
Chapter 38

"If I was the same as you claimed, would I have brought you out so you will not get caught" the hurt was evident in his voice as he said it? 

"Why are you doing all these?" I asked him, I did not want anyone to play me especially not him and his people. So I wanted to know his true agenda.

"Doing what? Helping you out?", he questioned

" exactly" I screamed out.

"Why are you helping me out? What do you want in return! Or are you doing all these to clear your conscience?" I fired the questions at him.

" I do not want anything from you.  I did all I did because it was my civil duty" he replied.

Civil duty! Did he just mention civil duties to me? I laughed out loud. I probably sounded like a maniac but I did not care

"All these things done to my people are because your people want to fulfill their civil duty right? How Noble of you all" I said sarcastically, I clapped my hands slowly.

"I will have you know that I do not agree with their methods and treatment of your people but my hands are tied so I can not do anything," he said somberly. I scoffed at him, does he think he can fool me easily, he'd better try another way.

." We need to rescue you too, poor you, forced against your will, while you are given food thrice a day, freedom of movement, good clothes, nice tent, and offices, dwell with your people, and gets correspondence from your families back home, I get it, it must suck to be you, you have it bad," I said mockingly.

How dare he tell me his hands are tied, how does he expects our hands to be then? chained? , nailed to the tents? Can he hear himself? I shook my hands and turned to walk away but his voice stopped me

"You may not believe me but a lot is going on that you are not aware of and would not understand but I am willing to explain and answer all your questions if you are willing to hear me out" he was leaving the decision in my hands, sure, my curiosity was piqued. The last time I let my curiosity get the best of me, it almost resulted in my death. Was I willing to hear him out? But before then, there was something I desperately wanted to know the answer to

"Why did you help me back at the grand house? You clearly knew that I was lying. You could have raised an alarm and I would have been caught already. Why did you help me then?" I asked him, I really wanted to hear his answers, maybe it would help me understand him better. He gestured towards chopped woods acting as chairs. If I sat down, it would mean I acquiesced to his request and was willing to hear him out, was that not accepting defeat?