
My Random story ideas and chapters.

Guy gets reincarnated into a crossover! Of the joys!

Westley86 · TV
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29 Chs

Reign SI tv show

Guy sent to Reign universe with power to manipulate metal. Not exactly like magneto but can do some of the same things. This can't really be considered a chapter, more an overview of what I want to happen in a chapter and want peoples opinions on it.

I had been reborn in this world a few years ago now. Thankfully I still at least have my same name, Alexander and I think I probably look similar to how I did in my last life even though that's probably not overly important.

Originally I thought I got reborn in something like Game of Thrones or some other medieval fantasy world but I was surprised when I realized I was born in Scotland of all places. I had never really ever traveled to Europe in my past life but one thing I could say was that at least there was no pollution and that the countryside was beautiful.

I was kind of curious why I was sent to this world, there was no real supernatural powers or anything crazy here, only political power and annoying royals for the most part, so it was curious why I would be sent here with the ability to manipulate metals, I almost felt like somebody was looking down on me or something…. Oh well I couldn't look a gifted horse in the mouth.

I was thankfully born into an merchant class family, not royalty by any means but at the least we had everything we needed to get by. Unfortunately my mother didn't really live very long, succumbing to pneumonia when I was only 7 years old. My father never really recovered from her loss but did manage to hold out for my sake until I was 15 and could handle everything on my own as I was obviously well educated for the time period. I had turned 15 in the year 1552

I had helped my father with his business dealings for the last few years to help increase our families wealth, which worked fairly well but when my dad died I sold most of the families assets aside from our estate and a fairly substantial land holdings. The last thing was a larger Merchant Carrack I had managed to convince my father to buy, it had payed itself off quite well after only a few years of trading in spices and other such luxuries royals can't do without.

I had wanted to put more effort and time into my powers as I had been practicing with them since I learned about them years prior. It was a weird combination of simple metal manipulation and what I would assume being magneto would feel like, though it doesn't revolve around magnetism to my knowledge, though at least I can control the metal to make myself fly if desired, which it was.

Unfortunately I couldn't travel in space or anything crazy like magneto seemed to be able to do so travel by air still took a good chunk of time but I could probably still make it to somewhere as far away as Australia in under 3 days taking into account breaks and rest as I'm no machine by any means.

Thankfully I had managed to keep my powers hidden from everyone including my parents as I had no clue how someone from this time period would react to something like this, probably not overly well if I had to guess but thankfully won't have to find out yet.

Surprisingly enough it did take me years to actually figure out what reality I got dropped off in and only because me and my father got invited to a rather large party due to our success in recent years. We were invited to a party to celebrate a nobles daughters 10th birthday, weirdly, while not exactly a duplicate, I did recognize her and later her name, as she was one of Mary Stuart's ladies in waiting from reign.

Well that day at least gave me a general outline of what to expect from this universe, nothing special to my knowledge on the fantasy or sci-fi front, just a normal world and normal medieval issues.

We were quickly introduced to the lady of the day and quickly moved on from there and from then on I figured I would probably never see the girl again unless I involved myself in the affairs of the world which I wasn't sure if I wanted to or not.

After that day I decided to focus more on my powers to be able to survive in this silly world as well as become stupidly rich in the future.

With that in mind I decided to go on a journey to where I at least knew there would be wealth to plunder, or in this case mine using my powers over metal. I knew I would need silver and I knew where to find a few of the more well known mines or at least their general location anyways. I would travel to what will one day be Nevada and search for the silver that resides in the mountain ranges and wherever else it may be, along side gold of course. It shouldn't be overly hard to find but it would probably be annoying tedious with the traveling and the being alone for however long this took.

As it turned out it took me three days just to find the general area and another day or so of searching for the correct area that contained the most silver or gold of course if it's nearby.

Finding metal in the ground was interesting, I almost had something akin to sonar when I spread out my 'senses' and each metal had its own feeling attached to it. My range wasn't exactly infinite but I could detect it from hundreds of feet away at the least so it wasn't too painful as long as I flew over the area fairly fast until I came upon a sizable deposit worth pulling up with my power.

That was also kind of interesting how that would work, I didn't really destroy the land much, the metal just kinda flowed from the ground in an almost liquid form where I would once again turn it solid and store it in a safe place until I was ready to leave.

I didn't really have any contact with the natives which was slightly surprising as they simply left me alone and avoided me. I think my powers freaked them out or the thought I was a god or something.

As for the silver and gold, I simply compressed both piles of the magnificent metals into two miniature mountains of awesomeness, there was by far more silver than gold but still probably around 1 or two tons of gold alone, enough to set up someone for several life times. There was also a much larger pile of silver sitting beside it that I would guess to be around 10 tons that would do well with trading if I went to china for a while.

I could have gathered much more as there was plenty in the area but I didn't want to be here for very long and this was simply a quick excursion not to mention I can only carry so much at one time. A lot to be sure, but still only so much.

That's also not to mention that I did give myself a side mission of sorts, foods. There were almost no potatoes in Scotland or most of Europe for that matter at this point. I liked potatoes so potatoes I get. I'm pretty sure they are native to Peru or where Peru will be in the future.