
My Salvation Game Became true?!

New book by Bimo Zhijian, author of <My military branches can Evolve Infinitely>. This world, quietly enveloped by shadows, an invisible terror spreads among the crowd. The world seems to be plummeting into the abyss. Fang You, who could only cower at home to survive, got hold of a game about salvation, and from then on recruited Angel Envoys, built bases, and developed personnel, until one day, when the salvation organization "Torch" surfaced... Shocked by the world!

Bimo Zhijian · ACG
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141 Chs

Chapter 8: The Hunk From Heaven

Translator: 549690339


The thread snapped, and the eighteen Buddha Beads strung on the bracelet were propelled outward.

Time seemed to stand still.

Only the dimming bead with spreading cracks was flying through the air.

The beads shot out twenty or thirty meters.

Or they hit the bodies and faces of the two investigators, as if struck viciously by marbles.

A mark of blue appeared on Wei Nian's face.

He didn't care, just staring blankly at the broken Buddha Beads in his hand.

The pain in his heart was even more poignant.

He looked as if he had lost his soul.

This strand, blessed for twenty years, had actually broken?!

Mysterious Evil....

Mysterious Evil....

He vaguely saw it, a huge shadow not far away.

A monster with a big head resembling a tumor was roaring at them, its mouth opening and closing, extending threads like tentacles.

The scene in front of him was gradually distorting.

Noisy and sharp cries echoed in his ears.


Wei Nian suddenly snapped awake, biting his lips until they bled. He rushed forward, grabbed his dazed colleague Ke Yuan, slapped him twice on the face, and then yelled at him, "Run, get backup from headquarters!"

Ke Yuan, staggering some distance as he ran, started to come to his senses.

"Wei Brother, what about you?"

"Someone has to keep an eye on this Mysterious Evil, otherwise where will the backup find it when they arrive? Just make it quick, you hear?"

Wei Nian thought to himself that lighting a cigarette right now would look really cool.

But it was too late.

The Mysterious Evil had grown furious and extremely active; as the 'main culprit', he couldn't escape, nor did he want to.

If he left, an active Mysterious Evil would bring untold danger to the surroundings!

He didn't dare to imagine it.

Hopefully, his life could somewhat quell the Mysterious Evil's activity.

With such an end, he would not have let down his identity as an investigator.

In this life, no regrets.

Wei Nian stood in place, his black trench coat billowing in the wind, making a rustling sound.

Not far away, the huge and ugly shadow was slowly consuming what little distance remained.

The sky gathered dark clouds.

The sky turned even darker as if a storm were brewing, with Thunderbolts thundering.

The huge shadow suddenly halted.

It seemed to make a gesture as if looking up?

Wei Nian looked up as well.

This was a construction site, and beside him, a half-built building.

Surrounded by scaffolding.

Steel bars like a forest.

A silhouette stood atop it, its gaze seemingly.....facing the Mysterious Evil, a silhouette with only a shadow, from a distance.


Fifteen minutes earlier,

Within the building under construction, particles of light converged, outlining Black Blade's figure.

He was as vigilant as always.

His hand on the hilt of his sword, his gaze swept around, adeptly entering the 'Mysterious Evil tracking' mode.

Peering in the dark....bushi, Fang You, who had synchronized with the Angel Envoy's vision, sharply noticed a difference.

Last time,

Black Blade's Mysterious Evil tracking could only see faint, sparse, grey-black spots; it was only when the Mysterious Evil approached closely that one could see the corrupt wind swirling around it.

That is, Black Blade's point of arrival was only a dozen meters in a straight line away from the Knocking Child Mysterious Evil, barely enough to track it simply.

If it had been any farther, the clues might not have been sufficient.

But today,

In the field of vision, one could distinctly see the corrupt wind drifting towards the outside of the building, allowing one to determine the rough location of the Mysterious Evil with just a glance.

Black Blade looked for a moment, then turned off 'Mysterious Evil tracking'.

The turning on and off seemed smooth and natural....Fang You guessed, Black Blade was doing this to conserve energy.

He went unhurriedly to the highest point of this unfinished building.

There, the view opened up.

Black Blade once again activated 'Mysterious Evil Tracking,' revealing even more changes within Fang You's game interface.

Streams of filthy wind drifted, converging at a certain spot on the construction site, swirling around some unseen terrifying figure.

But Black Blade still saw more.

It was no longer just a few delayed claw marks, but rather... a complete trail left by the Mysterious Evil, like a drenched monster had passed by, leaving wet stains everywhere.

It existed for over ten seconds before vanishing from Black Blade's sight.

From the traces, it could be inferred that this Mysterious Evil creature was not small, and it probably was even stronger than the last one.

While Fang You was still pondering, Black Blade suddenly looked to one side.

At the entrance of the construction site, beyond the barricade, two figures walked in.

They wore black trench coats and strode purposefully into the site.

Fang You let out a "huh."

After a brief moment of thought, he issued a "standby" command to Black Blade.

It was the first time he had given an order, feeling a bit nervous, but then he saw Black Blade move to a slightly more concealed spot and just stand there, silently watching.

Watching the two below start to sprinkle powder, raise hands in prayer, and wear Buddha Beads.

"Is this how the guardians in this world exorcise Mysterious Evil from the shadows?"

"It seems a bit... ordinary."

He was going to say weak.

Perhaps, could these two just be very ordinary minor characters?


Wei Nian was an experienced investigator, definitely counted as an elite, having handled over ten cases of Mysterious Evil on his own.

His experience was far superior to that of newcomers like Ke Yuan.

Yet, the incident he encountered today still made his emotions fluctuate wildly, and those feelings continued to rise even after they fell.

The sudden appearance of a figure actually caught the attention of the Mysterious Evil?

More capable of attracting hatred than himself?

Was that possible?

He wasn't sure, but the next moment he widened his eyes as he saw a figure leap down from the roof!

Like a fierce man descending from the heavens.

The chilling intent spread, stirring up the wind and clouds.


Black Blade stepped on the scaffolding, nearly breaking the bamboo structure, and even though his physique didn't appear strong, in that moment he seemed like a charging battle tank.

His eyes focused solely on the sinister gray shadow.

Before he reached it, his blade had already cut through the air.

Elemental Slash!

A blood-red halo emerged on the blade, quickly spreading across the entire blade even faster and smoother than the last time.

The color also deepened!

With proficiency in Elemental Slash, Black Blade was freer in its execution, not needing a specific stance to begin, not needing to stand still.

He charged through, his blade slashing out.

Then came chopping, sweeping, flicking, cutting, one technique after another, falling swiftly.

Although it was prefixed with "basic," his technique was still incredibly sharp, with bursts of cold light, and the basic blade moves interspersed with Elemental Slash.

Basic attack, basic attack, basic attack, ultimate!

Then continue with basic attacks!

Slicing through the gray-black mist that resembled seaweed, Fang You thought he could almost hear a sharp shriek, but it came to an abrupt halt.

The battle blade with its blood-red glow chopped downward from above.


The faint shadowy outline seemed to become clearer, and the grotesquely large head howled, before bursting apart the next moment.

On the game interface, Fang You was somewhat surprised.

Three Elemental Slashes, over a dozen basic attacks... Black Blade's displayed combat power, the visual impact, was much more impressive than the first time.

The skill upgrades made his fighting smoother, and it seemed there was also an effect that reduced consumption.

Unfortunately, Fang You didn't have any skills and couldn't experience it firsthand.

He could only sigh and say, "Black Blade is awesome."

Truly worthy of being trained by his very own savior.


Descending from the sky!

Slashing at Mysterious Evil!

Where did this fierce person spring from?

No, could this even be done by a human!

Wei Nian's eyeballs bulged, staring as Black Blade sheathed his sword and gradually disappeared from view, leaving him dumbfounded for a good while before he finally snapped back to reality, slapping his head, "Damn! I forgot to thank this brother for saving my life."

"But this brother, what a true man indeed!"