
Chapter 443

The representative was obviously not expecting this to happen and I am certain, he did not prepare for it one bit. But he still came forward and assumed the position. He looked between Tufa and the shaman, and then back at the elders, the oldest gave him a nod to proceed and that little nod, boosted his confidence and gave him a burst of boldness too. I could see the shaman wincing, she had been in that position for a while, I know there is no way she would be comfortable and I am sure she needs a water and fruit break. So I raised my hands up,

From the looks on everyone face, they thought I was up to my tricks again, and no one paid me any mind but I remained persistent and kept my hands up till they knew I was actually serious. I kept looking at the elders but he was looking through me, that was the only way I could describe it, like he was looking my way, looking at me but not seeing me. I do not know why I was so adamant that they check up on her, but I would not be at peace till it is done,

When the representative saw that none of the elders were saying a word, he took actions into his hands and asked me what I wanted. I was so glad he did so when he did because my hands were about going numb and I would not be able to keep them up again,

" She is heavily pregnant and has been in this position for a while, I think she needs to stretch a bit and probably take some fruit and water" I made sure my tone was as humble as possible, so that they would not say I was being rude and disturbing the proceeding,

He looked over at her and saw the little wince that was on her face, it seemed this was ultravires his authority, so he told me to sit down and he was on it. He quickly went over to the Elder's, pointed over to where I was and told them my request, they all examined her position. I was expecting the oldest Elder to approve it at once but it was another amongst them, that quickly called a moderator that was close by, muttered some words in his ear and the moderator ledy. They waved the representative off to continue his duty,

"What was the motive behind Donua's ploy?"

How could he ask that, it would take a look of time for her to be able to relay it all. I do understand the need to know his motive, as it would help them understand further . I looked over at her but she was seriously contemplating on it. Is it possible that she must have forgotten?. I was thinking the moment she was asked, she would start to spill it all without pause but that was not the case right now