
My Random story ideas and chapters.

Guy gets reincarnated into a crossover! Of the joys!

Westley86 · TV
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29 Chs

Random story 2


Eventually the girl woke back up again surprisingly before the boy, Nick, who still snoozed on the dirty mattress.

"Hey, you ok now?" Natasha asked the girl and Gloria's eyes snapped to us quickly. "So that wasn't a bad dream? I almost really died didn't I?" She looked disturbed by the probability of it all.

"Yeah, we were looking for someone else and heard you struggling so decided to stay and make sure it didn't happen again." After that Felicia tossed the girl a bottle of water as having vomit breath couldn't be pleasant. Said girl chugged it and gave her a grateful look.

"Thank you….? And my name is Gloria." "Natasha" then she pointed us all out and introduced us. "I'm not going to rag on you for your life choices darling but I hope this is some what of a wake up call. After all your too adorable to be found dead in such an… grungy? Place. Will you be ok now?" Natasha was both kind and somehow firm at the same time, not sure how she managed it though. The girl flushed at the compliment though.

"I should be.. thanks you guys, for not just taking one look at me in disgust and walking away.." she was nearly mumbling at the end.

"Hey no probs Gloria, the girls are bona fide badasses, I was just along for the ride and an extra set of eyes. Is your friend going to wake up soon?and more importantly will you be ok from here on?" She flushed again for some reason but she nodded in an affirmative. "Thanks guys, yah he should be but I think I'm done anyways.. If I can ever repay you for what you did, one day I will!" She nearly squeaked out. Huh I guess 3 stupidly hot super models makes anyone blush a bit, even other girls.

"Do you need help out of here then? Or do you wish to do this yourself?" She thought about it for a moment before the answer almost became obvious to herself. "I need to do it myself, thanks guys, hope to see you all when I'm in a better place but yah, I should do this myself." She seemed certain of her choice so we all agreed, Natasha did give her a contact number though if she needed help for anything, especially with what will be coming. That was a bit of a surprise, I pegged Natasha to just want to get in and then out of the situation but I guess she wants to help everyone she realistically can in this world just like the avenger she is. That's good because this world will need someone like her and these other girls. You could almost see the compassion in their eyes as they began to pack up and walk away.

"Hey I know it's cliche and over the top but should we give her money to get by or anything or would that push her to buy drugs?" Natasha thought about it for a moment and shrugged. It could be either way really especially if she lets the boy influence her. "Depends on her really. I can't be sure if I'm being honest. I think the number and the offer of help should suffice though, if she actually calls though we can take her under our little wings." I just nodded and agreed, she seemed like a sweetheart though I'm sure I'm seeing her through filters of circumstance.

And with that we left back to the house having.. not exactly wasted but lost most of a morning and almost to noon. Everyone should be meeting back up at the house soon so we walked a few blocks to get out of the worst parts of the area and called a cabby to take us back to our base of operations.

After an joyful 30 minute drive we were back home, everyone having ditched their cars and cabbed to the house with their goods, including Sharon and her group and did she ever bring the party favors.

She set up a temporary armory in the basement where some of the girls had filled all the magazines with rounds as most weren't competent with firearms enough to mess with them yet.

Everyone now had a personal hygiene bag with everything they needed inside it and a spare one in their personal hiking backpack that was also filled with necessary survival gear including a sleeping bag, extra socks, under clothes, flashlight, 550 cord, a couple bottles of water and anything else that Natasha and the others that knew what they were doing told them to pack.

There were also more than a dozen 4 person tents that would need a vehicle to tow around unless people wanted to carry them. Which nobody did.

Other than that I noticed most of the girls who I know knew how to shoot now had a pistol attached to their hips, so that wasn't really a shock when the next time I saw Natasha it was with a 9mm Glock attached to her person and she was cleaning an AR15 and checking her magazines. "Having fun Natasha?" I asked her amused, she looked in her element now more than ever.

"I finally have something familiar to do, I also want to train the others who don't know how, the basics of how to shoot either a hand gun or a rifle or both depending on ammo." I just nodded at that, seemed logical not that she really needed my approval.

"Thankfully I already know the basics, at least enough not to blow off my own feet, or someone else's." I grinned stupidly and she just smirked.

"So I wanted to talk to you about something I'm not sure most people have put much thought into yet…." I tried to lead her.

"What do you got for me?" She went from amused to weary fast. "Well it's about all of us.. our bodies and minds more specifically I guess? Are we us? Or are we clones who have all our originals memories and feelings? Or something else entirely? This effects you drastically I think depending on the answer really." I tell her looking at her stomach intently. She pales slightly then looked nervous and then slightly hopeful, the emotions came and passed so fast that if I wasn't looking I wouldn't have noticed.

"Your also not the only person who might need that answer as well, Natasha." She just looked at me and I sighed. "Yennefer, the one with purple eyes, if I remember correctly, lost the ability to have children almost the same way you did if for different reasons and I know she regretted it, at least the version on TV did." Natasha looked thoughtful then stood.

"I will deal with it either tonight or tomorrow afternoon, it will be easier to blend in when it's busier.

"Fair enough, if you need anything, just lemme know or something, I don't got any super secret awesome skills but I can listen and talk with the best of them." I tell the beautiful red head and walk away, it's been a long day and it's barely past noon and I definitely already need a place to bunk down.

I let the girls have the bedrooms so they could triple up on the beds as they were large enough plus cots in the rooms as well, I decided to just use a comfy looking couch.