
My Reincarnation Is As Abnormal As I Expected

Before reading the synopsis, I will warn you in advance. This fic has NO NTR. However, for you, who think that having your BIOLOGICAL SISTER raped is NTR, not TRAGEDY, this won't be your cup of tea. Also, the TRAGEDY — which many people like to call NTR, despite not being one — only happens in the Prologue — the MC's past life. What can I say? A great hero needs a tragic background! This fic is made to be light-hearted. MC will get the girls, and many surprises later. --- In my life, I have been taught that the world is only one. I believe that. The logic behind that notion is sound. Upon growing up, some people say there is a parallel universe, where many things we don't think exist exist. I have always brushed the notion off, and laughed it off. However, upon dying myself, I get to know that the notion is ridiculously true. ... "Ugghh! Who is the imbecile that ran over me?!" "Oh, my God! I'm sorry. Are you okay, kid?" "What do you think?" "You look ... fine?" I was so outraged that I passed out. Later, when I woke up at the hospital, the lady who had run over me was by the side of my bed. Finding her somehow familiar, I asked her name. She answered simply, "Hiratsuka Shizuka." I was confused. The lady was confused. The Four Dimensional Beings got confused. What the fuck just happened?! --- This fiction is made when I need escape from my premium novel—visit my profile and boost the viewer count! Therefore, the update will not be stable. I can't guarantee a beautiful plot either. I have warned you. Disclaimer: Cover doesn't belong to me. I wish I could draw, but reality is harsh.

Frona_Gorgophone · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Coping Mechanism

Tonight is the second night after Christine's confession. Contrary to my expectation, I can't just get over it easily. There is something bothering me, and I don't even know what it is.

I hate this new brain of mine. It creates too many illusion of emotion. Despite so, this extent of emotional conflict is unusual. Even in this world, I am still a psychologically tested psychopath.

Although I "feel" more than I used to; compared to other people, I am still lacking. So, what I am currently undergoing is not normal.

Maybe, it's due to my first time of being betrayed. I am mad, disappointed, and sad at the same time. I just don't know what should I do to get rid of these three feelings.


Emotion can go fuck themselves! I don't need them! I already have Shizuka who supplies all kinds of emotion that genuinely amuse me.

We are currently in the living room, sitting in the sofa, while facing each other. I have a guitar in my hand, and my corny ass is ready to sing.

But first, I have to tune this newly bought acoustic guitar of mine. I strum my guitar once, and twist the tuner of every string that is slightly out of tune. When everything is ready, I start playing.

"You are good." Shizuka is surprised. I merely smile, and say, "Wait till you hear I sing."

Shizuka's smile slightly faltered. Ah, the prejudice. She must be thinking my vocal technique is shit. Well, it's time to prove her wrong.

Utilizing my vocal cords to the best, I let my trained baritone voice out, and start singing.

"En palabras simples y comunes, yo te extraño~ En lenguaje terrenal, mi vida eres tú~ En total simplicidad, sería: yo te amo~ Y en un trozo de poesía, tú serás mi luz, mi bien~~~"

Shizuka widens her eyes in surprise. Indeed, my voice when I speak is different from my voice when I sing. Though both sound sexy, my vocal technique bestows my singing voice a certain attractiveness.

While Shizuka is admiring my singing skill, I am looking directly at her face. This former ever-single beautiful woman really makes the best expression. She expresses herself freely; uncaring towards her image. She is true to herself.

Whenever I see her, I am constantly reminded, I didn't make a wrong choice.

It seems only a minute passed, yet the song has ended. Shizuka claps her hands softly at first, due to her surprise; before loudly clapping her hands.

"Alright, girl. That's enough." I hold Shizuka's hands, so she stops clapping. "Clapping too loud also means an insult."

"Hey, I am not insulting you! I'm praising you!" Shizuka replied indignantly.

"I know." I chuckle slightly. "Were you too entranced by my performance, you forgot how to clap earlier?" I am referring to her previous dazed look.

"Oh, that... Uh..." Shizuka scratches her cheek awkwardly. At this point, I can easily say something is not right. "I was just too overwhelmed, I guess? You sang greatly, but I didn't understand what you were singing."

Shizuka observes my expression carefully, and I merely chuckle in amusement. As expected, being together with this girl never gets boring.

"I guess, I'm sorry. I didn't know you you don't understand Spanish."

"Well, now you know. But, I didn't know you speak Spanish too. Now, I know. So, it's a win-win for us." Shizuka shrugs.

I look at her silently, before putting down my guitar. I have made a decision, and now I'm going to do it.

With Shizuka's curious eyes planted on me, I stand from the sofa. Scooping her up, I immediately princess-carry her.

"W-what?" She is bewildered, for sure. But I have no intention to explain anything to her. I will let my action do it in my stead. Looking down at her, I say seriously, "I have become a paper. I want to be glued to you."

It takes a few seconds for Shizuka to process it, before her face became a living volcano. I smirk, before going to the bedroom.

That night, I do the exact same thing I have said to her. Our body is glued to each other for the entire night.

Yes, you are not wrong, Four Dimensional Beings. We spend our night cuddling with each other!


Morning has come, and two days are left until the opening ceremony. As a teacher, Shizuka has to go to the school even before new term starts. There are many things she has to prepare as a homeroom teacher.

So, now I am left with my weird-ass brown furred cat, Raphtalia.

"Nyaa~" she said.

"Nyaaa." I replied.

"Nyaaaaaaaa." She exclaimed.

"Nya~!" I retorted.

"Nyaa~ nya~ nyaaa!" She rebutted.

I want to rebuke her, but then I realized I'm speaking with a cat. This little shit played her game smoothly, she had me in the first half. I believe she didn't understand a thing what I said.

"You're dumb, after all. Right, Raphtalia?"


Raphtalia has just protested, and I can understand it.

Ah, now I get it.

My intelligence is so out of this world, I can even understand a cat! Yes, this is the only explanation. As expected of me!

Gah! Damn it! I need to do something to avoid staying idle. The more I spend doing nothing, the crazier I become. Therefore, I am going to the gym!

Swiftly dressing myself up in my training outfit, I ride my Saber-chan to the gym.

Upon arriving at the gym, I am met with a scene so rare, it is bordering legendary.

Asako dressed herself politely and properly!

"Oh, Hachiman?"

"No, I'm Batman."

"Quit your joke, idiot. It's not funny anymore."

I shrug. She's smiling, so she is contradicting herself. I drop my training bag, and do some stretching; completely ignoring Asako who is about to leave.

Everyone is strangely busy today. So, I'm going to indulge myself in workout. But, Asako seems to have a different mind. She grabs my shoulder, and look at me deep in the eyes.

"I would gladly fuck you, if I was single. But, I am no more."

Asako blinks her eyes, before laughing loudly. "What are you talking about, brat? I'm not asking you to fuck." She wiped the imaginary tears from the corner of her eyes, before continuing, "I'm going to play Airsoft. Wanna join?"

That managed to catch my interest. Although there is a shooting range in Chiba, I am not allowed to hold a gun yet. Well, I can squiggle my way in, actually. But, it's too much of a hassle for a mere hobby.

Airsoft is a good alternative. So, I shrug, and accept the deal. "Count me in." Asako smiles widely, and gropes my ass.

Yeah, the harassment doesn't stop.


SEALs Survival Game Field, Oguracho, Wakaba-ku, Chiba.

We have finally arrived at the Airsoft Field.

Asako, knowing that I ride a bike going to her gym, asked—means forced—me to ride her to this place. Apparently, this shameless woman has asked me to join her because she just wanted me to ride her here.

I'm not disappointed. I have expected something like this would happen.

Of course, in every clouds there is a silver lining. I got to buy two airsoft guns in the way, because of it. If Asako had been the one who drove me, I would have to rent the guns this place provides. Though usable, the quality isn't so satisfying.

"Come on! The briefing will start in three minutes." Asako shouted.

"Aye, aye, Captain!" I lazily replied.

"I can't hear you!"

"Don't go SpongeBob on me!"

With Asako in lead, we pass through the entrance. We take our equipments out, before gearing ourselves up.

I have EMG Helios Bolt DDM4 Dagger RISII-7 Airsoft Rifle, and Umarex Glock 19 Gen 3 Airsoft Pistol with me. In the other hand, Asako has ARES SR25-M110K Airsoft Sniper Rifle with her.

Both of us are dressed in black t-shirts under a black vest, and black military pants and boots. To describe our appearance simply, we look like police in action.

With a full-faced mask in our hand—we don't want to wear it yet—we head to the field. Upon entering the field, there are already many people there. As expected, most of them are men, and none of them know Asako.

Well, that is until someone someone comes at us, and calls Asako out.

"Asako! You are late!"

"Ku-ku-ku! I am just on time, Julia. I'm not late!"

The person named Julia is an attractive woman with long curly blonde hair, blue eyes, a mole under her left eye, and a well endowed figure. I feel bad for Shizuka, but Julia's bust completely outclasses hers.

She dressed herself in the same outfit as ours. Though shorter than Asako—she is around 172 centimeters tall—she is still tall as a woman.

"How many times do I have to tell you my name is Yuria?!" Julia sighs, then turns her head to me. "Hm? You are?"

As she is Caucasian, I introduce myself in English. |Hikigaya Hachiman. A pleasure to meet you.|

|Oh! So, you're the one Asako often talks about. I am Julia Bardera.| She stops, then clicks her tongue. |I mean, Yuria Harudera. I have long thrown away that name ever since I stay in Japan.|

That's an interesting trivia. |Both are fine, in my opinion. But, I prefer to call you JB. Are you okay with that?|

Julia is hesitating. |Can't you just call me Yuria?| I shrug. |I'll call you Titty Blonde, then.|

Julia is horrified. However, even before she can protest, Asako beats her to it. She laughs loudly making Julia's face burning in embarrassment.

"Kuhahaha! I have told you to never argue with him!" Asako is still laughing, while holding her stomach. "Well, at least you got a new name." Asako calms her laughter down, before wiping the tears from the corner of her eye.

Turning her head to me, Julia glares at me sharply—while blushing, of course. "You can call me JB!"

Giving her a thumb, I reply in kind. "Okay."

Soon enough, the referee calls everyone, and the briefing of the match starts.

I won't update any chapter until Sunday night—hopefully. I will have JLPT in Sunday. So, my study is getting more intense. I need it for one of my Scholarship requirements, and I can't fail it.

Have a good evening, everyone!

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