
My Playful Heart: Isla del Fuego series 3

Ruche_Spencer · Others
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5 Chs


Life is an adventure.

Owen Lee Mcknight had to get up early this morning because of an early breakfast meeting with a potential business partner, Harold Rieze. He is an owner of a winery in France and his products are of good quality.

Since Owen and his brother Shane's resort is bringing good fortune, they decide to collaborate with wine owners to guarantee wine supply in their bar and restaurant chain, The Bachelors' Den, which is now franchised in 50 countries around the world.

After checking the time on his bedside table, he decides to take a nap after eating his brunch.


Owen is utterly in shock when he opens his girlfriend's email.



My father wants to meet you as soon as possible since I mentioned that you're here in London. But... we have a little problem, I introduced you to him as my GAY friend. I am so sorry darling~ I know how uncomfortable this situation is, but please try to understand. I will explain everything later. I'll come to your flat around 3 pm.

I'll make up for you!!!!

I love you♡!!!!!!!




"Good lord, Keira!" he exclaims after reading the email a couple of times more.

"Gay?! Of all the things she can think of~~~she came up with GAY?!" he rants to himself as he sits on his bed. He shivers as he imagines him as one and then curses multiple times.