
My Pretense will Carry Me Through

Where am I? Why am I in a training suit? Why does the person in front of me look so intense? Why is there a floating screen in front of me? What the hell happened to me?

inverted · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 18

The office room felt increasingly tense after the departure of the third party, leaving Joon and Jiyeh in an awkward silence. Joon hesitated to initiate a conversation, aware of the professional hierarchy between them. However, Jiyeh, breaking the silence, stood up and retrieved a bottle of luxurious liquor, expertly pouring it into two glasses. "Sit down." she instructed, gesturing toward the plush couch behind Joon. He complied, and Jiyeh positioned herself between the table and Joon, sliding a glass toward him. "Drink up."

Taking the glass, Joon joined Jiyeh in a sip, but the bitterness of the alcohol caught him off guard. "That's so bitter, what the hell," he remarked, trying to maintain his Pretense despite the unpleasant taste. Jiyeh, on the other hand, couldn't conceal her reaction, coughing slightly. Concerned, Joon asked, "Are you okay, Ma'am?" Jiyeh waved it off, signaling she was fine, though her expression betrayed the discomfort. She recovered after a few seconds, silently marveling at Joon's lack of reaction. "Does this guy have no taste buds? Why is he okay?" she pondered, dismissing the thought and complaining inwardly about the lack of a visible reaction.

While Jiyeh mulled over Joon's unusual resilience, he, unbeknownst to her, earned a Pretense + in this situation. Joon remained unfazed, but internally questioned whether enduring the bitter taste was truly necessary for a single notification.

Observing Joon's composed demeanor, Jiyeh decided to shift the conversation. "Tell me about yourself." Although she already possessed detailed information about Joon's background, she wanted to hear it directly from him. Taken aback, Joon briefly recounted the surface-level details of his life, strategically omitting any sensitive information. As he finished, Jiyeh, having expected little change in his description, wondered, "Is he genuinely unaffiliated with any group, or has someone coached him to respond similarly to questions like these?" Dismissing the thought, she concluded, "Forget it; he's already part of Team 2. Grandfather has likely dispatched someone to keep a close eye on Joon."

Jiyeh seamlessly continued the conversation, her piercing gaze fixed on Joon. "I first laid eyes on you last month. At the time, you were nothing more than average in every aspect. Your determination in the end caught my attention. Now, a mere month later, you've become incomparable to your former self, excelling in the physical tests and even defeating Team 2's ace." Pausing, she studied Joon intently. "So, tell me, how did you manage such remarkable improvement in just one month?"

Joon's mind raced, anticipating this question even though the abruptness of it took him by surprise. He attributed his progress to the Instructor training program, emphasizing his hard work as a contributing factor. Delivering his response with unwavering seriousness, Joon unintentionally projected an aura of confidence. Jiyeh sensed a shift in the atmosphere, as if his answer carried more weight than mere words. She met his gaze without flinching, finding his explanation somewhat dubious but unable to substantiate her doubts. Deciding to accept his answer, she refrained from pressing further.

Before Jiyeh could delve into more inquiries, Team 2's Leader returned with documents in hand. "I've notified management about Joon's transfer to Team 2. Here are his paperwork and ID." He handed the documents to Joon, who accepted them with a nod, scanning through the details on the paperwork and his new ID.

Jiyeh, internally pleased that Joon was now part of Team 2, maintained a stoic expression. She turned to Team 2's Leader. "When is my next schedule?" she inquired.

"The next schedule begins in an hour," he replied, checking his watch for the current time. "Add Joon to today's personnel. He'll commence his duties one hour from now."

Jiyeh shifted her attention to Joon. "Any complaints?" she asked.

Joon met her gaze and replied, "None, Ma'am."

Satisfied with his response, Jiyeh rose from her seat, a subtle smile playing on her lips. She clapped her hands together and spoke with a hint of approval. "Good. I'll be expecting much from you." Extending her hand for a handshake, Jiyeh waited for Joon's response.

Joon, maintaining his composed demeanor, replied, "I'll be in your care," and shook her hand, sealing his commitment to his new role in Team 2.

Exiting Jiyeh's office together, Team 2's Leader and Joon made their way to the training hall. Joon seized the opportunity to request Team 2's Leader to inform his former teammates about his transfer to Team 2. Team 2's Leader, with a reassuring pat on Joon's shoulders, agreed. "Sure, just make it quick. You know where to report later," he added before continuing on his path.

Grateful for Team 2's Leader's understanding, Joon headed towards the training hall. Upon arrival, he found his teammates already gathered, each with their documents and IDs in hand. Dae-Ho, spotting Joon first, approached him, followed by others. Intrigued, someone inquired about why Team 2's Leader had called him. Joon recounted the offer to join Team 2, complete with a boosted salary but accompanied by more perilous opportunities. Envy rippled through his teammates as they processed the information. Dae-Ho, in particular, felt a twinge of sadness that Joon wouldn't be in the same team.

Seeking to lift his friend's spirits, Joon assured Dae-Ho he would treat him to a meal whenever he had the time. Grateful for the gesture, Dae-Ho's mood shifted from despondency to joy. The teammates engaged in brief chatter, ending with Joon excusing himself for an appointment. Waving goodbye, he departed, contemplating the recent decision but reassuring himself that true friends would understand.

On his way to his destination, Joon checked the system and discovered his current Pretense Points: 3. Ecstatic about this newfound wealth, he contemplated where to allocate them. Before he could decide, he reached his destination. As he entered, the room fell silent, and all eyes turned toward him. Members of Team 2 scheduled for the day's briefing were shocked to see Joon among them.

Approaching Joon, Team 2's Leader introduced him to the team. "This is Mr. Gwan Joon, your new member, transferred from Team 3. Take care of him." The team responded with applause, offering a warm welcome to Joon. Eager to integrate, team members approached Joon, extending gestures of friendship and expressing a desire to stay on his good side. Joon, feeling embraced by his new colleagues, engaged in lively conversation until the commencement of the briefing.

Seated in the room, the audience fixed their gaze on the projector screen, where Team 2's Leader orchestrated the presentation. The contents unveiled the profiles of the individuals slated for protection, each bodyguard strategically assigned to their charge. Joon's attention peaked when his name appeared alongside the enigmatic figure, Jiyeh, in the presentation. The subsequent slides outlined the intricate schedule of the bodyguards, with some assigned to daytime shifts, others to night, and a select few to both.

Joon, however, found himself designated for both shifts on his very first day. Suppressing any visible reaction, he contemplated the unexpected workload. "Wait, it's just my first day here, and I'm getting overworked," he thought. Yet, Joon's expression remained unchanged, a testament to his unwavering composure. The members of Team 2, including their leader, regarded Joon with a certain level of admiration, acknowledging the usual complaints that would accompany such assignments.

Undeterred by the demanding schedule, Joon silently accepted the challenge. "I don't care anymore. For the sake of Pretense Points, I must endure," he resolved within himself. Acknowledging that his decision to join Team 2 was primarily for accumulating Pretense Points, Joon steeled himself for the impending difficulties and hardships.

As the presentation concluded, Team 2's members bid each other farewell, extending the gesture to Joon as they dispersed to their respective assignments. Prepared to head to his designated post, Joon was halted by Team 2's Leader. "Come with me; I'll be providing you with the necessary equipment for the job," he instructed. Joon nodded in agreement, following the leader out of the room.

Unbeknownst to them, a shadow loomed ominously in the background, setting the stage for unforeseen challenges in the world they navigated.