
My Prince Charming - Lovely Husband

Her niece married her fiancé and her family kicked her out without any hesitation. Three years later, Wu Jinyan witnessed a road accident. She never thought just a simple favour of donating her blood to the patient would bring her a free husband. Only after getting married, she came to know her husband was the walking load of gold, the city's top businessman, Ryan Gu aka Gu Zichen. -- "Holding hands, walking down the streets, had all the fun we made the best memories All those kisses, all that bliss I know, it was momentary Too good at predicting cause' I've seen too many movies there's no perfect love story What a shame, whom to blame we've got no love, no love no love in our story Darling, You don't have to be sorry You're now nothing for me to worry Why don't we end this just like we should? Why not just go on our separate ways? cause we've got no love, no love no love in our story" Mr. Gu gave a downcast look with a gloomy heart while listening to the latest song playing on the radio. He seemed to not understand the reason for his wife to run away from the country. Unknown to him, the person who sang the song was his wife. --- All the songs and scripts mentioned in the novel are original and written by the author. *The cover picture doesn't belong to me, all credits to the owner*

SG2905 · Urban
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59 Chs

Her Knight (1)

Gu Zichen said his words in such a way, anyone would think he was telling the truth while Wu Jinyan was making up stories. 

Gu Zichen read about Wu Jinyan's past but didn't know who made her suffer. If he knew the people before him were the very same people who hurt his wife, he wouldn't be saying such ruthless words. He would seriously regrat acting like a rogue.

'So he is not her husband?' Wu Meihua's eyes brightened with happiness. If she didn't hear the young man's enraged words, she would have almost lost her sanity watching how close and affectionate Wu Jinyan acted with him.

Seeing the man's sudden cold attitude towards Wu Jinyan, she sighed in relief and patted on her chest. She almost believed Wu Jinyan's blatant lies. Because of that bumpkin's words, she addressed such a good-looking man as her uncle. Outrageous!

Wu Jinyan had always been an elegant beauty and the young man beside her looked noble and handsome putting besides his crumpled clothes and pale face. Both of them made a perfect couple making anyone to turn their head towards them. Thank goodness, they weren't really a couple like Wu Jinyan said.

The scene turned out so awkward, Wu Jinyan was at a loss of words. She almost fell down from the force Gu Zichen applied to push her aside. She didn't know what went wrong with Gu Zichen for him to act so unpredictably. 

'You are the death of me, Gu Zichen' Wu Jinyan gnashed her teeth suppressing the rage raising in her heart. She should have known this man was the most unreliable creature among all the men she had ever known. She mentally slapped her forehead for depending on this arrogant jerk. 

She never felt this conflicted in her entire life. This man she mistook as a charming prince must have been a cold hearted demon sent from hell just to block all the happy and beautiful moments from happening in her life.

"Wu Jinyan, how despicable can you be? You even made up such stories" Wu Hao tightened his fists and snarled at Wu Jinyan. He lost all his senses when he heard that his daughter whom he brought up pouring his hard earned money on her, got married to an imperfect man like the one before him. Not even in his dreams he would imagine to have such a faulty and worthless son in law, who couldn't look after his daughter properly let alone offer him anything beneficial and valuable to him.

"Who's making up stories? You said such hurtful words about him, of course he wouldn't admit the truth. You think everyone's like you to abandon their pride and self esteem" Wu Jinyan said something sensible enough that could salvage the situation and solve the problem stirred by Gu Zichen. She would never allow anyone to take the upper hand in an argument, even if it was someone from Wu family.

Three years ago, she would have hesitated to fight against Wu family members. But now she severed all ties with that cruel family and she would never step back from arguing with them. Moreover, she wouldn't stay calm when she was blamed for something she played no role.

She wouldn't bother what others thought of her for her rude and disrespectful behavior. But she had her own principles and one among them was 'If not me who will fight for me'

She really got married to the man next to her, but his pea sized brain was something she never imagined to exist. She didn't know why he was being so ridiculous during a serious situation.

'Didn't he beg her before if she remember him? Then why was he being mean even when I called him, hubby?' Glaring at the tall statue beside her, she thought.

Her words made complete sense and Wu Hao found no words to speak. He indeed acted on impulse that's different from his usual composed self. He sensed the anger and mockery in Wu Jinyan's voice but didn't say anything in fear he would lose her favor as he thought he could still use her for something in the future.

He just didn't like the man she married. He thought he couldn't extract anything from him.

Hearing Wu Jinyan's words, Wu Meihua cried internally and wiped invisible tears. The little happiness she felt a moment ago faded into thin air. Her heart ached tremendously when she heard that the man before her was really her uncle.

Wu Jinyan glanced straight at Gu Zichen hinting him to gain hold of the situation and to not make things worse. She couldn't afford to let a mistake happen now. Her gaze was unwavering and solid but with a hidden shade of annoyance. With his sharp eyes, Gu Zichen clearly saw the irritation in her eyes that angered him further. His eyes darkened and an icy cold aura emanated from him. 

Both Wu Hao and Wu Meihua were frightened and trembled slightly with the sudden tension formed in the atmosphere. They realized, they should leave the place to save themselves from the danger looming in the room.

Gu Zichen was done tolerating her dominance over him. He didn't know what gave her the right to make decisions for him. 

He stayed by her side and took care of her when she was hospitalized but she acted like she didn't know him. Now that she needed his help, she wants him to play along with her. He never such a woman who lived with a delusion that the world revolves around her.

'Does she take me for a fool?' He regretted marrying such a self centered and high headed woman. He wondered if she originally played innocent and dumb around him just to receive his recognition.

Looking at Gu Zichen, Wu Jinyan clearly noticed the danger surrounding her. But if she found out what he was thinking, she would sure tie him up and hang him above a crocodile pool to see if he could still spew such nonsense about her. In truth, she should be the one to regret marrying him. He was the one who acted like a gentleman and trapped her in a maze with no exit due to his selfish reasons.

Gu Zichen parted his lips to attack her again with his ruthless words when a loud bang caused everyone to divert their attention. 

A noise that sounded like a metal scrapping over the ground made everyone to frown in irritation. They were yet to get used to the screeching sounds assaulting their ears when a little child came in their vision dragging a small baseball bat with his tiny hands and his eyes holding a devilish gaze.

He looked just like a little thug dragging a metal rod who had a deep grudge against someone. The darkness growing in the child's eyes said enough that he had a strong urge to kill all his enemies.

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