
My reincarnation: A parents wish

Hello readers....umm i would say this is my first work so it is not going to be that good but i gave a try maybe you can too. its about a young man given a second chance at life after suffering in his first one in a bed. he gets to decide what kind of world he will transmigrate into. for now he is just a boy trying to learn more about his fantasies but who knows what is in store for him in his fate. lets follow him and uncover his mysteries along with him as he journey through the new world.

Anupam_Singh_7408 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

chapter 16

The time is morning and we can see Dale packing his things reminding us that today is the day he will venture into the mountains.

After packing he took a small bath because he was all sweaty from doing all the packing, dissembling the tent was the most difficult and strength plus time consuming task.

After taking his bath he wore his armoured clothes and went on towards the direction of the mountains, from here he could still see those things flying, and sometimes releasing an attack or two at the each other or towards the ground.

Thinking what it could be on the ground that they were attacking, he continued on his journey.

After a while his attention was taken by a lion like beast not too far from him, it was tailing a big herd of bison, as it got closer and closer the bison keeping a watch on its surroundings noticed it and alerted the herd to run.

Seeing them run the beast also ran as fast as it could, in all that commotion one or two bison like beasts were left a bit behind making any one of them the beast's target.

The one closer got chosen and the lion jumped at its top trying to bring it down biting at the back of its neck with all its might to not get thrown away.

After a bit of struggle the beast was finally on the top of bison biting its neck from the front to end its life and securing today's food.

Seeing the fight was over he focused his concentration towards his destination again.

After a while of walking he saw the herd that was attacked again and got a funny idea, sneaking towards them he got closer and closer to them after getting somewhat close he roared, "ROAAAR". The whole herd got panicked and ran in different direction.

Snickering Dale got away from them and returned on his path to the mountains, his journey was smooth from there not encountering a thing he arrived at the base of the mountains but it was evening, time for him to start cooking.

Setting up the fire and meat on it, he went to scout the area near him for a source of water or a path up the mountain.

Circling the base for an hour now he found a road going up the mountain, climbing on it he went ahead to explore the path he will probably take tomorrow.

In the next one hour he explored it and didn't find anything dangerous so he returned which took total 2 more hours and he reached just in time to see his food cooked and ready to eat.

Serving himself he enjoyed his food and took out a sleeping bag to sleep. He didn't set up the tent because tomorrow morning he will move up the mountains.

Next morning he set up his breakfast to cook first then did his meditation, bath and all other things he usually does.

Till his breakfast was ready he roamed about here and there randomly, after two hour he had his breakfast packed his things and went towards the location he found the road which went up the mountain.

In two hours he was at it going up the mountain, walking was the only thing he had to do for now which made it boring but what could he do except walking some more.

Sometimes he walked sometimes he ran but it will definitely take more time for him to reach a flat land, as he went on he started encountering small scaled chickens with smaller front limbs decorated with more smaller claws.

Every time he came across one he would just swat it down the mountain and if he did nothing it will jump at him and try to bite off his flesh.

After a while they were increasing in numbers but it didn't change a thing he just had to use more strength to sweep them aside.

After a few more hours he came across a small flat surface, he checked the sun to estimate the time.

It was an hour before evening, he decided he will rest here for today night, for now he just drank some water to quench his thirst and sat on a rock resting for next 1 hour. After an hour he lit the fire with the wood he stored beforehand and placed the meat on it to cook.

After setting it all he went to edge of the platform and sat down hanging his legs down the platform's edge, swinging them to and fro enjoying the winds and view from here.

Sitting there just like that for next 4 hours he relaxed, after four hours when the smell was starting to tickle his nose he got up from his place and served himself.

Eating here next to a fire would have been an uplifting experience for him but after experiencing it so many times he only got the feeling of loneliness.

After eating his food he went ahead and took out his sleeping bag placing it near the fire and slept tightly in it.

Next morning the sun woke him up. The embers of the fire he had lit were giving light warmth in this cold weather.

Getting out of the sleeping bag he yawned and stretched a bit, then he went to sit near the edge cross-legged going on with his meditation.

After an hour he opened his eyes and took out a portion of cooked meat he saved yesterday for a light breakfast, eating his fill he got ready packing all his stuff in his inventory.

Continuing one the road he again encountered the creature he met yesterday, again swatting it away effortlessly.

As he went on in a few hours he came across a bigger flat area with a cave at its inner end.

In the cave he was able to notice a head which looked somewhat like a lizard head but it was a bit rocky.

Not minding a bit he was content that he got his first target, going a few steps closer to the cave roared which made the beast come out showing it full appearance.

Seeing it one could say it was the cousin of the lizard in the plains because just as it got out it fired sharp rock projectiles at him which he dodged with a difficulty as they were a few of them coming at him at the same time.

Taking out his claws he charged at it and attacked its lower jaw but its defences were more robust than the one he encountered in the savannahs.

The scales on its body were covered in multiple layer of rock which were also in the shape of his scales making an illusion from afar that its scales were super tough.

Seeing that his attack was not up to the mark he took out his double axe and attacked again, this time the result was better.

Concluding it was better to fight with a weapon, he decided to continue. After an hour he had to retreat again as the lizard has fired its projectiles at him again.

As he tried to dodge the attack he was unlucky and got hit with a smaller one in his left hand.

He removed it from his hand and threw it to the side the he drank two potions in a row, one to close the wound and another to stop the bleeding.

He did all this while running away from the lizard which was at his tail trying to bite off his head.

After drinking the potions he turned back and ran under the lizard slicing easily its neck which was free from any scales while quickly getting away too, so as to not get crushed under it.

Resting for a while calming his breath he threw the lizard down the mountain not needing its meat or anything except the crystal.

Which he absorbed before the evening. He decided to stay here and take a break for rest of the day.

Fighting this beast he was exhausted too, but the place the projectile hit was giving his pangs of pain every once in a while. Probably the beast's mana doing its work.

This was the main reason he didn't continue his journey, slowly setting up his dinner to get it cooked he grunted randomly in pain, after the set up was ready he got to the side and circulated his own mana in the place he got hit.

Which increased the duration between the times at which pain arose to 1 hour making it uniform. Till his food got ready he just circulated his mana around his injury gaining some respite.

After 4 hours his food was ready and he was not in the mood to savor it so eating it quickly he went inside his sleeping bag curling up.