
My Reincarnation Is As Abnormal As I Expected

Before reading the synopsis, I will warn you in advance. This fic has NO NTR. However, for you, who think that having your BIOLOGICAL SISTER raped is NTR, not TRAGEDY, this won't be your cup of tea. Also, the TRAGEDY — which many people like to call NTR, despite not being one — only happens in the Prologue — the MC's past life. What can I say? A great hero needs a tragic background! This fic is made to be light-hearted. MC will get the girls, and many surprises later. --- In my life, I have been taught that the world is only one. I believe that. The logic behind that notion is sound. Upon growing up, some people say there is a parallel universe, where many things we don't think exist exist. I have always brushed the notion off, and laughed it off. However, upon dying myself, I get to know that the notion is ridiculously true. ... "Ugghh! Who is the imbecile that ran over me?!" "Oh, my God! I'm sorry. Are you okay, kid?" "What do you think?" "You look ... fine?" I was so outraged that I passed out. Later, when I woke up at the hospital, the lady who had run over me was by the side of my bed. Finding her somehow familiar, I asked her name. She answered simply, "Hiratsuka Shizuka." I was confused. The lady was confused. The Four Dimensional Beings got confused. What the fuck just happened?! --- This fiction is made when I need escape from my premium novel—visit my profile and boost the viewer count! Therefore, the update will not be stable. I can't guarantee a beautiful plot either. I have warned you. Disclaimer: Cover doesn't belong to me. I wish I could draw, but reality is harsh.

Frona_Gorgophone · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Romeo And Juliet (End)

[Christine Sasaki's POV]

What I am about to tell you, Four Dimensional Beings, is my past. The past that one ever knows, not even Chris, my beloved psychopath.

It was all started when I was 6. It was the day of my parents' death. I broke down in tears, not because I was sad for their death.

I broke down in tears, because Chris would grow without parents. He would never experience the warmth of parent's love. I was sad, because of this.

But, my brother, Chris, didn't even cry at that time. He merely looked around in curiosity, as if he was puzzled why everyone was crying.

Anyone might attribute it to his innocence. However, I knew Chris wasn't innocent anymore. He already knew what death is, at that point.

Gosh, he had even killed four squirrels so far, for the sake of "experiment". However, I had always attributed it to a child's curiosity.

Chris didn't kill all those four squirrels brutally. He had sedated them, before gutting them. Our parents are both doctors, so they have taught Chris, the brightest child, many things, including that.

However, that day, upon seeing Chris' lack of emotion, I realized he was not normal. Therefore, I was determined to teach him how to "feel".

Alas, the outcome wasn't as I expected.


One day, I was absent from school, because I had to work in an hour. The money our parents left behind was already thinning. I, as the older sibling, needed to work to pay for both of our living cost.

Suddenly, I heard someone rang the bell. I ran to the door, and opened it.

Without saying anything, a tall man with a big build wearing a black suit came inside. I was bewildered, but I was not afraid.

I was ready to kill the man with the butterfly knife I always carried in my pocket.

"Before you think I want to do something to you, I will tell you my business." The tall man looked at me. "I am Dr. Sasaki's friend. I am here to tell you the truth."

I was confused. So, I just closed the door, and told him to take a seat. The stupid me even served him a tea. Luckily, he was the real deal. He wasn't lying when he said he knew my father.

Then, he revealed the truth.

"Sasaki Kureo is our country's most prided researcher. He was dumped from Japan, due to his crazy idea. However, our country is different. Upon hearing his idea, we quickly took him in."

"Wait... Researcher? I'm afraid I don't know about any of this."

Without any care, the man resumed, "He was researching DNA modification. He left behind so many legacies, the project is still ongoing up till now, even after his death."

He looked at me straight in the eyes. "You are financially struggling, aren't you?" I nod. "I am here to offer you something."

"I am not as smart as my brother, in case you didn't know." The man nodded. "I know."

This son of a bitch didn't even sugarcoat things. I really wanted to stab him with my butterfly knife!

"I am not here to offer you the chance to be our researcher. We have many people in that field already. I have said your father had left behind many legacies behind, haven't I?"

I nodded my head in confirmation.

"One of them is your brother. Unlike you, his DNA has been modified since he was in the womb. Chris, your brother, was your father and mother's experiment. Therefore, I am here to offer your brother to be our agent."

I was shaken, and angry at the same time. My brother, Chris, was treated like a thing!

No wonder they had taught so many things since childhood. They had been raising him to become a supersoldier!

"I know you are mad. However, it wasn't a bad thing. Just look at your brother. He has never struggled in life, even once."

That was my breaking point. "Excuse me?! He has never struggled in life? Hah! I can't believe you have the audacity to say that."

I glared at the man. "Chris is always alone, because he knows he is different! He never enjoys himself, because nothing can stimulate him! He has never struggled in life? What a joke! Living itself is a suffering for him!"

The man looked at me stoically, before taking a out a map out of his suit. It was a contract.

"Dr. Sasaki and his wife died of assassination, due to his research. Both of your life are in danger. Sign this contract, become our agent, and one of your life will be guaranteed."

I laughed in disbelief. "You, motherfucker. How could you..." I broke down in tears in the end.

The situation was pretty much do or die. "Does it have to be my brother?" I looked at him with puffy eyes.

"He is preferable. However, if you can pass some of our test, you will be allowed to replace him." The man took out another map, and gave it to me. "Take this test first, before signing the contract."

I nodded my head, and took the map in my hand. Upon opening it, some complex maths and physics problems were laid in front of my eyes.

I knew it would be easy for Chris. But, it was so difficult for me. So, I cursed under my breath.

At that time, I was so pessimistic. I didn't believe I would pass. I was cursing the world. It was unfair.

I just wanted Chris to have a normal life. I didn't want him to become a killer machine. He was pretty much a machine already with his steadiness.

But, so many things stood on my way.

I looked up to the man. "What do I have to do after I pass the test?"

"You will undergo a DNA modification, before being trained to become our agent."

"Does that mean I can have children with my brother without fearing any birth defect?" I was seriously asking him.

"Your brother has been genetically modified. Even if you don't receive any DNA Modification, you can still have children with your brother."

I nodded. That was enough. Love can do everything, and I am sure I would pass the test because of it. True to my expectation, I passed the test, albeit barely.

I signed the contract, and I became their agent right after.


Unknowingly, two years had passed since I signed the contract.

Today, Chris was involved in a trouble. A man tried to mug him, and he resisted. Unluckily, the man lost his grip on his knife, and Chris decided to gut the man's intestines out, with it.

We went to the psychiatrist to check his mental health, and he turned out to be a psychopath. I was devastated. I failed in my attempt to make him "normal".

Chris was still 19 at that time, and his brain wasn't fully developed yet. He must have many chaotic thoughts roaming in his head. If he had been an agent like me, he would never have any of that.

His chaotic thoughts would be satiated in every mission he took. However, he wasn't an agent.

Therefore, I poured him my attention more than before. I stayed closer to him, I teased him almost everytime, and I spent all of my vacant time with him.

I needed to distract him from those thoughts.

As I expected, even after Chris didn't need any distraction from his chaotic thoughts, I still couldn't stay away from him. My attempt on making him to "feel" backfired on me.

I had realized it long ago. My love on him isn't a familial love anymore.

I love him as a man.

Therefore, I chose to distract myself the agent way. I need to make it as if I was doing a mission. So, I married an idiotic man I casually picked to become a reminder.

Yes, just a reminder. I did nothing for him, except for marrying him. I didn't even let him touch my hand.

That idiot's existence was merely for reminding me to not cross the line with Chris. I had a marriage to maintain, and I couldn't ruin it by fucking with my brother, despite us having no DNA relation anymore.

However, as always, I couldn't hold myself back.

A crazy thought fleet in my mind. That was, to fake my death, and run away with my brother. That way, I could be free from my agent duty, and every shackles this world put on me.

I could finally fuck with Chris! Hell, yeah!

The plan began in the middle of autumn. I hired one of our organization's researchers to duplicate my face. Thanks to my father's legacy, it was done easily.

I snooped around a random drug cartel, and blackmailed the boss. I looked for a random slut whose body resembled me, told the cartel's boss to fuck her to death, before sending himself in.

Even though he sent in his subordinate instead, he did what I told him.

I took the slut's body from his place, and gave it to the researcher I had hired. He peeled off the slut's face, and replaced it with my duplicated face. It took three days to perfectly cover it up.

To ruin someone's life, I hired a prostitute to take the sperm sample of the pathologist that would definitely perform an autopsy on my body.

When I got that in my hand, I injected it to my fake body's cervix. Then, I sent the body to the police.

My plan was done, I was already "dead". It just needed to carry my runaway plan after that.

Of course, I need to get rid of the last problem first.

I had killed all of the people who was targeting Chris' and my life. We had no one chasing our asses anymore. But, the organization was reluctant to let go of me.

I had performed so well, I became their BEST agent.

Therefore, I needed to kill the bitches chasing on my ass. They definitely knew what I was up to. Long story short, a week was all I need to get rid of them.

However, upon returning from cleaning trip, a news hit me hard in my solar plexus.

[Chris Sasaki (26), a young Billionaire was involved in a mass shooting. He shot a total of 346 prisoners, and successfully eradicating 48 members of a drug cartel, before dying in a car crash.]

My eyes were glued on the news broadcast.

[All of this was done, because his sister, Christine Sasaki (28), was raped and killed by the the leader of the said cartel.]

I should have known that. Chris wasn't normal. I should've remembered Chris could make a way better agent than me. I should've remembered Chris could easily do that.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In one hand, I was glad Chris valued me that much. But, in the other hand, I was sad because all of my plan was in vain!

My beloved psychopath was dead! I couldn't fuck with him!

I couldn't help it, and I killed myself. However, I didn't die. I woke up as a new person.

Upon waking up, I became the 15 year old Yukinoshita Yukino.


[Hikigaya Hachiman's POV]

Christine keeps talking about her past. Everything she has said so far really caught me off guard. I don't really know how to react.

Should I be grateful that all of those horrible things didn't happen to her or should I be mad because I had been lied to in my entire life?

"You know, I kinda feel disappointed at you. Rather than testing the DNA of the body you saw, you decided to pull a John Wick instead." Christine pouts.

The audacity if this bitch! I really want to slap this bitch to death! But, she is my soul-sister. I can't just disrespect her.

"Why did you expect I would check the DNA? You had the same posture, and the same face."

Christine frowns. "You are an EXTREMELY careful individual. So, I thought you would do that." She shrugs.

Phew... It's getting unbearable. My urge to slap this woman senseless starts getting over me. I have to calm myself down. I still have some things to confirm.

"So, you made a cartel boss killed an innocent—"

"She's not innocent. She's a slut."

"Okay. You killed a slut." Christine nods cheerfully. "You also made a scapegoat out of the innocent pathologist. Before you tell me, I know he wasn't so innocent. So, stop correcting me."

I looked her in the eyes, and sigh once again. "Did I just mass murdered unrelated people, because of your 'death'?"


"Do you feel any remorse?"

"I don't."

"Well, me too."

"We're good, then." Christine smiles cheerfully.

I exhale heavily, approach her, before putting my hands on her shoulders. Then, I shake her body vigorously.

"Give me back my tears, bitch! I have cried in vain!"

I am enraged!

She faked her death, and I thought it was real. I avenged her, and died in the process. In result, she killed herself, due to her sorrow over my death.

All of that happened, because some fucking agents delayed our meeting!

What is this story?! Romeo and Juliet?!

And.. done. Did you expect that?

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