
My reincarnation: A parents wish

Hello readers....umm i would say this is my first work so it is not going to be that good but i gave a try maybe you can too. its about a young man given a second chance at life after suffering in his first one in a bed. he gets to decide what kind of world he will transmigrate into. for now he is just a boy trying to learn more about his fantasies but who knows what is in store for him in his fate. lets follow him and uncover his mysteries along with him as he journey through the new world.

Anupam_Singh_7408 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

chapter 15

Next morning he woke up a bit late due to the activities he did yesterday, it was around 10 when he woke up. Still a bit groggy he laid for 10 more mins.

Getting up he went out and sat near the river closing his eyes to meditate, after an hour of meditating, he removed his clothes and went down into the pond.

A few minutes later he was out all wet water dripping from his hair and body, water tracing his beautiful face and chiselled but scared body, still this scene may make maidens feel something in their chest and some older ones down there too.

Two years of fighting wild beasts has made his body like this, now he was not the week little boy he was when he came here, now you could say by just looking at him that he was a born fighter.

Drying himself he wore his clothes then lighting up a fire for his breakfast he took out a piece of meat and placed it on the fire.

While rolling it he recalled his plans of moving to the mountains at the end of this month and staying there for one more month. Then, from there he would set out towards the human civilization finally to check if he could get to join an educational institute to learn spells.

A week of this month has already passed and from the start of the last week he will take the bloodline of the strongest beast here, which is the one he had been fighting from the last week and will fight today too.

Even though thinking all this took some time when he was out of his world his breakfast was also ready, removing the outer inedible layer he ate the tender meat which was hidden deeper in it.

Having his fill he rested for an hour then did some stretches and went on for a fight, after a short distance he saw one target from afar and took out his weapon running at it on his full speed.

In a while the beast also saw him running at it and got up for a potential fight. Dale reaching it jumped at it but was surprised from the lack of attack from the beast side, you could say in his overconfidence he didn't see the paw coming for him from the left sneakily.

He got hit and flew a good distance away bouncing on the ground for small distance too, his mind was in daze but he tried to get up and take a stance as was able to hear the heavy footsteps of the beast coming for him.

When he got up the beast again attacked him with its paws but this time he deflected it with his weapon, taking some time to get out of the dazed state he was in he dodged as fast as he could.

After getting out of it he fiercely attacked it pushing it back with every move he made, sometimes he missed and got attacked himself, but most of the time it was him that pushed it back.

As it went on for a while he decided to jump at it again, so he took some distance and jumped but the timing of it was not good as he got hit again, this time it just gazed him but he still got thrown a few meters away.

Getting up quickly he charged at it again struck at its front legs, making it stagger for a moment. Seeing that this was more effective, he repeatedly tried to strike at that place but the beast being smarter guarded those places not letting him land a single hit.

He tried striking it at that place a few more hours but the beast was adamant about it so he also gave up on it, and attacked the places which it would not guard to slowly make it bleed out or create a distraction using which he could bring it down.

Going after it sides, tail and the side of its face relentlessly he finally made it angry and it went on full offensive.

At first he was having too much trouble avoiding its attacks but slowly- slowly he got the pattern behind it and took some more time to adjust perfectly.

Confidant he made his move, going under it he jumped higher than any star NBA player could and slashed its throat finally finishing it.

As the beast was big he took the blood he will need next week from this one and waited for it completely bleed out.

Noticing that it would definitely take some hours he dragged it along him towards his camp site, arriving there placing the beast to the side, he took his bath and wore some lighter clothes.

As the beast was still bleeding he went to the side and sat down to rest. Now that he had the blood he was left with two choices, one, to rest for this week, second, go and spar with the beasts, he obviously took second.

Noticing that the beast blood was starting to flow lower and lower he concluded the bleeding will stop in a while. He got up and went on a small walk along the river and after returning he saw that the bleeding has stopped.

Storing it in his inventory he lighted a fire, you may question why he didn't skin it but it was for his stay in the mountains. The last leopard was still left and was going to do for 2 weeks more.

Taking a piece of leopard he placed it on the fire and sat down waiting for it, it was still evening but the cooking will take more time and till his dinner got ready it will probably be night time.

Waiting there for hours, he thought about today's fight and lamented how he was not able to think of that simple solution earlier, the one to attack at its footing.

Yes, after first unsuccessful strike he was not able to land a hit again but if his first strike was correct he would have brought it down then and there, finishing the fight.

And the solution was also too simple to be not thought first when he was faced with a bigger opponent, he was arrogant and overconfident in his skills that such a simple idea came to him so much late.

"Sigh" he sighed getting out from his thoughts and ate his dinner which was ready and as he guessed it was night time now, after eating he went ahead in his tent to sleep.

Next morning he woke up did his schedule and went off to fight following the decision he made yesterday.

Doing this for next week he passed his time. When the first day of last week came he woke up did hid meditation, took his bath and ate his breakfast.

After eating he first took out two crystals and absorbed their mana for next few hours. Absorbing all of it he took off his clothes and laid down in the pond to counter the heat he will experience the water was also still chilling cold.

Taking out the blood he drank it in one go, in some moment the heat came and for a while he was able to keep cool but then the water and blood started boiling together, quickly getting out of it he laid in the grass.

The heat got higher and higher but after a while it all cooled down and then the pain came making him roll on the ground in it, he screamed through his gritted teethes.

But after a while screaming also got difficult in just few moments he just shut his mouth tightly closed so as to not bite his tongue.

After what felt like a century he was finally free from pain. Quickly crawling towards the river he drank some water. And laid there panting.

An hour later he finally got up and saw it was almost time for him to start cooking his food, first setting all that he got to the side to check his new status.


NAME: Dale Huston

AGE: 17

RACE: Human

STR: 70

AGL: 70

DEF: 70


PER: 75

MANA: 550

BLOOD LINE: mixed blood (60%)


Seeing it he was not surprised because he had fought the beast and knew its strength, now for next week he will adjust as much as could for his fights in mountainous area.

Now imagining the type of beast was a bit easy because he saw had seen something flying among the mountains, he would have to use the bow but his old one was not fit for this task so he decided he will make a new one after dinner.

Which was ready now, eating it swiftly he got to work. He first took out the beast he killed last week and did a huge cut at its leg, taking out the two bones he was able to see one of which was flexible.

Both bones were also longer than him, taking the flexible one aside he saw if it was flexible enough to become a bow.

And lucky him it was taking a long tendon from the same leg he used it as the string. For arrow head he took out all the claws, one was enough to make 5.

For the arrow he used the harder bone, first he broke it in many pieces and used the suitable one to carve a straight shaft for the arrow. Out all four limbs he was able to make 50, leaving 30 arrow heads as extras fitting the arrows to his preparation for next week was also ready.

After doing all this he took a small bath stored everything aside and went in his tent to sleep off the night, being exhausted and all.