


I felt pain all over my body when i opened my eyes.I looked around and saw myself in a hospital room with a syringe attached to my hand.

So i wasn't dead i taught. I was not happy i wanted to die, I couldn't bear the thought of everything that has happened to my life. I want to close my eyes and never to open them again.

As i was still lost in thought. I heard the door opened and i saw my mom.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I don't know whether to be happy or sad. I was sad that she gave up on me, abandon me, but I felt happy because i got the chance to see her again.

So i called her even though i was scared she might reject me. "Mom" I called.

She ran and hugged me. Lisa don't ever scare us like that again. if you are sick just come to us okay baby. She said with teary eyes.

I was confused on what she was saying.

I know you don't like taking drugs but this is your health we are talking about here. You don't have to play with your health okay. She said.

Mum what are you talking about,I don't understand. I asked.

If nanny Betty didn't come and check on you last night, I don't know what would have happened to you my baby. mum said.

Mum was still talking, but i only heard two words that made me wonder if i heard wrong.

Mum do you mean my nanny Betty, I asked.

Yes of course or is there another nanny Betty in our house you know.Mum asked.

Then it struck to me, that nanny Betty left the house after my cousin Jade came and the last time i checked i was involved in an accident and not sick..

The only time i was sick that nanny Betty came to check on me that was when i was rushed to the hospital and i was fifteen years old and a month before Jade came.

Does it mean I went back in time, was i reborn is that even possible.

"Mom how old I'm, I asked

" You are fifteen years old. She answered worriedly.

Baby are you okay, Why are you suddenly asking of your age mum asked confusedly.

No mum, I'm fine,I hurriedly answered not wanting her to get worried.

So i was reborn, I have been given a second chance.i couldn't help myself i was excited i hugged my mum again this time i told her how i felt.

Mum I love you so much i promise to be a good girl and a daughter to you and our family, I promise never to hurt or let any of you down again, I said.

Mum smiled and looked at me,you don't have to change I love you the way you are.No matter what you do you can never be a disappointment to me, She said.

I smiled bitterly if only she knew that i disappointed her to the extent that I was disowned .

But this time i promise to live my life well.

Where is dad? I asked

He went to work but he will be back this afternoon to check on you. And Liam is still in school he will be back this weekend " mum said.

Satisfied with the answer I lay back on the bed because i felt tired but in my heart i was determined to live well for myself and my parents not for any stupid love.


When i woke up it was already afternoon and i saw my dad smiling at me he was still looking handsome as always.

I called out to him" Dad"

How are you doing sweetheart,Dad asked

I'm fine and getting better i just want to go home, I hate the smell of hospital disinfectant it irritates me , I said

Don't worry dad will do anything to make you happy.

Just bear with it for today.i will work out your discharge tomorrow. you look better than yesterday,Dad said.

Thanks Dad I can't wait to get home....

Guess what i miss more my bed.

How was it