
My Second Chance at Forever

Cereus thought she'd found love with her high school tutor, Collin. But when he mysteriously vanishes without a word, she's left heartbroken. Years later, she moves on and begins dating Matthew, a charming guy with a dark secret that could potentially ruin their relationship. Meanwhile, Cereus's best friend gets entangled with an online dater, unaware he can change the fate of her best friend forever. The question is, Will past flame rekindle in Cereus' heart? or Will she learn to move on from the echoes of past heartbreak and find love in Matthew? ___ Note: This is my first book, so please be patient with me. ___ Hello! I am participating in the WSA 2024, please support the book! And I hope you enjoy it! ___ Note: This is a purely fictional story, and any resemblance to real life is a coincidence.

aza_0_0 · Urban
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20 Chs

Surprise after Surprise


After Cer left the class abruptly, I didn't see her again. I looked for her in the washroom and canteen, and I couldn't locate her, so I thought she went back home. And I applied for sick leave on behalf of her. I wanted to go talk with Matthew, I wanted to ask him if he was the reason Cereus was behaving so weirdly, did he reject her perhaps? But I stopped myself from doing that, as I could already imagine Cer's face when she got to know that I asked him such a question. Nevermind. I'll give her a call after classes end. 

At the end of the day, after all, classes are over, Matthew comes over to me, and asks "Heyyy! Um, did you by any chance know where Cereus is? I have to talk to her about something. I already tried calling her, but she wasn't lifting, so I got worried. Do you know anything by any chance?"

That surprised me, "No! I thought you already had a conversation with her, and that's why she's behaving like that. I thought you rejected her." I start replying when he cuts me off.

"No!! Why would I reject her? I like her too. She looks so cute, she studies well, and did you ever look into her eyes? They look black, but deep inside, they are dark brown, like chocolate colour, they look so ethereal. Did you see her hear? Straight, long hair of hers, I bet they smell so good, god. I always wanted to touch them, smell them. Every time I wanted to pat her head, I chicken out. Plus, have you ever heard her laughing? argh, it sounds exactly like a melody, and she's so clumsy, it's so cute."

Hearing this my jaw drops. Goddamn. And here I was thinking that he rejected her. But wait, if he likes her as well, why was she so upset? Finally, after so much time getting over Collin, she likes another boy, and he likes her back as well. So, why did she get up and run away after class? Did something happen to her family? Are her parents okay? I need to confirm that they're all right. 

In the meanwhile, my mind was going round and round in circles, Matthew kept continuing like a love-struck fool "Even yesterday, when she called me to the terrace place, I got so excited, I was practically humming and skipping and going, but then I realized that it might be an emergency, as she called me alone, I mean I didn't know then that she liked me too, so I just ran and went as fast as I can, and after I heard her proposing me, I was so elated. I WAS ECSTATIC!!!! And she even kissed me, she kissed me. I practically became a statue once she did that. I felt like I was dreaming, I mean, the girl I liked, saying she likes me too, and kissing me on the cheek. It's like a dream come true!!! 

Gosh, I wanted to reply right away, saying yes, so that we could be in a relationship as soon as we could, but while going down the stairs, she fell. I went there to see if she got hurt, but then I saw and realised, she looked sooooooo cute. I mean, how can a person, even falling from stairs, look so damn cute? Argh"

I feel like my ears are bleeding from all the PDA. Oh god, I want to puke. 

After listening to Matthew's one-sided description of some more moments from class, I got fed up, and excused myself, saying I had to go to the washroom. As soon as I got out of the class, I gave a call to Cer's parents, asking them how they were. Though they were surprised that I called them out of the blue, they were pleasant, and it felt like everything was alright, and nothing bad happened. I sighed in relief. And suddenly, Cer's mother asked me if Cer would come home late tonight if we both were going to hang out for a bit more. And I stop myself from almost asking "Isn't she already at home?" Instead, I just answer, "Yes Auntie, we are going to hang out for a bit more, she'll be home late." I end the call.

Shit, Shit, Shit

Cer didn't go home yet? Where the fuck is she???????

I got worried and started searching for her. I go from class to class, in case she is sitting in some empty class in our university. So, after ours, I started searching in the same order, in all the other six blocks. After my search room somewhere. I search in the washrooms on each floor. No, she's not there. There are 7 blocks in total the fourth block was done, and then it hit me, what if Cer thought Matthew didn't like her due to her overthinking and she went to the terrace top where she proposed? Shit, I didn't search there. I hurried over, praying to all the gods I could remember, and hoping she'd be there. And she was.

Cer was lying on the floor, sleeping soundly. Even snoring a bit. This bitch. I ought to kill her. No, torture her and kill her. I heave a sigh of relief that she's safe and sound, and angry at both myself and her, as to why I didn't think like this before. And as to why she's sleeping here without any care for her friends or family. God, god, god, why am I even friends with a girl like this???

Angrily, I wake Cer up, without knowing yet another surprise awaits me. I woke her up, and Cer not fully awake, drowsily goes "Heyy, Collin. I miss you." And she raises both of her weakly and tries to hug me. And says, "Do you believe it? Just because some random guy looks like you or resembles you a bit, I develop a crush on him and go propose to him. Isn't it ridiculous? Aren't I pathetic??"

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