
Chapter 07 - A Date with Michelle

"Michelle?" I blurted. She smiled letting her bright white teeth and beautiful smile came to life. She was startled when I hugged her "I missed you". She slowly hug me back. Eli was surprised seeing her in person.

"Eli, this is Michelle, the duo partner." she handshake Eli saying "That was a long time ago" and sat after. Eli replied "Actually, I was your fan." Michelle covered her mouth dazzled. I was staring at them talking.

Michelle, my partner duo/bestfriend, was the one who uploaded those nauseating memories. She was the one who, somehow, helped me through the gutter. I wasn't really the perfect bestfriend, we'd argue almost a week. She wasn't gonna say sorry, obviously, because it wasn't her fault. However, even if it's her fault, I can't let her say sorry, so I'll say sorry and we'd laugh together.

Yes, I had a feelings for her but I hid them because we're too young to jump into a relationship. I'll say, she was a little bit more boyish than most girls but I liked that about her. I did confess my feelings when we were at the middle school graduation. She rejected me for the reason that I was just a friend to her, more like a big brother.

She wasn't my first love, it was more like a puppy love, kids around 13 or 14 doesn't really know what love is. I got over her easy because she got her first boyfriend at the age of 15. Liam, his boyfriend, would hang out with us, most likely trying to fit in but I was quick to detect that something wasn't right about him.

They broke up because me, I told Michelle that he cheated on her but that was a lie. After they broke up, rumors inside the campus that Christian was dating a hot guy. They thought it was me but we found out that it was Liam and Michelle was furious because her first love was a gay.

"I thought your in Switzerland?" I asked Michelle. She smiled revealing her most charming dimples "I am on vacation. I thought your concert is done, what are you doing here?". I laughed thinking she doesn't want me here. "Do you hate me that much?" I asked staring at her eyes without blinking.

She became really serious and almost stood up. "I was just asking. By the way, I saw Sophie in Netherlands, she was very serious in volunteering despite her studies". I smirked. I put my phone on the table, locked my fingers and answered "I don't really know about that but I am sure she's doing great. Lucky for you, I am leaving tonight and I still have some time to spare".

"So?" She crossed her leg. "Would you like to have a date with me?" I asked seriously. Looking fierce but sweet. She didn't know that was coming. Huh?

She was about to answer but Rena answered first. "I would love to". We both look at the person talking. Even Eli looked where was standing. "Rena, you came" I stood up and I offered a shake hands and invited her to sit with us. Michelle didn't budge at all. She just stare at the new girl now sitting right next to me. It was a little awkward but Rena broke the ice first "Nice to finally meet you, Ms. Michelle" she extend her hand for a handshake which Michelle gladly accepted.

"If I knew you had company, I would have met you in Seoul." said Rena. Michelle and Eli were both excused in the table because we're starting the interview. "Are you an item?" Rena whispered to me while her staff prepared. I looked at Michelle who was chatting happily with Eli "Not gonna happen".

Michelle is now a walking million dollar model and singer. We still hadn't collaborated yet but I could say, she doesn't want to collaborate after what happened 2 years ago. It was a stupid mistake and it was my fault. It's amazing that she still talks to me.

"What can you say about the photo scandal Collin?" reporter Rena asked. She is so strict when it comes to work. She bully sometimes with her questions but I don't really get angry with her. "It's not true.". "Would you like to defend yourself with the #CollinOut that is trending on Twitter at this very moment?"

I lean on the chair and I think for a moment. "Defend? What did I do? I haven't done anything wrong. Negative comments like that will keep on popping anyway. I don't have plans on defending myself because there's nothing to defend". Her staff whispered something important for her to interrupt us.

I asked Rena about it but she ignored me. She scroll down through her phone and her eyes is busy like she was reading something big. She put the phone back to her jacket purse and she has this poker face. She smiled "I wasn't sure what you meant by that comment but now I know. there's a photo trending online with your photo scandal however it was on another angle. Would you like to comment on that?"

she hand me an Ipod revealing two photo. It was more clear than the other one. You can clearly see the blondie handing me the pen and the other one was the time where I was signing her jacket. I am so thankful for the person who upload this. The interview continued and I feel more comfortable answering question now.

Rena thank me as they cut of the interview. I thank her back for traveling so far to interview one photo scandal. I approached Eli and Michelle who is sitting on the other end. "Hey! What are you two talking about?". Eli seemed a little bit awkward and I can Michelle wiped a tear.

"Wait, Are you fighting?" I asked. Eli straightened her posture and so does Michelle. Michelle told me that she's leaving because she's tired. I told her to give me some time this afternoon because we are living tonight. She agreed and told me to meet her here.

I was busy picking a clothes to wear but I thought I should wear something formal. I texted Eli and she told me to just wear anything not fancy. I wore a cardigan with a white sneaker, and my cap. She was waiting at the restaurant I had an interview to, on the same chair that I was sitting on.

"Hey" I sat smiling at her. She smiled back but a little bit. I look around and there's nothing here with us. "I rented the place for tonight" she simply said. "You should have told me, I could have paid for it". She didn't answer and asked me instead "What do you want?". I was taken aback with that question but I didn't shake at all. I told her "Nothing, it's been a long time since we ate together." she raised her brow and scoffed "Is that why you wanted to have a date with me?" she laughed and I was staring her at her curious and she stopped.

I asked her a very question "Why did you take a break after what happened in Switzerland?" I can see her became stiff and she was fidgeting as well. I got more curious and I told her to not mind my question. I picked the spoon and I was about to eat it when Michelle talked "I was busy with more important than my career".

She didn't say anymore and I didn't ask too. I feel like she changed a bit. We used to tell each other a lot of things. I guess, this is a messy one and we ate in silence. She gt a text and she immediately stand up after a couple scoop. "I have to go" she turned away and started walking. I held her hand stopping her from walking. Her body felt cold and stiff like she doesn't me or is it just me?

"Just like that?" I said. She faced me and replied "I need to go! Let me go" her tone became more stern and serious. I slowly let go and she walks really fast almost running but she can't do that with her heels on. I just stare at her back until she disappears, Just like 2 years ago.

I was left there like a dumped boyfriend but instead of feeling lost, I ate the food because I am hungry too. I finished eating, called Eli and told her I am ready to leave. I was on my way to my room when I saw Michelle walking on the opposite direction with a kid. I called her name but she didn't hear me, I was about to call her one more time when a guy, looks like a chinese/korean came to view and hugged her and carry the little kid.

I didn't get a look at the kid but it looks like it's a boy with the way he dressed. I continued my way to my room and slept. Is Michelle married? Is that her kid? Is it hers? When? Why didn't I hear about this?