
Chapter 414

"I do not know if you have heard the recent news, I was astounded" and I ended it with that, I shuffled away from them too after saying it. I knew they would not be able to resist asking me what was going on, because they looked like the type of people that likes to abreast of what was going on. At first, they was no movement from the both of them, so I felt I had not made it captivating enough for them, and I almost had to give up because they were the step to getting the word around,

" We must have heard it before. Is there anything going on that we do not know?" One of them asked the other,

"How sure are you? From the tone of her voice, it is something we can not miss out on" the other replied back,

"And we can always leave her side if it is something we are aware of, so let's go"

"Our curiosity will put us in trouble soon and I have a feeling that I would be the one getting punished severely" the first girl told her but from her tone,I knew she had succumbed and was ready to follow th leading of the other,

Later on, the shift was subtle but it was there. They  began to look my way a lot more, since I needed them to draw them in, I gave no physical inclination to them but acted as if I was solely focused on the message. At first, only one of them was brave enough to come closer to me. She just stood there, not saying a word and kept beckoning on the other to follow suit with her hand. They both looked comical at the moment but I could not afford to laugh, so as not to ruin the nonchalant expression I had on,

Eventually, they both finally got to my side, and began to argue within theirselves would would talk to me. They were surely a character, but it was nice because I knew just looking at them that before the man would leave the father, the news must have gotten round to him, there is no two ways about it. I feigned a cough and it startled them, but it also helped gave them the courage to talk to me, on the guise that they were checking up on me. As long as the goal is achieved, I will do anything,

" What do you know?" I definitely was not expecting to approach it so forwardly, I was thinking they would beat around the bush but they went straight to the point,

I had to lower my voice a bit, then look them straight in the eyes, well one after the other, I placed my hand on my lips in the universal keep quiet signal, they were visibly bustling with excitement and dying to hear the news that would change their lives. I have to admit I so find them cute.