

"Tsk! Did I tell them you are my wife? Did I tell your name? What are you afraid of?" said Lance and was wearing a short and a tshirt.

Lance picked up his phone.

"You want me to delete this? All right, I will, but you have to say 'YOU DON'T LOVE ME ANYMORE!' Before I do it!" Lance said as he stared at Ada.

Ada surprised what he said, she didn't answer him.

"Tsk!!!" Then Lance threw the phone to the bed and shut the door loudly and came down.


Ada, slowly sat down on the bed and cried.

She picked up the cellphone and called her Mom.

"Hello Mom!" said Ada.

"Oh, why did you get called? Is there something wrong?" she ask.

"Nothing Mom, I just miss you!" said Ada, while holding back tears.

"How are you there? How's your study?" she asks.

"It's okay." Ada said.

"Is that so? You're good at school? How about Lance? Maybe at Christmas we will visit with your Dad!"

"Ahm, he's ok too!" said Ada.

"Mom, I'm joining in as Ms. Campus next week in our school event. My classmate says, theres a probly I have a chance to win." said Ada.

"Ah really Ada? Goodluck! You can do it!" her Mom said.

"Yes, thank you Mom." Ada said.

"Get your make up and work hard for you to win! Oh my gosh, dear I still have a meeting. Take care always." her Mom said.

"Ok Mom, please be careful!" said Ada.

"You too, take care, bye!" Mom said.

"Ok, bye!" said Ada.

Then Ada got dressed and went downstairs to eat.