
My Scandalous Love

"Amy, please marry my baby K? My son, Keith. Remember?" "Huh???" Amy, an artist who is "famous" because of the many scandals about her, suddenly gets an offer to marry her producer's son, Keith. Keith is a young doctor with an unquestionable family background. And without any doubt he disliked Amy and withouth doubt he won't marry her. Well, should we call it lucky or unlucky? Because as far as she know, Keith has a fiancé. Sherly, an artist with a lot of achievements who is so different to the controversial Amy. On the other hand, Amy really admires Sherly. "Uncle, it's August, it's not April Fool's." "You don't believe me? Wait for a month. Nah ... It's too long, only two weeks. If Keith comes to propose you himself. You have to accept it? Deal!" Her face looks confused, she admired him but he is also the fiancé of her favorite actress. Why did the producer ask her to marry his son? How could Keith want to marry Amy? What will happened to Sherly and Keith? "Huh? Uncle, wait!!" *Sorry if you find mistakes in my grammar. English is not my first language. Hope you enjoy the story. ¶^_^

NHN · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

10. Bad News or Good News

"Eeeh... Why do you have so many rings? Shouldn't you just have two! One for you and one for Sherly."

Surprised by his father voice, Keith accidentally dropped his ring box on his father's bed.


Benny tried to sit up but looked troubled, Keith who saw it then helped him to sit.

"You look like you've seen a ghost... Your mommy is going home, right?"

Benny looked around make sure that his wife was gone.

"I didn't wake up on purpose so that your mom wouldn't ask weird question."

Keith sighed and sitting back to his chair.

"Papa... Can you be a little serious?"

Benny look nervous hearing a serious tone from his son. He tried to turn his attention to something else. Then he saw the ring box opened and one of the ring fell right next to his hand.

"Wow, why are there so many ring? Keith this is a ring for Sherly right?"

Benny picked up the box which contained two neatly arranged rings. Before he could observe the shape, Keith had already snatched it from Benny's hand and put it back in his suit pocket.

Seeing another opportunity, Benny picked up a ring that was rolling near his hand.

"This one... Did you wanna give it to me?"

Keith took the last ring and put it in the same place as the ring box earlier.

"I messed up your proposal, huh?"

Wondering how he should answer his father question. Keith was silent.

"Sorry... I'll tell Sherly later that you rush to the hospital to..."

"Pa.... For the time being, just focused on resting. Don't worry about me."

This time, it was Benny who was silent, still not believing his son could worry about his condition.

"If it's because of me. Let me handle it. You don't have to worry. I'm still healthy and strong."

Keith, who didn't want to argue for too long, answered as briefly as possible.

"Sherly isn't with me anymore. So you don't have to take care of anything."

Before his father could say a word, Keith speak up again.

"And it's not your fault. Sherly has decided to return our engagement ring."

Still not believing what his son said, Benny refrained from asking further question. He know his son never joke about his relationship with Sherly.

Benny, who had hoped for good news from Keith, actually got the opposite news. But he was quite satisfied with Keith willing to talk to him a little.

"You have to take a rest again. I wanna call mom to let her know that you have awake."

Benny who was getting ready to sleep was confused to see Keith who came back again.

"Oh yeah don't tell mom, I haven't told anyone about this."

Benny's wide smile returned to his face. Tonight he would sleep soundly because for the first time in his life his son had a secret with him.

"Alright.... My baby K."

Keith just chuckled while helping his father to sleep.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"What kind of good news is this!!!!"

Cyntia who was still wearing her pajamas slamming her phone on the bed. She rushed out of the room and took the newspaper that was already on the dining table.

"What is this?"

This time Cyntia crumpled the newspaper in her hand and slammed it on the floor. The maid in her house who was preparing breakfast, picked it up to put it back on the table.

When her maid saw the article that Cyntia was reading, she knew why Cyntia was so angry.

"Shocking News!!! Sherly Reject Her Fiance's Proposal!!!"

This time her voice sounded like she was scolding someone. Cyntia rushed to her bedroom pick up her second phone and furiously calling someone.

"You're really crazy huh!!!! What's good news? I'll settle account with you later!! Remember that!!"

Without waiting for an answer she slam her phone back on the bed.

"Sherly.... What have you done? Why didn't you do what I've said?"

She took her phone back and typed something in her browser. She locked suprised about the hot search. And the worst there is a video. Without second think she played that video.

'Keith sorry, I can't accept your proposal. I want to make sure about my feeling first. I want to cancel our engagement. I'm so sorry...'

Cyntia repeated typed something, like she was researching whether the video was real or not.

Cyntia look so frustated. She then looked for her phone to call Sherly, she call her so many times but seem didn't reach her.

It took a moment until Sherly finally answered the phone.

"Morning mom?"

It was clear that Sherly had just woken up.

"Sherly, have you seen the news this morning?"

Cyntia hear her daughter was grunted.

"Mom... It's still early. And why do you always tell me to watch the news?"

Annoyed by Sherly's answer that had messed up her plan, she replied to her daughter's question in a high pitched tone.

"If you didn't show up with the shocking news. Mommy wouldn't have told you to look at the news now!!"

She immediately hung up the phone and left the house. It was very clear where her destination was going. Go pick up Sherly at their old house.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Both of her siblings seemed to be choking in shock at the sound of a loud scream from Amy.

"Big sis? Are you okay?"

Miley asked while wiping the food that was scattered in front of her.

"Sis, you want to give us heart attack?"

Erick looked annoyed because he spilled his drink on his breakfast. And make his breakfast turned in to porridge soup.

"Sorry... I was saw the shocking news... The news..."

Without waiting for Amy's explanation, both of her brother and sister guessed the news that their sister saw.

"Your scandal news again, this time what are you doing?"

Miley answered while giving half of her food to Erick. Erick who felt like he was getting a drop of water in the desert, cast a grateful glance at his sister.

"Or did you make a scandal with Wayne again, like that time? 'Amy's affair with Wayne was scandalous at hotel A'...

Miley nagging at her big sister who was still busy searching something in her phone.

"Even though, you just took Fiona there to meet his husband that time."

Erick chattered between his busy eating his half breakfast.

Amy confused whether to be happy or sad. Happy to see her siblings who didn't care about all the bad news. Or being sad because her siblings never hear a good news about their sister.

"You guys...."

The two siblings looked confused and asked in unison.

"Oh... Is not about you?"

Amy then showed a video to her two younger siblings. The video show two people in the restaurant.


They both shouted really loud, then continued to watch the video.

"Wait..... So they broke up!!"

This time, Erick yelled again. The usual expressionless Miley showed her curiosity and grabbed her sister's phone.

She repeated the video in her sister's phone and she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"So last night she didn't lose her ring but broke up with her fiance."

Amy and Miley was surprised with Erick statement. Amy immediately interrogated Erick.

"Since when did you get along with her!!"

Erick who was frightened saw Amy's serious face, trying to find the right word to carefully explain how they met that night.

"Aah so she came to your cafe, and you happened to serve her."

Erick feel relieved because her sister didn't ask a further question.

"Not only that, I also got something for you, sister."

He rummaged through his bag then he took out the paper he kept between his books.


Like seeing a treasure, Amy's eye turned in to bright and shining. Immediately she took the signature paper and looked at it with happiness.

"Ummm by the way...."

The two people who were still busy in their own world turned their head to Miley who was still seriously looking at the video.

"Sherly's fiance is.... Doctor Keith? As a Doctor Keith Huang?"

Erick who didn't know just shrugged his shoulder. Amy, who still couldn't believe that Miley was interested in a entertainment news, could only nod.

"Haaaah.... No wonder the nurses at the hospital are always excited every time there is Dr. Keith. This time, they will be even more excited because this news."

Amy who didn't understand her sister word feel curious.

"So you don't know who is Sherly's fiance?"

Miley chuckled and give Amy's phone back.

"Ck... Now I know sis. And I'm not interested."

Amy nodded again and suddenly she look shocked.

"Wait! Did you say nurse!!"

Erick almost spit his food because of Amy's loud voice.

"Big sis... You are loud today..."

Same like his little brother, Miley look a little suprised because Amy suddenly yelled at her. But then she smiled because Amy looked really cute with her confused expression.

"Yes, Sis. He is one of the specialist at the hospital where I did an internship."

Amy look more suprised with her sister news.

"What!!!!! I didn't know that!"

Sorry for my mistake about Keith's father name

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