
My Pretense will Carry Me Through

Where am I? Why am I in a training suit? Why does the person in front of me look so intense? Why is there a floating screen in front of me? What the hell happened to me?

inverted · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 14

The place fell into a hushed silence, a stunned quiet that gripped the spectators to their core, as the outcome of the fight left them in shock. Contrary to the expected triumphant display, Joon refrained from jubilant celebration. Instead, he approached Beomsuk with measured steps, kneeling beside him to assess his condition. Maintaining a carefully crafted facade of concern, Joon's voice, though soft, carried an undeniable air of authority as he issued a directive through the notifications that rapidly appeared, "Give him some medical attention."

The crowd swiftly mobilized to attend to Beomsuk, ferrying him to the hospital. Joon observed in silence as Beomsuk was taken away into the distance. To onlookers, it seemed like an expression of genuine worry for Beomsuk's well-being. However, Joon's internal monologue betrayed a different truth. "Damn, the notifications make me ecstatic. It may be a bit underhanded, but the allure of gaining Pretense Points is irresistible." Joon, while accumulating Pretense +, couldn't shake off a lingering sense of guilt. The internal conflict, however, didn't deter him, as the prospect of accumulating Pretense Points outweighed the unease.

The spectators remained deceived by Joon's apparent concern for Beomsuk. Oblivious to his true feelings, they saw a worried friend in Joon, unaware of the calculations running in his mind. The constant stream of notifications persisted, a stark reminder of Joon's strategic victory.

Amidst the influx of notifications, Joon took a moment to reflect on the intense duel with Beomsuk. "I was fortunate not to take a direct hit from Beomsuk. Even though I emerged victorious, there's an unsettling dissatisfaction within me." Joon couldn't shake the feeling that, without his enhanced stats, the outcome might have been different. This realization fueled his determination to intensify his efforts in accumulating Pretense Points, driven by a relentless pursuit of strength and success.

Jiyeh found herself caught off guard by Joon's victory, her expectations leaning toward a draw or even a loss. Similarly, Team 2's Leader shared the disbelief, questioning the accuracy of Joon's profile that suggested his combat skills were subpar. This unexpected turn prompted Team 2's Leader to delve into Joon's background meticulously, leaving no detail unchecked. The revelation of Joon's capabilities sparked curiosity in Jiyeh, who now sought more information about this enigmatic fighter.

The Instructor, witnessing the surprising conclusion, breathed a sigh of relief. The outcome defied his predictions, and he marveled at Joon's rapid improvement. Questions swirled in the Instructor's mind, seeking answers that only Joon could provide.

Among Team 2's members and the recruits, bewilderment lingered as they pondered how Joon managed to secure victory. Dae-Ho, Joon's friend, grappled with the stark transformation he witnessed. The monumental difference and unprecedented improvement left him questioning whether he truly knew Joon. The realization dawned on Dae-Ho that Joon had undergone a significant change, and the uncertainty of whether it was for the better or worse loomed over them. Only time would unveil the true nature of Joon's transformation.

The recruits stood in formation as the Instructor addressed them, "Outstanding performance, recruits. In the presence of the Director and Team 2's Leader, I'm pleased to announce that you are now officially part of the SW Group bodyguards. Congratulations!" The declaration echoed through the recruits, igniting waves of jubilation. They cheered, embraced one another, and reveled in the joy of achieving their goal. The Team 2 members responded with applause, welcoming the newcomers into the ranks of the SW Group bodyguards.

Joon couldn't contain his smile, realizing that he had secured the position he desired. Beside him, Dae-Ho shared in the happiness, both poised to embark on a new chapter in their lives. Jiyeh, positioned at the back, observed the scene of elation among the recruits. Her gaze briefly met Joon's, and after a moment, she turned away and departed.

Team 2's Leader, noting the absence of an offer from Jiyeh to Joon, inquired, "Director, you haven't extended your offer to Joon. Is there a reason?" Jiyeh responded, "I'll extend it, but not now. I don't want to disrupt the recruits' celebratory moment. I'll make the offer the next time we meet." She considered the timing, not wanting her proposition to overshadow the recruits' joy and turn her into a killjoy.

Remaining true to her word, Jiyeh fulfilled her promise by doubling the Instructor's salary as a gesture of acknowledgment for his efforts in overseeing the recruits' training.

"Next week, you'll all be receiving your uniforms, so take this time to enjoy a short vacation before your first day on the job." Excitement surged among the recruits, each anticipating the moment when they would proudly don the SW Group uniform, a tangible symbol of their newfound membership. Joon, in particular, couldn't contain his enthusiasm, already envisioning himself in the sleek attire and relishing the prospect.

In a rare display of gratitude, the Instructor treated the group to a celebratory meal. The excitement bubbled over as everyone joyously tossed the Instructor into the air. Joon, experiencing the uncommon feeling of being treated, smiled and reciprocated by lifting the Instructor. Despite the anticipated cost, the Instructor, buoyed by his recent salary increase, dismissed thoughts of the impending bill.

After the exuberant celebration, the men headed to the locker rooms to freshen up for the evening feast, eagerly anticipating the rare opportunity to indulge in a lavish meal. Choosing the same upscale venue where Joon had previously treated his teammates, the group indulged in a night of hearty eating and drinking, savoring the moment as if there were no tomorrow. Joon, seizing the opportunity to gain Pretense +, greeted all of Team 2 and adeptly feigned camaraderie. The notifications in his head multiplied, signaling his successful social maneuvers.

As the meal concluded, the group expressed their gratitude to the Instructor and dispersed in various directions. Dae-Ho, caught up in the celebratory atmosphere, was cheerfully carried away by his colleagues. Meanwhile, Joon, slightly inebriated from strategically consuming copious amounts for Pretense +, displayed a disciplined facade. Despite the telltale redness on his face, he walked with composure, masking any signs of intoxication.

Joon ambled towards his apartment building, a weariness lingering from the celebration. Though tempted to call it a night, he pressed on until he finally reached the familiar entrance. Mr. Yu, the observant neighbor, couldn't help but be taken aback by Joon's slightly tipsy state; it was a departure from the usual encounters where Joon appeared perfectly normal.

Curiosity piqued, Mr. Yu greeted him with a question, "What's the occasion, young man?" Joon, with a content smile, replied, "Just celebrating a happy moment." In a brief exchange, Joon conveyed the joy of securing a job at SW Group. Mr. Yu, genuinely impressed by Joon's accomplishment, offered heartfelt congratulations. They engaged in a short conversation, touching upon Joon's journey to obtaining the job, with Joon tactfully omitting certain details.

Mr. Yu expressed his pleasure at Joon's success, and as the conversation naturally concluded, the two bid their farewells. Joon headed home, navigating the quiet corridors until he reached his apartment. Exhausted from the day's events, he collapsed onto his bed, bringing an end to the celebratory day.