
My Prince Charming - Lovely Husband

Her niece married her fiancé and her family kicked her out without any hesitation. Three years later, Wu Jinyan witnessed a road accident. She never thought just a simple favour of donating her blood to the patient would bring her a free husband. Only after getting married, she came to know her husband was the walking load of gold, the city's top businessman, Ryan Gu aka Gu Zichen. -- "Holding hands, walking down the streets, had all the fun we made the best memories All those kisses, all that bliss I know, it was momentary Too good at predicting cause' I've seen too many movies there's no perfect love story What a shame, whom to blame we've got no love, no love no love in our story Darling, You don't have to be sorry You're now nothing for me to worry Why don't we end this just like we should? Why not just go on our separate ways? cause we've got no love, no love no love in our story" Mr. Gu gave a downcast look with a gloomy heart while listening to the latest song playing on the radio. He seemed to not understand the reason for his wife to run away from the country. Unknown to him, the person who sang the song was his wife. --- All the songs and scripts mentioned in the novel are original and written by the author. *The cover picture doesn't belong to me, all credits to the owner*

SG2905 · Urban
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59 Chs

Her knight (2)

A tiny, lean figure appeared among the crowd. The cold expression on his face was intense and threatening but he didn't know how cute and adorable he looked. He was panting slightly and his face was red with a thin layer of sweat formed on his forehead indicating how exhausted he was due to dragging the heavy bat. 

Wu Hao was dumbstruck on seeing the kid walking straight into the house without any shame and hesitation as though the house was his own territory. He didn't expect this annoying brat who bothered him for the past couple of days to be this audacious.

He failed to see Wu Jinyan when he came to her house but he was continuously pestered by this ill mannered kid.

"Hey, old fox. How did you get in?" As soon as the kid noticed the familiar elderly man, he blurted with furrowed brows. He kept waiting for his aunt Jinyan for more than a week but she was nowhere to be found. He missed her so much, he would always sit and play at her door front, waiting for her to return.

That pretty young lady he liked to see didn't come back home not even once but this old man who looked just like a cunning fox kept loitering around his aunty's apartment. 

As a responsible person, he had to keep his surroundings safe and secure. In the process, he did everything in his capabilities to push this oldie out of his eyesight.

But now on seeing the same old man again standing like the lord of the house, he admitted this old fox was more capable and shameless than he imagined.

He always disliked having bad people within his vicinity. He guessed he did enough to keep this old man away but he didn't know he was still lacking skills in driving people away.

"You little brat..." Wu Hao felt agitated and almost collapsed from the rising blood pressure. However, before he could speak a word more the child interrupted him and said even more aggressive words.

"Wait...I think grandpa fox sounds less annoying. Alright. Grandpa fox, how did you get in?" Little Bunny said staring at Wu Hao with an innocent gaze. Even if he was angry with the other person, he thought he should still maintain some politeness. 

He lifted his head and stared deep into the old man's eyes. Blinking his eyes innocently, he waited to hear the answer for his question.

"How else? I came in because someone opened the door for me" Wu Hao breathed deeply and tried hard to tone down his rage as he thought fighting with a little child over a petty issue was unwise given his age and experience. He answered with a calm face but underneath he was struggling hard to maintain his composure.

Hearing Wu Hao's answer, Little Bunny shook his head helplessly while looking at his favorite aunt Jinyan. His actions made him look like a grand teacher who was dissatisfied with his student's performance in tests. 

'How stupid could you be to let this cunning man come into the house?' He only muttered to himself and didn't express it out loud in fear his words would hurt her.

His neighbour seems to be poor in judging people. Even though he's just a child, he easily found out that this old man was upto no good. But this grownup woman living next to his house really brought that oldie into her house without thinking about the consequences.

"Whatever, you better not cause a trouble to aunt Jinyan" Little Bunny warned in his childish yet cold voice. He was there for another reason and he couldn't waste his valuable time on useless people.

Wu Hao twisted his mouth. Even a small kid had the guts to reprimand him. If anyone came to know of this shameful matter, how could he show his face to them?

Meanwhile, Wu Jinyan was bewildered. She didn't know how Wu Hao and Little Bunny know each other. But on listening to the way how the kid addressed the old man, she smiled heartily as she thought it was quite fitting considering his scheming mind.

However, she was unsure what made the kid so angry for him to grab a heavy bat like a hooligan. His bossy actions were unsuited for his age but she knew the kid was far mature and clever than others of his age. Someone or something must have really annoyed him for him to behave rash.

'Is he here to fight for me and protect me?' A sudden doubt flashed across her mind. She didn't know to what extent her doubts were true but she found that this kid more and more lovely and beautiful. He's just a child like all others who seemed harmless. But at the moment, he's her knight. He's her adorable little Knight.

Gu Zichen was the most flustered person on watching the kid's show of boldness and intimidating attitude. He was unsure if the little one before him was same kid who cried a few days ago squatting outside Wu Jinyan's apartment.

While the other three adults were in their own thoughts, Wu Meihua felt an intense wave of delight and excitement washing over her heart. The child standing in front of her was too cute, she wanted to pinch his cheeks. But soon, she was drowned in a ocean of negative emotions.

Wu Jinyan's husband was more handsome and charming than her own husband and the kid before her was more adorable than her own child. Wu Meihua wondered if she was destined to only watch good things and beautiful people and not have them.

She sat silently and watched the people around her but her heart was burning with flames of jealousy.

Little Bunny tried to lift the bat in his hands but he was severely lacking strength to raise the heavy metal bat. He already struggled enough just to drag the bat from his place to Wu Jinyan's place successfully.

Gu Zichen chuckled internally looking at Little Bunny's struggle and offered a hand to help but the kid glared at him in return and yelled dangerously "Stay away"

Gu Zichen immediately retrieved his hand and felt extremely awkward as he understood that the child was somehow mad at him. He didn't know why the kid's attitude changed this drastically. A few days ago, he was like all other children who cries on losing their favorite things. But now he was acting like an imp.

"You are just an unreliable and irresponsible person who couldn't stand on his promises. I don't need someone like you to help me" Little Bunny spoke fuming with rage.

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