
My portal to the futuristic world

Bronze prize winner to WPC 282 Ajay a 20-year-old boy found a portal in his room that lead him to an apocalyptic world whose science and technology level was far higher than Blue Planet. Let's find what he will find in the portal. The cover is not mine. The characters are all made up. The idea of this novel just came to my mind, so I wrote it. I am not a professional writer and English is my 3rd language. So, please have mercy in the comment section andreviewss. If you have any suggestions for me regarding this novel, please tell me in the comments and reviews. Tags: Male protagonist Business management Artificial intelligence Robots https://discord.gg/Tr6tF33X

Mysterious_nature · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

25. Launching event.

A boy of 25 to 26 years was setting his mobile phone on the tripod stand. After setting it, he switched on the phone and become live on youtube.

"Hello guys, how are you, this is your own Akash. Today, I came to the launching event of Nutrition supplement. Yes, I think you all watched the ads somewhere of Nutrition supplement. They have been hugely promoting their product for one month. What you do you think, Is the product as good as they are saying?" He then started to read the comments of netizens.

'Mystic Boy: I don't think that the product is that great.'

'The one: If it is as they say, it will be amazing.'

'I am bad boy: Hey I bet, it won't be half as good as they say.'

'The one: What will you bet?'

'I am bad boy: I will dance naked live, if the product is half as good.'

'Crusher: I saved screenshot up stairs.'

'Destroyer: me too.'

'me too +1'

'me too +2'

'me too +1086'

While netizens were having fun in the comments they heard the host's voice "Hey someone is coming on the stage." The live streamer quickly switched the camera from selfie to the stage.

8 AM,

A 40 year old man wearing a black suit slowly walked onto the stage and stopped in front of the podium. He slightly knocked the mic to check whether it was functioning or not.

<Hello, Ladies and gentlemen. My name is Ishaan, I am the CEO of Future Tech. ltd. You don't know me for now, but will in future. Today is the day of launching the first product made by our company. Well, you have heard about it somewhere for sure. right.> He looked at the audience listening to him nodding in agreement.

<Well, we didn't leave any spot in our country. Haha.> Audience laughed at Ishaan's comment.

<Well, jokes aside, let's show you a Nutrition supplement.> The Led at the back started to show the photo of the box and packaging of the Nutrition supplement.

<This is the nutrition supplement. As the name tells, it supplements the nutrition in our body. It contains all the nutrients and vitamins required by our bodies. So it strengthens our body and also to a certain extent, develops the brain also.

The Good thing is if drink the nutrition supplement with milk after exercising, not only will it help you get nutrition, but it will also help you regain the energy you spent while exercising, it completely removes fatigue collected in your muscles and reduces the chances of injuries.>

CEO Ishaan stopped for a second so that the audience can digest what he said and after 5 seconds he started to explain.

<Our product is divided into three different grades

First C grade, Well this is the lowest grade supplement, of the three products. It helps to strengthen the body and brain but the effect is slightly less than other products, but other things are the same as I said earlier. But it is affordable to all the families. A pack of the box can be used for up to one month by 3 members of the family.

Then comes the B grade, the effects of this are greater than the C grade. The product works the same as that of the C grade, but it is far more effective than it. The strengthening of the body is 50 % more than the C grade. It is slightly costlier than C grade but still affordable.

Lastly A grade. Well, again the effects are far more than a B grade, but the special thing about this is that research and tests show that it greatly increases the life span of the human body. Theoretically, the human life span is around 130 years, the continuous consumption of the A grade nutrition supplement can make people live up to 130 years easily. Some might even cross 130 years if they consume the product along with proper diet and exercise.>

Hearing the increase in life span, there was uproar in the audience.

"Really, It increases the life span."

"No, I don't believe. This is impossible."

"Hey it's possible, if it can increases the health of the body."

"I will buy the A grade even if it is one lakh per pack."

"Yes, nothing is more important than health."

<Cough, cough> CEO Ishaan fake coughed to bring attention to himself.

<Well I know that most of you will not believe and ask a question that a nutrition supplement can strengthen the body to such a level? Right.> The audience at this time nodded deliberately or not.

<Well, we have prepared a performance for you to show the effects of the Nutrition Supplement.> At this time few people brought Four or five weights.

<Then let's welcome a few of our consumers of Nutrition supplements. Most of them have been drinking milk mixed with Nutrition Supplement. Let's applause for them.>

Then three average dudes along with a slender woman came on the stage under the applause of the audience.

Then suddenly CEO Ishaan said on the mic while pointing toward a weighing machine, <Could some of the people from the audience can help us check the weight of these.>

Ten people from all sides stood up randomly and came on the stage, there were a few big bodybuilders among the ten people.

<Any of you want to try to lift the weights?>

"I will try."

One of the bodybuilders took a step forward and came in front of the weight, he squat down and put a tight grip on the rod.

"Hey, it seems like he works out very much in the gym."

"Look at those biceps, My thighs are not that big."

"From my negligible experience of lifting weights, I can tell he lift weights around 150 kg easily." at this time audience and netizens were talking in the comments.

The bodybuilder pulled the rod upwards with all his strength. The weights slightly lifted about 4 to 5 inches from the floor of the stage.


Then Bodybuilder couldn't hold the rod anymore and weights slipped from his hand and fell on the floor. A loud sound resounded in the stadium, a deadly silence fell in the whole stadium. The loud chattering of the audience and sand sculptures suddenly became as someone pressed the mute button.

All the eyes were on the stage or the screen showing the stage. Then suddenly audience and onlookers were in an uproar.

"What the f***? How heavy is that!"

"Hey the stage is shaking with fall of weights."

"It must be more than 200 Kg."