


Am happy to see my daughter back on her feet, I thought i was going to lost her, when Daisy my wife call me that Lisa fainted, I was having a meeting but i have to rush to the hospital immediately to see her.

Good evening doctor Tess,when will Lisa be discharged, I asked.

She is free to leave tomorrow, because she is okay now, Doctor Tess said.

Alright doctor, I will see you around. I said and left.

I went to Lisa room to break the news to her.

Guess what honey, I said.

What is it Dad, she asked smiling.

You will be going home tomorrow,I told her.

Wow, Dad, I can't wait to go home soon, thanks Dad, I love you, she said hugging me tightly.

I love you too baby girl,I said. hugging her too.


Finally I'm back home.

I felt happy and grateful to whoever made it possible for me to be reborn.

Coming back to the house i was chased out from not as a stranger but as a daughter.

I was happy and heartbroken as the same time remembering the memory of what happened in my other life was still fresh in my heart.

I felt my chest tightening, I wanted to cry and let it out,then i broke down in tears.

I couldn't help the tears rolling down my cheeks.

Lisa come out for lunch, my mum said entering my room, but she saw me crying.

Baby, what is it, why are you crying, mum asked sitting beside me on the bed.

I tried to say something but i couldn't, because i didn't know what to tell her.

Baby, you can talk to me, please what is going on with you. she asked again.

Mum please promise me, that you, Dad and Liam will never leave me. I said.

What are you saying, you know how much we love you,so why will you say that. mum asked.

Mum please just promise me, I said.

Okay I promise we won't ever leave you, I promise okay, now come out for lunch, she said holding my hand.


Lisa has been behaving strange lately.

She seems different and acting weird, most especially she has been more respectful these few days, since she woke up from the hospital.

I have a feeling that she's hiding something from us, but she don't want to say anything.

Or maybe am overthinking things, but what will make her cry like that.

But i have promised her that will always stand by her.

I can't wait to talk to Scott about Lisa behavior maybe he can help.

I led her to the dinning room and make her sit down.

I prepared your favorite food for you, just the way you like it. I said and left for the kitchen.
