
Chapter 442

" I am not the only one here who is aware of the type of relationship that exists between Donua and Tufa, why do you think he is vehemently disputing this?"

" It could be because he does not want to see his innocent son's name soiled all because of some grudge you hold"

" Grudge? against Donua? What does he have or has done to me, that I would hold a grudge against him?. I am merely stating the truth "

"So you say" and he scoffed

Why am I being subjected to watch this prejudiced trial, it is fairly obvious that he has made up his mind already and was looking for all means to place the blame on the Shaman. We rally around, crying out that people do not say the truth any longer but why would they take a bold step and come out, only to be subjected to humiliation this way. If the truth would not be used, then there is no reason for us to keep advocate and fighting for it. I was proud of her when she came out, but I wish she had never done so now. If it were possible, I would leave right now without turning back.

"I say so because it is the truth. If you would just be willing to hear what I have to say, you would see the same yourself" I do not know why she is still fighting, there is nothing it can do right now,

"I actually agree with her right now. If you are not going to do this well, kindly step aside" I was shocked, like was this really happening,

I could also tell that the moderator was not expecting to be called out on his actions, he was spluttering, but was unable to form a coherent sentence, it was very obvious that he was feeling embarrassed, but I did not care because this was what he was what he deserved,

"There is actually no need for you to continue on, please hand over to him"

" Well said! Wooo" was what someone shouted out in the crowd,

We all could not help the laughter that erupted from us, even the Elder cracked a smile at it. I turned back and noticed it was one of the girls that screamed it out. It seems I was not the only one that was feed up with his masochistic behavior. He was told to hand over to the man we had chosen as a representative earlier. Now I understood why he was told not to leave but to linger around, it was actually for instances such as this. I actually thought he would switch position with other moderators, but this solution did not seem bad,

"He is one of you all and I know he will only want justice and truth to prevail. When we tried using ours, you all can see how it all turned out "

He too must have suspected foul play too from the behavior of the moderator, he sounded so disappointed with them all