
Chapter 06 - Hours before The Concert

We finalized the rehearsal and the next day. We started early, 8 or 9 am, to rest and I got to admit I was really on the zone this day. We stopped at 1 pm and we take the day as everybody's shopping spree. I didn't want to go so I was left in the room for almost 2 hours. I got bored and I told Jona, my security, that I want to get out and maybe get some nice air.

Fans who stayed outside my hotel still felt energized when they saw me walking towards their way. Jona wasn't expecting it either, I just had the urge to say hi. "Hey, everyone." I waved and they all cheered, more like scream but it's okay. They surrounded me and I felt like it's getting crowded so security are quick to protect me if something happened.

I told them to rest because tonight will be very high. I asked them if they stayed outside for the night and they were just so hyped I can't ignore it. I thanked them and received tons of gifts from them.

We had photo time and some autographs and some asked for hugs. I am in a good mood for some dancing. I watched some of the fans who sang my songs. It was heartwarming and I smiled throughout. We had to say goodbye for some lunch, we visited the famous restaurant called MONDAY. The food was just amazing, we had photo time with the owner as well. They asked me thought if they can post my photo inside. I told them it will be my honor, the food there was really delicious, I can't stop talking about it.

We stopped at a Tsubaki Cafe, too bad they are not exhibiting today. We run into a five girls, they were shy to asked for my picture, one of them was brave enough to ask and I gladly took the photo with them though they didn't have enough photo so they asked for a single photo time.

The blond with a long hair asked me if I could sign her collar jacket for her graduation present. I told her it won't be a problem. They gave me a marker and I have to get closer near her neck to signed the collar. After that we went back to the hotel. As soon as I entered my room at 4:37 pm, Eli had a look that red, she wants to spill some blood today. I greeted her afternoon but she didn't give a crap about it.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked sitting right next to her. She was very upset that she couldn't look me in the eye. "Hey, is something wrong" I repeated. She close her eyes and breath deeply and sigh. She gave me the iPod tablet she was holding on since I got here.

"Read it yourself!" she throw me the tablet and as soon as I opened it. I saw a guy with his back and it looks like they are kissing. I was about to hand her the tablet but I realized something so I opened it again and saw the man's clothes. It looked like mine and those girls are quite familiar. It hit me, it was me on the photo.

I look at Eli and said "This isn't me, I promised!" I said. She looked at me and asked it herself. "Can't you see it was you?" she blurted. I waved my hand and tried to explain "Yes, it was me, but I ain't kissing her. I was signing her jacket collar." she calm a bit and was waiting for another explanation. "I was with Jona, you can ask him".

She looked unsatisfied and called Jona for confirmation. I called Ian to come to my room, waiting for two minutes, He came right away "What is it, Ian?" he asked. Eli showed him the photo trending at this moment. He was quick to answer and in more detail. Don't worry, he won't take my side if it's my fault.

The problem was solved between Eli and I but we still need to share it to the world. I know that but they said I had to give it before the concert. We head to the stadium to prepare for the concert. When I arrived, we had to prepare for a final rehearsal before starting the concert. I killed that rehearsal and they did my make up afterwards.

I can hear the crowds cheered as always. It gives me confidence and want to give my best. I can see that everyone was pumped up. All the crew are busy as hell. I want to do everything in my best to give them the support they give in this very moment.

The concert started with a VCR and I appeared after it ended. "Hello, Everybody!" I feel like all the energy is in my body right now. We started with song number one, Liked you from the start, my number 3 list on my second album. It was a great start and then continued from the next, song after song.

"We are almost done, yeah?!" I shouted. They screamed and cheered, "I hope we are all having fun tonight...you know... it won't be called perfect if it wasn't made after having small to big mistakes. We learn from it and it build a something in us. sometimes, we hold on to that something that tell us it will be great. That drives us to make it better and the best. So, don't think that you're a failure now because you haven't anything done good enough. I promise you that it will make you stronger. I hope you learn something in my journey". They cheered nonstop, I closed my eyes and held the mic tighter and start singing my last song.

"Remember, when I fall down in your doorstep,

I can't think at the moment, like you do

I know I was too much but you hold on to me

Never let go, you hold my hand tighter

we faced a lot of a criticism, enemies are left and right

We are one no matter what

I like looking at our moments

Rewind them repeatedly

I love you with all my heart"

I added some support to those who are struggling "I hope you can have the confidence in the world... Have a safe evening everyone. Bye!" I waved walking backward. Sweat are all over me and they wiped it after I entered the backstage area. "That was fun, good job everyone, thank you for being here. Always" I put up a thumbs up and bowed down.

We ate in the artist room and I made sure I didn't drink a drop of alcohol. I hate drinking when I finish a concert, I like to drink wine before but I like to drink fruit juice now, I want my mind to be fresh. I usually drink inside my hotel room when I get back so that when I get drunk I don't really made it out online. I was almost caught driving while drunk, it was just a miracle that Eli's with me.

She didn't want me to drive that night but I insisted, saying I am not drunk. I can say that we almost got arrested for DUI. I was really lucky, I wasn't even eighteen at the time. Thank god, we switched seats very fast.

When I got out of the stadium. Fans are waiting for me across the street and it was packed with people. I was very happy ending it successfully. I waved and head back to the hotel. I ordered some healthy grape juice and some salad.

Eli entered the room, sat in front of me and put the tablet on the tablet. "You have an interview tomorrow" she said gulping water nonstop. "Aaah, the photo scandal?" I smirked. She kicked me under the table and I stood up feeling all the pain.

"Why do you have to kick me like that!" defending my self for an incoming attack again. She punched me nonstop and but lightly. She can't possibly scar her money maker. She asked me to clean and shower, he'll be interviewing me at the restaurant on first floor.

I was busy busy watching the "We bare bears episode 5 of season two" when someone knocked on my table. I paused the video and lifted my head to see Rena who flew here in Japan to hear my side of the story. However I was shocked to see the girl standing right in front of me.