
My Scandalous Love

"Amy, please marry my baby K? My son, Keith. Remember?" "Huh???" Amy, an artist who is "famous" because of the many scandals about her, suddenly gets an offer to marry her producer's son, Keith. Keith is a young doctor with an unquestionable family background. And without any doubt he disliked Amy and withouth doubt he won't marry her. Well, should we call it lucky or unlucky? Because as far as she know, Keith has a fiancé. Sherly, an artist with a lot of achievements who is so different to the controversial Amy. On the other hand, Amy really admires Sherly. "Uncle, it's August, it's not April Fool's." "You don't believe me? Wait for a month. Nah ... It's too long, only two weeks. If Keith comes to propose you himself. You have to accept it? Deal!" Her face looks confused, she admired him but he is also the fiancé of her favorite actress. Why did the producer ask her to marry his son? How could Keith want to marry Amy? What will happened to Sherly and Keith? "Huh? Uncle, wait!!" *Sorry if you find mistakes in my grammar. English is not my first language. Hope you enjoy the story. ¶^_^

NHN · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

11. Headline News

"What!!!!! I didn't know that!"

Miley just chuckled and shaking her head while Erick jolted hearing Amy's scream.

From the front door, someone came in.

"Amy, let's go.... Today you have a photo shoot."

Amy immediately asked Fiona with various question.

"Fio.... You know what's the news today? Sherly.... Sherly.... She broke up with Keith. And it's on trending. And the worst.... How did they get the video ? Poor Sherly, surely she will become an easy target for paparazzi."

Fiona sighed as she approached Amy.

"You know.... Wayne was being fussy about this too. He almost broke my bedroom door just to tell me this news."

Amy stood up from her seat.

"It's not 'this news'..... This has become headline news everywhere!! Could this be just a prank? Fiona what do you think?"

Fiona took a deep breath and tried to calm Amy down.

"Amy.... It's none of my business. It's a different story if it's you in the headline. Beside, you should be worried because of this news maybe Sherly won't be able to take part in your new film."

Fiona sit down in the chair and sighed.

"Oh no... It can't be happen..."

Miley and Erick couldn't help but sighed at Amy's pitiful expression.

"Eh, what is in your hand?... You got another terror? This time from whose fans? Barry, Wayne, or another female artist?"

Fiona look worried because Amy has often received threatening letters from fans of other artists who think Amy has brought bad scandal to their idols.

The first time Amy got it, she was scared and felt sad. But when she was reminded her goal that wanting to be the best antagonist character in film history, that threatening letters just made as a tribute to herself.

"Ha ha ha... Guess what?"

Seeing Amy's happy face, Fiona looked confused. Amy who used to look sad and always put on a 'it's okay' smile when she received threat this time looked very happy.

"Strange letter from your fans?"

Although only a few, Amy also occasionally received letter from her fans. The letter are quite 'unique'. Starting from praising Amy's character who is always right for the role of antagonist to those who openly ask Amy to create a scandal with an artist they hate.

Amy shook her head. Satisfied with teasing Fiona, Amy proudly show the paper containing Sherly's signature to Fiona.

"Tadaaaa.... This is my newest treasure, Sherly's autograph directly from her."

Fiona who is ready to ask where she get that immediately cut off with Amy's chatter.

"It's a long story.... I'll tell you later. Most importantly, please buy a frame for this. Ha ha ha.."

"Erick, you managed to change big sis mood instantly."

Miley praised Erick while clapping her hand. Erick just shrugged his shoulder.

"Just now you were sad then you were happy. Are you insane? Miley please check your sister's brain."

Miley imitating Erick can only shrug her shoulder while finishing her breakfast.

"I hope Sherly still in this film project."

Fiona chuckled and drag her to get ready.

"Come on, let's go!"

Amy still reluctant to go and just drag her feet following Fiona.

"You know how difficult it is for us to get this foreign brand contract. Look, Erick and Miley are about to leave the door."

Amy who saw her siblings in front of her parent's photo to say goodbye immediately followed them. But then she came back again because she saw that her siblings lunch boxes were still left behind.

"Miley, Erick wait... Both of you always... You missed your lunch box."

Fiona only smile faintly. Even though Amy busy and each has their own business, Amy always take the time to make food for her two younger siblings.

"Amy.... Amy... How long will you make them lunch. And sometimes you even take them to their workplace."

Miley suddenly replied Fiona word.

"I'm happy with this lunch."

Fiona just chuckled but Erick add Miley word.

"No problem, can save pocket money."

Amy who heard the praise from her siblings laughed out loud.

"Ha ha ha. Until Miley made lunch for her boyfriend and Erick had lunch from his girlfriend."

Seeing that three siblings Fiona could only shook her head.

"It's going to be difficult. Well, let's go."

Miley and Erick went first, followed by Amy and Fara who drove their car to the shooting location.

"Amy.... What are you thinking?"

Amy looked concerned while flipping her notebook.

"Just thinking about Uncle Benny and Aunt Kaitlyn."

Fiona sighed and look a little annoyed.

"Amy, stop thinking about other people. They are much better at dealing with this problem. For now, focus on your photo shoot first."

Amy still worried about them.


An idea came up so Amy could refocus. Fiona tried to tease her.

"You're thinking of them or..... Thinking of Keith."

Amy immediately turned to Fiona and started screaming.


Fiona laughed and Amy just pouting and looked outside the car while agree at Fiona word.

"I think you are right a little."

Fiona just shook her head.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Riiing..... Riiing...

Someone picked up the ringing cell phone that was near his hand.

"Keith.... I don't know what happened last night. I saw it on the news this morning. Please don't let papa know about this matter. I..."

He cut off Kaitlyn word.


Kaitlyn sound a little suprised.

"Honey? Why is Keith's phone on you?"

From outside someone opened the door.

"Pa, who's calling?"

Benny just stare blankly at Keith who just entered his room.

"I will be in the hospital soon."

Hearing his wife rushed, Benny trying to calm her down.

"Ha ha.... Just take it slow, I already know everything except the headline on the news this morning."

Keith was surprised hearing his father's statement. Hastily playing the television in front of him, he changed the TV channel until he found a news that was reporting about Sherly.

"You sure, you've asked them not to publish it."

Ignoring his father word, Keith grabbed the cellphone in his father's hand and tried to contact Sherly.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Sherly... Sherly I know you are in the room. Open the door dear."

Cyntia spoke quietly and tried to calm. When the door opened, Cyntia seemed to see a frightened little Sherly just like when her father had left her.

"Mom.... Sorry I didn't know that there would be reporter there... I.."

Feeling she was winning again her daughter, Cyntia hugged Sherly and smiled faintly.

"It's okay dear.... We'll think of a way to deal with them. We can do it."

Although she was still frustrated by the news, her anger disappeared when she saw her daughter fear.

"We'll try to think of a way. Okay..."

In her mother's arm Sherly just nodded slowly.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Still no respon?"

Keith is still pacing in front of his parents while trying to contact Sherly.

"Not yet mom."

Kaitlyn look worried.

"Earlier, I saw some reporter in front of the hospital."

Keith sat down and took a deep breath still trying to find a solution to his problem.

"I've spoken to the hospital director and apologize for any inconvenience that I've caused."

Suddenly, Benny came back with an idea that make his wife annoyed.

"How about we used my idea honey. How about Keith marrying Am..."

Kaitlyn close her husband mouth and smile nervously to her son.

"Papa..... Please don't think a weird idea."

Kaitlyn who wanted to hit Benny immediately stopped when she saw his hand still infused and trying to cover his face to avoid her punch.

Keith just sighed seeing his parent childish behavior and just looked at his cellphone again which was still not connected to Sherly.

"Have you tried calling Cyntia? Let me try to contact her."

Keith calmly answer his mother question.

"I already did it, still not connect-...."

Suddenly Keith's cell phone rang, seeing the name on the screen, he immediately picked it up.

"Auntie? Is Sherly okay?"

The silence in the room made Cyntia's voice clear.

"Sherli is fine. We are still thinking about how to deal with the reporter later."

Keith look glad hearing that.

"I'm sorry aunty... For not being careful, last night's incident became a problem for Sherly."

Keith worried again and feel guilty about the news.

"It's okay. I just want to ask for help, whatever statement later come out of Sherly, please accept it. And don't make your own statement for now."

Benny and Kaitlyn who heard that wanted to interrupt their conversation. But Keith asked them to be quiet for a while.

"Okay aunty... Can I talk to Sherly."

He just wanted to make sure that Sherly was right.

"Oh wait a minute."

After waiting for a while, Keith heard the voice he had expected to receive his call from this morning.


Keith leave the room when Sherly received his phone call.

"Sherly.... I'm sorry because of what happened last night you became..."

He can continued his word.

"No.... It's not your fault. It's me who..."

Sherly's voice trembling and Keith feel more guilty.

"Sherly.... I still wanna be with you, we can say that we are actually still together and that night was just a....."

Sherly cut him off again.

"Keith, sorry I can't yet..."

Hearing her refusal, Keith could only remain silent.

"Keith. I still wanna think about my true feeling but I still wanna remain friend with you."

Keith smile bitterly hearing her answer.

"Of course. If you need help, just say it. Okay?"

He trying to remain calm and gentle as he always do.

"Thank you Keith."

Keith returned to playing with his ring. In his mind he was just laughing at his decision. It was so easy for him to say he would be friend with her. In fact, he still want her.

Keith then entered the room, his parents' faces full of questions.

"Relax.... I'm fine. Sherly will get into a lot of trouble like that."

He smiled faintly trying not to worried his parent.

"Keith this is not your fault if there are reporter there."

Kaitlyn replied, looking worried.

"It's too suspicious right honey? The timing is to perfect."

Benny look concerned and feel this matter suspicious.

"Mom... Pa... Just don't think too much. Let's focus on papa's treatment. It seem that Dr. Jhon will be here soon."

Keith turned to his mother.

"Did you have breakfast mom? Let me take you to the cafeteria."

Seeing Keith trying to be strong, Benny felt sorry. He still felt strange about all the coincidence that had happened.

The timing is to perfect, he know his son well. He won't do reckless thing and making a huge news like this. Seeing his son who is currently powerless he really want to help solve this problem.

But he has to wait a little because Dr. Jhon just entered the room.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Sherly, don't worry, I will help answer if a reporter ask a question."

Sherry just nodded.

"We'd better get ready to go to the set."

Sherly didn't know that her mother already has a plan to increase her popularity.