
My Quiet Life With My Coworker

Kenta is a 22 year old convenience store worker with no ambition and even less direction. That all changes when he meets his new coworker, Millicent, who soon after, moves in with him! They'll have to learn to live together and work together. Family troubles are just the start as their two very separate lives collide in this cute romantic dramedy!

Rooker_Alistae · Teen
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6 Chs

Mil's First Night Shift

"Crap, I'm so late today!" I charged down the street, it was just a bit past 3pm. Today would be Mil's first night shift, I had to trade with Jessie so that I could be there for it.

Do I need a hobby?

I shrugged off my thoughts and kept on. That was, until an unexpected obstacle decided to appear out of nowhere and bring back a reality I wasn't particularly enthusiastic about facing.

"Ken? That you?" That voice cut through the hustle and bustle of downtown Avon Peaks on a Saturday.


There he stood, all 6 foot, three inches, broad shoulders, practically taped into his business suit, fancy watch, flowy brown hair with no sign of balding and those frustratingly piercing blue eyes. The dude hit the genetic jackpot. 

"Ken, it's been a while man. What, like, almost a year?"

"Nine months, two weeks, and I guess 4 days?"

"That's incredibly specific." Clark let out a chuckle.

Clark was a longtime friend, but he represented something I didn't want to handle right now.

"So, what're you wearing? Is that a Unit Mart uniform?"

"I… Yeah, I pick up shifts there from time to time."

"What happened to the cafe?"

"Uh, yeah. It's coming along." I let out an uneasy laugh that gave away my lie in an instant.

"Oh, cool, yeah alright. Glad to hear it."

He stared at me with eyes that were simultaneously judging me and concerned.

"Ken, I know since Li–"

"I'm gonna be late for my shift. I really need to get going." I knew where he was going. But we weren't broaching that. Not today, anyway.

"Me too. I'm only downtown to grab something for my boss. We should grab dinner sometime, man."

"Yeah, Clark. That would be good. We should."

"Okay, see you around then," Clark said before taking his leave.

Soon after, I was entering Unit Mart. I was so lost in thought I walked right into Mil.

"Wah! Ken!" Mil stumbled back in a panic.

"Oh, Mil!" I snapped back to reality. "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

Mil, who was still breathing heavily, took a moment before replying.

"I'm fine. Just startled me. I wasn't expecting you to come through the door."

"I didn't even realize I was here, to be honest. I was so lost in thought, I must have been on autopilot."

"Lost in thought? Everything okay?" asked Mil.

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"You better be." A curt yet somehow voluptuous voice entered the conversation.

"Oh yeah. Today I'm on night shift. Which means, the queen of the castle Ronnie is here."

Ronnie was about a foot taller than Mil, long blonde hair up in a messy bun. She always had a big smile and an overwhelming personality. She had a pair of blue eyes that filled the whole room, not to mention other assets she couldn't help but keep on display. There was a reason the night shift brought in lots of guys.

"I'm so glad you appreciate my status, Kenny~" She wore a toothy grin from ear to ear.

"Yeah… None of that." I walked to the back, clocked in and rejoined them on the sales floor.

"Oh Ronnie, you gotta let me take you out. I can get us into the best restaurants!" A sleazy businessman was drooling all over the counter.

I never had to worry about Ronnie, she could easily handle herself. But I was hoping that tonight would go easy for Mil.

"Oh, you know I can't, I have to make sure I work. Your girl has to pay her bills!"

"If you go with me Ronnie, you'll never have to pay for anything ever again."

"Oh you're so kind~. How did I ever get so lucky?"

The business man chuckled, rubbed the back of his head and took his leave.

Mil approached Ronnie.

"Do you get a lot of that?" she asked.

"Oh, nightly. I asked if we could set up a tip jar because, no doubt I would make bank! But Marcus poo-pooed it."

"I don't think I'd be very good at that."

"Oh no worries, I'm sure you'll draw in your own crowd…" 

Ronnie looked directly at me with a big grin. I quickly looked away to continue my work. I don't know what that was all about.

"You might be already," Ronnie finished with a chuckle.

"Maybe you should be a bartender then?" said Mil.

"Eww, that's like so much more work though. Besides, I'd never get to see my Kenny bear!"

"Would you knock that off?"

"Kenny bear?" asked Mil.

"It's nothing. Ronnie can't stop herself from messing around like this."

"Guilty. I love teasing Ken. It's my favorite hobby."

"You should find a new one." I head towards the shelves.

"When are you taking me out to dinner again? I really like Italian, by the way~."

I simply waved back and then started organizing.

"How long have you known Ken?"

"Oh we go way back. Like two years I think? We had classes together in college. I got him his job here actually."

"Really?" Mil's face lit up.

The bell chimes as someone enters.

Mil looks at the door, and darts in the back in a panic.

Ronnie watches her run, then turns her attention towards the man that entered.

Who walked in was pretty tall, a stark contrast to Dave, who was diminutive in stature. The man dressed professionally enough, but he had clearly already been to the bar. An aura of alcohol entered with him. But most notably was the intense stare on his face. He was a man on a mission.

"Hey, you the only people working here?" he hacked, and slammed on the counter. "Are you gonna answer my question?"

I was about to respond when–

"Yes, we're the only ones scheduled tonight. Night shift, you know?" said Ronnie.

"That right?" His attention turned to me.

"Yup. Just the two of us."

"So is there something we can help you with sir?" interjected Ronnie.

He walked over to the cooler, grabbed a six pack and brought it up to the counter.

"Ooh, look at you Mr. Good Taste. That's my favorite beer." Ronnie switched on the charm.

"Yeah, it's my go to… Here." He dropped cash on the counter. 

Ronnie rang up and handed him his change.

"Thanks for visiting Unit Mart. Have a great day," said Ronnie.

He grabbed his things and headed towards the door. He stopped and turned back to them.

"No kid named Millicent working here?"

"That's an unusual name, it would stand out if I saw her on the schedule," I said.

"We are hiring, so if you have anyone who might be interested, let them know," added Ronnie.

He stared back at us, looking for something, sighed and took his leave.

We waited for him to walk out of sight from the store.

"It's alright sugar. He's gone," called Ronnie.

Mil emerged from the back, ever cautious, she hugged the shelves opting to stay out of view.

Ronnie walked over to Mil.

"You good?" Ronnie placed her hand on Mil's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I just need a minute. Don't mind me."

"Kid, we're going to mind you. You work with us, that makes you part of our awkward little family. I wouldn't leave anyone high and dry. Not even Jessie."

Mil nodded.

Ronnie wrapped her arms around Mil and hugged her tight. When she did, Mil started to cry.

"There you go kiddo. Let it out. It's all good."

Mil hugged Ronnie back, and sobbed into her shoulder.

I sat there like a moron, unable to find any words to say. Normally I tried to mind my own business. But there was Ronnie, she just inserted herself right into the thick of it. That was my problem, I refused to connect.

"Feeling any better?" asked Ronnie.

"Yeah, that really helped. I can't remember the last time I cried like that," replied Mil.

"Okay… Well then?"


"What's the deal? If we're gonna have to cover for you every time that guy comes, I'm gonna need some context," said Ronnie.

"Ronnie, she doesn't have–"

"It's fine. She's right. It's already been enough of a burden to you guys without me spelling everything out for you."

We sat there in silence for a moment while Mil took the time to prepare herself.

"That was my dad. As you can tell, he wasn't exactly sober. And that is basically his normal."

"Aww babe, I thought that might be it," said Ronnie.

"He's not a bad guy. But he's broken. Mom left, and he just kind of, couldn't hold it together. I just want some freedom. He's so afraid that I'll leave him too, that he controls every part of my life. That's why I had to sneak out to even get this job."

"So I guess it's safe to assume that Dave spilled the beans," I said.

"Who's Dave?" asked Ronnie.

"He's my dad's best friend. We had a run in with him on my first day. Ken and I were hoping that he didn't remember his visit."

"I see, so what now?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, this isn't something we can keep doing indefinitely. He's got some idea that you work here, Mil. So my guess, it's only a matter of time until he confirms it."

"Ronnie has a point. Mil, what do you think would be better? You know your living situation better than all of us. Should he find out on his own, or should you tell him?"

"Either way he'd lose his mind. I honestly don't know what he'll do. He freaks out if I go visit friends," said Mil.

"Well, what has he thought you've been doing until now?" I asked.

"On the days that he's sober enough to realize I'm not there, I've been telling him that I have test prep. But I don't know if he'll buy it anymore."

"Quitting is always an option too," added Ronnie.

"I don't want to quit. I like working with you guys. I like this little escape I have."

"Well, we'll cover for you as long as we can," I said.

"Do you want us to talk to Marcus and Jessie?" asked Ronnie.

Mil nodded.

"Thanks guys… I'll work on coming up with a solution in the meantime."

"Well, either way we need to make it through the rest of the shift. I think I'll tell Marcus to stop putting you on night shifts. And I'm not letting out work past 11pm. Got it?" Ronnie ordered.

Mil nodded.

The shift went on with no more drama. Mil really warmed up to Ronnie. I'd never seen her with another girl. They almost looked like sisters.

Before long, 11pm came around.

"I guess I'm off," said Mil.

"Go straight home. If you need us, call Ken."

"Uhm… I don't have his number…"

"What? Ken! Aren't you supposed to be looking after her? She can't even contact you?"

"It never came up…"

Mil rushed over to me, her face was very serious.

"Ken, may I have your number?"

Despite the build up, my face still lit up with complete surprise at the question. Even a blush crossed my cheeks.

"Oh, uh... Sure. Why not?"

A little late this week, but I hope to have this week's on time. Also, I always announce when I post new chapters to all my stories on my twitter. So please consider giving me a follow! Twitter.com/D_PenWriter

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