
My Pretense will Carry Me Through

Where am I? Why am I in a training suit? Why does the person in front of me look so intense? Why is there a floating screen in front of me? What the hell happened to me?

inverted · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 15

"Have you thoroughly examined his complete background?" inquired the CEO, looking over Joon's profile without finding anything particularly noteworthy or intriguing. Upon learning about Joon's victory over Beomsuk in the spar, the CEO promptly revisited Joon's profile, searching for any details he might have overlooked. Discovering that Joon was more than met the eye, he mobilized to gather every piece of information available on Joon's life, from birth to the present. The fear of espionage crept into their thoughts—a concern that Joon might be a covert agent sent by a rival or a malicious group with intentions of undermining the SW Group.

The CEO and the Manager delved deep into Joon's background, meticulously scrutinizing the information at their disposal. Yet, their efforts yielded no conclusive findings, leaving an unsettling sense of uncertainty lingering in the room. "Has Joon ever traveled abroad?" inquired the CEO. The Manager responded, "No, Sir. There are no records of international flights taken by Joon, nor are there any domestic flights or traces of his travel history. It appears he either hasn't experienced air travel or has skillfully erased any such traces."

Seeking more avenues of investigation, the CEO questioned, "What about sea travel?" The Manager's response echoed his previous answer—no records or traces of Joon's travels on the sea. As the CEO contemplated his heightened sense of caution, he wondered if he had been overly reactive to the situation. Doubting his own paranoia, he concluded that he might have been too quick to assume the worst.

Nevertheless, the nagging uncertainty persisted, prompting the CEO to make a decision. "Am I being overly paranoid about this situation?" he pondered silently. Despite questioning his own reaction, he ultimately requested the Manager to assign someone to discreetly keep an eye on Joon, erring on the side of caution in the face of the unknown.

In Jiyeh's office, she meticulously reviewed Joon's background, obtained through her discreet channels. She couldn't help but express her skepticism to Team 2's Leader about the remarkable improvement displayed by Joon. "Can a person truly make such substantial progress in such a short period, Team 2's Leader?" she inquired, seeking his perspective on the matter—how an individual who was seemingly average in all aspects could transform into someone strong enough to defeat their ace.

"By common sense alone, it's implausible for someone to make that level of improvement in just one month. If it were six months, I might consider it, no questions asked," he replied, aligning with conventional expectations. Jiyeh mulled over his response, delving into her thoughts. After a contemplative moment, she sighed, deciding to proceed with her plans. "I'll extend the offer to Joon on the day they receive their uniforms," she declared, intending to invite him to join Team 2 instead of Team 3. Her preference was clear—to have Joon as her guardian rather than her cousin, Shin Yuna. Still perturbed by the loss of a capable individual like Koh Sukjoo to Team 3, the mere thought of it stirred irritation. As she looked ahead, Jiyeh harbored a hopeful wish: "I hope you accept my offer."

As the night gave way to the morning, Joon awoke to the aftermath of an intense drinking session, grappling with a hangover. In an attempt to remedy his condition, he ventured into the kitchen, concocting a hangover cure and indulging in a hearty meal. The nourishment brought some relief, temporarily alleviating the lingering effects of the hangover.

Seated on the couch, Joon summoned a floating screen, intrigued by the display of his accumulated Pretense Points. "Pretense Points: 2," he read, his elation evident. The unexpected acquisition of two points in such a short time caught him by surprise. Contemplating where to allocate these points in his stats, he briefly dismissed the notion, convincing himself that there was no immediate need for stat enhancement. Instead, he directed his focus toward passing the time while awaiting the commencement of his first day on the job.

Opting for some television entertainment, Joon immersed himself in the screen's glow. However, after a few hours, he grew weary of the endless programming and decided to venture out for groceries and essentials. Dressing casually, he scrutinized his reflection in the mirror, only to find his clothes accentuating his muscles and masculinity more than he desired.

"Isn't this too tight?" he pondered, prompting a change of attire. Despite multiple attempts, the outcome remained consistent, with his physique challenging the concealment of his clothes. Reflecting on the comfort of SW's training clothes, he opted to throw on a jacket and resolved to purchase some loose-fitting attire during his grocery run.

Joon stepped out into the open, making his way to the department store. Upon arrival, he embarked on a quest to find clothes to his liking. Navigating the aisles, he engaged with the saleslady, seeking her recommendations from various brands. Grateful for her assistance, Joon offered a warm smile and carefully considered the suggested options. Eventually, he made his choices and purchased clothes in larger sizes, ensuring a more comfortable fit.

With his newly acquired wardrobe in tow, Joon ventured to the grocery store, contemplating his shopping list. Pushing a cart through the aisles, he perused the shelves, deciding on what to add to his basket. In the midst of this grocery expedition, he unexpectedly encountered a familiar face. Dayun, engrossed in her own shopping, attentively checked product prices and deliberated on her purchases. A voice behind her caught her off guard, prompting her to turn around, where she was pleasantly surprised to find Joon.

Joon and Dayun exchanged warm greetings, engaging in a spontaneous conversation about various topics as they strolled through the store, filling their carts with chosen products. Their interaction created a pleasant atmosphere between them. Unexpectedly, they were joined by Mr. Yu, who expressed surprise at Joon's presence. Dayun, noticing her grandfather, waved with a smile. Joon, displaying respect, greeted Mr. Yu warmly.

The trio continued their shopping, working together to check off items from their lists. As they wrapped up their purchases, Mr. Yu extended a generous invitation for a meal at his home. Joon graciously accepted, expressing gratitude for the offer. The three then commuted to Mr. Yu's home.

Upon arrival, Joon surveyed the clean and well-kept surroundings. Mr. Yu encouraged Joon to make himself at home, heading directly to his room. Dayun, meanwhile, ventured to the kitchen to prepare the meal. Joon, eager to contribute, joined her in cutting and cooking, creating a harmonious collaboration.

Sensing Joon's need to rest, Dayun insisted on taking over the cooking duties. Joon obliged, taking a moment to look around. His attention was drawn to a picture frame, and as he examined its contents, familiar faces smiled back at him—Mr. Yu, Dayun, Ijin, and his parents. Dayun noticed Joon holding the picture, and a shadow of sadness crossed her face, hinting at painful memories. Swiftly recovering, she concealed her emotions behind a changed expression.

"The dinner's ready," Dayun informed Joon, and as he turned to acknowledge her, a subtle undercurrent of sadness colored her expression. Sensing a connection to the picture frame, Joon gently set it aside. "I'll let Grandpa know that dinner is ready. Please, go ahead and take a seat," Dayun said, heading to Mr. Yu's room to relay the message.

As Joon sat at the table, he found it adorned with a variety of delicious dishes. As Dayun and Mr. Yu joined him, the older man encouraged Joon to start eating. The aroma of the homecooked meal sparked Joon's appetite, and he indulged, relishing the flavors that differed from the instant meals he was accustomed to.

The trio engaged in casual conversation around the dinner table, steering clear of the sensitive topic represented by the picture frame. Once the meal concluded, Joon volunteered to wash the dishes, a gesture initially met with resistance from his hosts. Despite their insistence, Joon stood firm, and with Dayun's assistance, they efficiently cleaned up. Dayun's smile during the task hinted at a rediscovery of joy.

After bidding farewell, Joon received some side dishes from Dayun. Grateful for the meal, he exited with Mr. Yu. Expressing his gratitude, Joon thanked Mr. Yu, who downplayed the gesture, claiming that he should be the one thankful. Confused, Joon questioned the sentiment.

"It's because it's been a while since Dayun smiled and was happy, before the deaths of her parents and brother," Mr. Yu revealed, delving into the tragic events that had befallen Dayun's family. The news of the plane crash that claimed her family had shattered her world. Joon, taken aback by the unexpected revelation, felt a wave of sadness. Mr. Yu apologized for sharing such a heavy story and shifted the conversation.

As Joon bid his farewell and walked away, Mr. Yu waved goodbye. Deep in thought, Joon strolled with a myriad of contemplations swirling through his mind. As he ventured into an alleyway, an unintended collision occurred with another passerby. An assertive voice demanded, "Oi, watch where you're walking!" Unbeknownst to Joon, the speaker was a thug, surrounded by a small group. Observing Joon's apparent indifference, the thug, growing irate, swiftly seized Joon's shoulder. "Apologize, you—!" Joon, not bothering to look back, calmly interjected, "Sorry." With a gentle yet firm motion, Joon removed the thug's hand from his shoulder and continued on his way, unfazed by the brief encounter.

The tension escalated as Joon's provocations fueled the thugs' rage. With a thunderous stride, one assailant lunged at Joon, forcefully seizing his shoulders and spinning him around. "Apologize properly, you fucker!" the thug roared, unleashing a powerful swing that connected with Joon's face, causing his head to sharply turn. However, Joon remained stoic, exhibiting no signs of pain.

Unperturbed, Joon calmly sidestepped, ensuring the safety of Dayun's side dishes. Fixing an unwavering gaze on the thug who had struck him, Joon's presence alone induced beads of sweat on the thug's forehead.

Advancing with menacing intent, Joon instilled fear in the thug, who couldn't muster the courage to meet Joon's eyes. Desperate, the thug barked orders to his cohorts. "Beat him down, now!" he commanded, prompting the men to converge on Joon.

As the first assailant closed in, Joon erupted into action, a blur of speed and precision. With a single strike, he incapacitated his adversary, sending him sprawling. The other thugs, momentarily stunned, watched in disbelief as Joon efficiently delivered a brutal lesson, inflicting broken limbs and shattered ribs.

The thug who initially confronted Joon, witnessing the swift and methodical dismantling of his crew, panicked. In a desperate bid to escape, he turned to run, only to feel a firm grip on his shoulder, abruptly halting his retreat.

The thug turned slowly, meeting Joon's stoic gaze. No words were exchanged, just a heavy silence. In the distance, cries of pain echoed, sending shivers through the surroundings. People rushed towards the source of the commotion, discovering a scene of chaos. Numerous men lay unconscious, their limbs twisted in unnatural angles.

Approaching the epicenter, onlookers gasped as they witnessed the aftermath. The thug who had dared to confront Joon wore a face unrecognizable, blood seeping from his mouth, his limbs shattered. Shocked bystanders covered their mouths, unable to comprehend the brutal scene.

Soon, the wailing sirens of ambulances and police vehicles filled the air. The crowd watched as emergency responders assessed the situation, the police searching for clues. Little did they know, among the spectators, the seemingly innocent perpetrator held Dayun's side dishes in hand, blending into the crowd, an unexpected and inconspicuous observer of the unfolding chaos.