
My Perfect Mistake

"So this is what it feels like to be married huh..." Emma replied quietly as she caressed the marriage certificate in her hand. "Don't let me wait for you tonight." Levi said domineering as he got into his sports car and drove off, leaving Emma dumbfounded. In search for an adventurous life, Emma coincidentally crossed paths with Levi, a demon among humans who claims whatever he desires. And unfortunately for her, Levi has marked her on his to get list. How will Emma ever be freed from this hell of a marriage and finally get her exciting life back??!

Stephanie_Igben · Urban
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

"Emma... Marry me!!"

"It's enough Bella, don't get yourself worked up because of this fool." the man who had been standing by the corner the entire time walked forward and patted her on the shoulders.

"Just you wait, I'll make sure dad punishes you when he gets back." Bella said still in anger as she walked out in the arms of that man.

At the mention of their father, T shook in fear as he pulled hard on his hair while still on the floor.

"Sir... the chairman's men knew of our location since the very beginning but didn't act until sister B showed up. Do you think..." Brandon who has been standing silently by T's side voiced out his opinion in fear.

If the chairman knew from the very beginning, then why didn't he stop them. Why sit back and wait for Bella to come disrupt their plans?? Or does he have something big planned??

T thought long and hard but still couldn't come out with a reasonable conclusion. Things were getting messier by the minute and if he doesn't clean up his mess, then he would be in a lot of trouble when his dad gets back.


It's been three days since the incident and everyone went back to their lives. Emma continued her job as the assistant to the deputy director of the PR department while also working as Levi's help. Although the word chef would be preferable.

Andrea on the other hand went back to work. Jerry decided to take that big step and Andrea said yes so they were officially getting married.

T on the other hand, had been under a lot of pressure lately. He went against Levi and didn't achieve his goals so he's been on his toes lately.

After all, you can't step on the lion's tail and walk away freely.

Levi has been very busy lately at the office so he refused to visit the chairman for the past three days. Chairman Reigns didn't push any further after Levi refused.But Levi was very much aware there was trouble waiting for him back at home.

It was almost lunch time and as usual, Emma went up to the top floor to prepare lunch for her boss. After knocking on the door, she went in and saw Levi putting on his jacket and walking towards the door.

"Come with me." He said before pulling her out. They took his private elevator that led to the garage without anyone noticing and drove off in his Rudi R8.

Emma was already used to Levi acting all bossy so she had no complaints when he pulled her along with him. She took out her phone and scrolled through Instagram in boredom as Levi drove past the streets.

Levi then came to a stop at the back of a building so Emma kept her phone back into her purse and came down from the car. It was the ending of April and also springtime so Emma wore a light knee length gown. The V-neck purple gown was short sleeved and well fitted so she wore it with black heels while carrying her black purse.

She always had the elegance of a socialite even though she was born on the street and her calm demure made her unique. With her long beautiful legs and fluttering eye lashes, she walked side by side with Levi as they walked into the building.

The place was bustling with people when they entered and Levi took her to a private room. With all the noise gone, Emma looked around the place as she found it difficult to identify where they were. There was only a table and a chair, with the couch they were sitting on in the whole room. There was also a table centralized before them and the place was well decorated with food ventilation.

Soon, a middle-aged man walked in with a young assistant following behind. He had a pleasant smile on his slightly wrinkled face as he shook hands with Levi in respect.

"Welcome Mr Reigns. Everything is ready now." the man said as he sat opposite Emma and Levi.

"Proceed." Levi said lightly.

"You provided the document earlier so all you have to do is sign here and the marriage will be finalized." The man said enthusiastically.

Levi with no expression on his face picked up the document the man presented and after scanning through and confirming that everything was okay, he placed down his signature gracefully.

Emma who has been in shock ever since she heard "marriage will be finalized" finally came back to herself after Levi signed the document.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH LEVI REIGNS??! How could he just bring her to the Federal Marriage Ministry and ask her to marry him on the spot? Has he gone nuts??

"Emma... Marry me." Levi spoke gently as he pushed the document to Emma. Staring blankly at the document, Emma was at a loss for words seeing her whole information already filled in. From her passport, to her identity card and all necessary information. All has been filled with her information perfectly.

Taking her gaze away from the document before her, she looked at the man sitting opposite her with a complicated gaze. He was devilishly handsome and had eyes that shine brighter than the stars. His cold poker face was so handsome that it would confuse anyone who stared at it for too long.

We are drawing close to the end of this month's WPC contest, and I'm very grateful for all the support so far.

Many thanks to All my readers and I hope you continue showing your support to my book!

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