
Chapter 520

I picked up the hem of my dress so I would not step on it as I ran and chased after him. I just remembered that he still has not told me his name, so I did not know what to scream out. The last time we were about to exchange names, another discussion came up and we had to forget about it all. How come he is so fast when he was just striding by, I was running and panting after him like I had been running for miles. I knew if I let him go like this, we may never speak to each other again before I leave here and it would make my stay here more unbearable,

This boosted my need to chase after him and not give up now just to catch my breath. Sometimes there is a lot of similarities between him and his father, they are both so thick headed and refuse to listen to reason. What would I tell him that would make him stop moving first of all, there is no way I would be able to catch up with him this way, I needed to think of a more creative way,

" Your mother sent me here, do you not want to know what she has to say?"

I definitely do not know if this would work, but if I read the scene earlier, he likes and respect his mother a lot. I do not think he would be able to walk away from whatever information that concerns her, and my assumption was proved correct when he halted his steps. I smiled triumphantly as I watched this, but in reality it was not a pleasing sight like the way I thought of it in my head. I was looking rumpled, hunched over with my hands on my knees so I could catch my breath while smiling, right there, I am sure that I looked like a wild animal,

While I expected him to stop, I definitely did not expect that he would change his course to where I was , striding towards me with determination, I had to stand up straight as I awaited him to get to where I was and do whatever he wants to.

" Where did you see mother from? Is she back?"

I could not even say anything in response, I was not aware that she was going on a journey as I just left her not quite long ago, what is with them and their families, going on a journey at odd hours,

" She was in her tent just before I came here, I am not aware of she is going somewhere else" I was confused but I knew from the look on his face that he expected an answer from me and he would not take it lightly with me if I keep silent,

Before I was done talking, he was already hurrying down the hill. I said what I said to stop him, not to make him run faster.