
My Runes Can Be Upgraded

Condition 1: Collect 1 Yellow Turban Soldier’s Rune (Completed) Condition 2: Defeat 100 Runic Monsters Solo (Completed) Condition 3: Kill Wild Boars in One Strike 5000 times (Completed) Condition 4: Consume 10 Runic Pills (Completed) Your Rune Can Now Be Upgraded.

Angry Laugh · Games
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1252 Chs

Level Up, Elf Girl 3

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

This time, Wu Wei was not just dodging the attack.

At this moment, Wu Wei's attention was completely focused on the archer captain.

As he dodged, Wu Wei tried to close the distance between him and the other party. At the same time, Wu Wei opened his right palm, and the thunder spirit energy in his body gathered bit by bit in his palm.

At this moment, Wu Wei only had 876 points of lightning attribute spiritual power left. Wu Wei poured all of them into it.

As this spiritual power poured in, a moment later, a phantom of lightning appeared in Wu Wei's palm.

At the same time, the distance between Wu Wei and the archer captain was closing.

The distance between Wu Wei and the archer captain was getting closer and closer, and time was passing by.

Three minutes passed quickly.

Once the cooldown time was up, the archer captain opened his bow and arrow without hesitation, injecting the spiritual energy in his body into it.