
Chapter 415

In every community and a place where people are gathering for some time, their importance should should not be underestimated because they are the mediums through which information are passed around. They are kind of a storage and shelf for information, and they have a bit of knowledge on every topic. Once there is something new  and recent happening in the place, they do their best to find out about it and go around spreading it. This is why if they is an exclusive meeting going on within the leaders, they would be flocking around waiting for information to seep out,

"Juna is missing." 

I had two ways I wanted to approach it at first. One was the direct method, which was what I just did right now, going straight to the point. The other was dropping hint for them and waiting for them to arrive at the answer themselves, so that when they are asked they would say that they came across the information themselves and technically, they were not lying.  But I was becoming way too impatient and I needed to ensure they have a hold of it and had ample opportunity to spread it around before he leaves the gathering,

" Have you not noticed for a while that he has not been around for some time now?"

They both looked at each other as if to confirm what I had told them. It is quite funny but it seems like they verify all their information before spreading it around, they must be a reputable source. It was only when the one behind, confirmed that , of a truth they have not been seeing Juna around for a while, that they turned back to face me and hear more. They were so intuned to each other, that they only communicate via their eyes and a series of nods, without their mouth moving. I beckoned them closer and widen my eyes, to let them know I had more, this caused them to lean in further, I am shocked that they had not fallen flat on their face because they were standing on the tip of their toes at this point,

" He is not the only one that was taken" I ended my word with a sombre tone and a nod of my head,

 Their eyes widened when they heard the word 'taken'. This was a serious crime, which was why I knew that if it gets to the man, he would not let it go just like that.

"Taken? Someone took them?" I knew she was asking me that, so I would understand the words that were leaving my mouth that it was not something to joke about, because if my claim turns out to be wrong and they trace the information back to them, they would be in a lot of trouble. In as much as I wanted to punish Donua and some of the people involved too, I also did not want to put the innocent girls in trouble too.