
My reincarnation: A parents wish

Hello readers....umm i would say this is my first work so it is not going to be that good but i gave a try maybe you can too. its about a young man given a second chance at life after suffering in his first one in a bed. he gets to decide what kind of world he will transmigrate into. for now he is just a boy trying to learn more about his fantasies but who knows what is in store for him in his fate. lets follow him and uncover his mysteries along with him as he journey through the new world.

Anupam_Singh_7408 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

chapter 12

BLOOD ALERT: some disgusting scenes

Next few days went on resting. When he recovered from his injuries he was very eager for the night to come, so many days without hunting were a real a bore for him.

It was time for hunt, he again left the fire lit and went off sniffing around for a prey. For next six months he only fought the panther like beast, not killing them just simple fights till one of them was too injured continue, which was usually the beast.

For his food he learned fishing to fish something from the river and that was not with a fishing stick, he found something to act like a sturdy rope and tied its end to one of his bone arrows, he had to make a hole at its end from which he sets it on the string of the bow.

And went to the river, trying to spot a fish, spotting one was not difficult as the river was full of them, he would take out his bow and the arrow he tied the rope like thing with and would fire at the fish.

First few weeks he was not much successful but he got the hang of it and secured a food source for himself as the river was literally overflowing with fishes.

Today to he caught 10 big ones for the whole day and some for after the night hunt, today he was going to change his target to the one which looked like tiger as the previous one was no more of a challenge for him.

Getting to his cave he lit up the fire and fixed the fish to cook on top of it. He waited for the night to come staying in the cave eating once every while and doing stretches.

When night came he went ahead and searched for a tall tree, finding one he climbed it and searched for the directions to his target, spotting one a bit far from him he went down and moved in the general direction he could make out.

Running for half an hour he reach the area he spotted the beast but he could not find it anywhere now, he just sniffed the air for any unknown but strong scent.

And he caught a strong one following it carefully he also found his target, it was eying a deer he just picked a stone and threw at it with all his strength, a very brave action making it angry at three things, first the pain second its hunt was disturbed and last its prey got away.

He didn't took out his claws as he was in a bit playful mood he just went ahead bare hands and evading the beasts attack he punched it to the side making it jump a few cm.

The beast being played with was definitely not happy, "ROOOAR" it roared and charged at him but dale was still in the boxing stance and when the beast arrived he just swayed to the right and punched its cheeks, sending it to the left.

Deciding the playtime was over he brought out one claw in his index finger and sliced it throat, seeing the blood flow a strange thought came to him.

"Hey Alice what would happen if I drank this things blood?" [I don't know.] "Then let's see for ourselves. This ones is all drained let's find another one."

He sniffed the beast and stored it, sniffing again he went in the direction he got from it and finished this one by twisting its neck as to not waste any blood.

Arriving at his cave he placed the first one killed on fire to after taking its crystal and all. For the last one he killed he placed it in a way similar to the way he cooked just there was no fire.

Taking out a big utensil to collect blood he placed it below the area he was going to make a cut for the blood to flow out.

It didn't take much time for all the blood to flow out, he directly took the utensil and drank the blood careful not to spill it, it tasted like a sweet and salty drink there was a strong smell of iron but not that much taste of it.

It took him minute to drink it whole "BURP" yeah it was disgusting, drinking a 5 L of blood and burping but cut him some slack, vampires exists too and he didn't find the taste as bad as anyone else would because of the bloodline thingy.

For a few moments nothing happened but just as he thought nothing would he experienced his blood heating up slowly it got to the point of boiling steam was rising from him.

Tearing his cloths away he tried to run towards the river but another pain stopped him there this time in his bones and sensory organs.

He writhed in agony from all the pain and heat on top of that. He tried many things like throwing himself against the wall or channelling his mana but was unable to do that to after sometime, as the pain got to the degree where he could just silently scream.

After an hour the pain finally went away "huff-huff-huff." Panted Dale. After calming down he quietly ate his dinner after gaining the energy to talk he asked Alice what are the changes, [Similar to the previous one just this time stronger bones.]


NAME: Dale Huston

AGE: 16

RACE: Human

STR: 60

AGL: 55

DEF: 55


PER: 60

MANA: 450

BLOOD LINE: mixed blood (40%)


Seeing the increase in strength, constitution and perception he thought that all the pain was really worth it, but he will need few months to adjust to his new strength. Finally getting something to do during the day.

Also noticed he didn't had to face the urges this time probably had something to do with the crystal forming in the brain, whatever he found a safe way to increase his strength by leaps and bounds. There was pain but no risk of losing himself.

As he already ate his dinner and all he just went ahead and slept in his sleeping bag. Next morning he woke and went to the river to do his morning schedule.

After his meditation and bath he went off to find a tree on which he could test his strength. After a few hours he found one sturdy enough probably older too.

And punched it with all his strength it shook from the roots shaking the forest floor with it, and the area he had hit was now a depression of at least a Feet.

A bit surprised he tried finding a suitable strength at which it will just shake the leaves, it didn't take him much time to find it, but he could understand just so much from hitting a tree, so he climbed a different tree and searched for that bear like beast.

One was their not far from him, as it was doing nothing he thought it will not mind a boxing match with him. Going in its direct he found it and tried growling at it "GROWL!" the growl sounded too close to a real one.

Seeing some had come to visit it the beast got up, walking up to it he arrived at in front of it and stared it waiting for it do something.

It seemed the bear was also in a playful mood, it just pushed him back producing something like a low laugh, in answer to which he also stepped ahead and pushed it back just like it did, "hrhrhrhrhrhr" it laughed happily.

Coming forward it lightly punched him with its paw, he repeated gesture making the bear laugh again. This went on and they both slowly increased their strength.

For the bear it might be fun but he had to be really careful because one mistake and his sparing buddy was a goner. But after an hour it was all well and he didn't had many troubles.

They went on a full blown boxing match with no rules. Punching at each other at the bear's full strength, his high constitution made it so he could not get injured from even the strongest beast in this part of the forest.

After going at each other all day they both finally got tired and laid on the ground to catch their breath, after 10 mints he got up gave a fish to the bear and went away towards his cave.

As he was the strongest in the area he didn't saw any need to hunt at night. Arriving at his cave he cooked a fish for himself to eat and thought what he should do now that he is too strong to stay in this area.

The first thing that came to his mind was the inner area of this forest which looked like a big rocky hill from here whenever he gazed at it.

But he decided against it after 1 year and 6 months of hunting he decided he will first rest here for 6 more months, relaxing all he wants.

Making his decision he was out of any worries for now. So went off to sleep on the first night of his vacation.