
My reincarnation: A parents wish

Hello readers....umm i would say this is my first work so it is not going to be that good but i gave a try maybe you can too. its about a young man given a second chance at life after suffering in his first one in a bed. he gets to decide what kind of world he will transmigrate into. for now he is just a boy trying to learn more about his fantasies but who knows what is in store for him in his fate. lets follow him and uncover his mysteries along with him as he journey through the new world.

Anupam_Singh_7408 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

chapter 13

6 months later

Today was the last day of our Dales vacation, he woke up did his meditation and roamed around the forest ignoring any beast he saw, after a while he went off to visit his friend, that bear.

Arriving at its place he was greeted with a paw flying at him which he grabbed and using the bear's weight he threw it over his head, receiving a beastly laughter from it.

There meetings were like this, in these 6 months they had fought many times till both got tiered or Dale got bit excited.

Seeing the bear getting up and coming towards him he said "hello, big guy." To which the bear just waved one of its paw.

Taking out a huge fish he threw it towards the bear, it quickly caught it with its mouth and ate it.

This scene may make many people think it's a circus performance but there were no circuses here in this world probably, so people will just either faint at this sight or ignore it saying it was a tamed beast and they could do the same with a tamed one.

He played with it till the night came, as the journey to the inner area was of 26 hours he was first traveling in the night so he reaches there at night and gets some time to rest first.

Saying the beast good bye he went back towards his cave and checked if he had packed everything or not, after checking for one more time for insurance, he began his journey to the inner part of this forest.

As the river came from the inner zone he concluded he could just follow it towards his destination, as he went through the night he saw many beasts sleeping near the river.

He carefully avoided them not because he was afraid but because he didn't want to disturb their sleep.

When the time of their waking up was coming many attacked him when they woke up but instead of killing them he just threw them aside and went on his way.

His journey continued for one day and one night, when he arrived he was met with a savanna terrains, there were herds of bison covered in rocky armour, lions with fire for their beards and leopards with winds swirling around them and they were in sleep imagine the intensity of the fire and winds when they would be awake.

And they were definitely monstrous in size. All of them were probably above 20 Feet, as he was still near the river he decided to camp here, after all these months he also learned how properly setup the tent.

And it had some magic protection and a heating and cooling system too, when he first experienced it he cried about how he lost so much comfort to laziness.

He first smoked a fish and ate its tender meat, even without any spices it was way better than any other thing he had, one may think he would have got bored eating fish for more than a half year.

But no the river was filled with different kind of fish and every fish had a different taste and texture, if one had to count there will be well over 500 types of fishes, meaning if he ate only fish for a year he will still not get bored.

Now enough about fish or else everything will get fishy, our main character is now off to sleep, but not before starting his new found comfort, the heating system. The fire was still burning outside to keep off any insects that could get in his tent.

The whole night was really quit not a sound not even a insects sound, just chilling winds and the flames were the ones that were making any sound that could be heard.

Next morning he did his thing that he dose packed up his belongings, and went ahead after a few hours the river went under the ground and he had to now search for a thing he could fight and defeat.

His fish stock was also over yesterday but he had thought that will have to get away from the river at some point of time so he stored as much water as he could.

As for why didn't he stored fish he had pretty solid reason, any fight here will be a fight to death and anything he kills will be obviously have to be eaten by him.

He was not aware of the strength level of the beasts here so he had the double axe in his hands, yesterday he was only able to spot bigger guns of this area but there were some lizards, scorpions, armoured snakes, and many more.

Lizards and snakes were covered in scales while the scorpions had their chitin armours, they were all ranging from the sizes of small car to a big bus.

He could counter the scales by getting underside of the ones with them as they would not have scales there.

But the fight with scorpion will be longer as he will have to target the joints while watching out for the stinger which will be constantly coming for him.

For the first day he roamed around some more to see if he missed something. When it was evening he went for the weakest one he was able to find, it was the big scaly lizard.

He didn't take any time because the one he spotted at the day time was still sunbathing in the same spot, taking his double axe he charged at it, sensing the vibrations the lizard got up and after a moment of confusion it also charged at him.

Getting in range he swung the weapon at full strength, not feeling any resistance he saw ahead and spotted the lizard's body wobbling with half of its face, brain matter oozing out.

This whole thing was a bit underwhelming he hadn't thought that now too with a good weapon he could overwhelm most of the beasts here.

Taking the corpse he went towards the spot where the river was going underground. And camp there for the night.

Next morning having his breakfast he went to hunt some beasts this time with the sword he had, he didn't just sat around his whole vacation he also polished his sword skills to a level at which he could kill with it just with a bit difficulty.

With his sword he went for another lizard not far from him one was just about lay down to absorb some heat.

Seeing that he will have to rouse it up he ran towards it before it could completely lay down and roared "ROAAR!" hearing a roar so close to it the lizard got startled and searched for the source.

Meanwhile the source was just about to close in on it but as went closer to it the temperature was also getting hotter.

He tried to get more close to strike with his sword but was stopped as a fire ball came hurtling towards him.

Jumping back in panic, he cursed the lizards saying, "This ****** can now also spit fire now, and I thought why it was getting hotter."

He readied his sword and waited for another burst of flame but instead of it, the lizard was charging at him, he also went ahead with sword slid under it gave it a small but deep cut rolled out, retreating some distance back.

The beast grunting charged at him again this he went to the side and tried injuring it on the small portion of skin in between the scales, well for the lizard it may be small but for him it was wide enough to slice with his sword.

He gave it longitudinal slash from bottom to up successfully, sensing the temperature rising he made his distance quickly and got ready to dodge the fire ball.

Just as he got into his place the lizard launched its attack, he ran away from it as quickly as he could evading it, from this he had estimated the time interval at which the beast could use this attack.

And it was not that it just had this attack it could also cover his claws with fire so as to burn the wound it would give to the enemy.

He didn't wait for it to charge and went ahead first, swung its claw at him he tried to evade but with his speed a small portion of the attack got him but gritted his teeth and jumped attacking its eyes.

Now blind in one eye the beast got on defensive, but not that there was a blind spot he went below its neck and sliced it apart, some blood got in his mouth but remembering the pain he quickly spat it out.

It was now evening and he was covered in blood, he quickly stored the body and set off towards the river, arriving there he quickly removed his clothes and jumped in the cold water of the river, washing the blood off and enjoyed himself.

After getting out he removed the scales from one lizard and took a part of it to cook and eat, after eating his food he swiftly went off to sleep.