
Chapter 37

I tried struggling against my assailant but it was all futile. I could not match his strength, I tried to push off his hands over my mouth so I could scream, but the hand was not relenting. I found myself dragged deeper and deeper into the woods. Tears were running down my eyes already but I willed my body to continue fighting and not give up.

Before I realized what was happening, I was hurled into a clearing. Immediately I sat up with my hands on the floor behind me to support me while I looked at my surroundings. There was a clearing in the middle where I was fitted, with cut-down woods arranged to form a circle, from the looks of it, they acted as chairs. I raised my eyes to stare at the owner of the pair of brown boots before me. I was definitely shocked to find out it belonged to no one else but Lucas.

His face was not set in his normal smiling expression but was set in a scowl. When he opened his mouth to speak, I knew I was not going to like the words that he would emit or spew, so I braced myself,

"Do you have a death wish or something? I have never seen someone as careless with their life as you are" he shouted out angrily. I huffed, I was not going to dignify his question with an answer not after how he manhandled me.

"Are you now deaf Elena" he prodded further. I do not know where my newfound boldness was coming from but I liked it. I turned my back on him and began to walk into the woods in front of me. I did not know where I was walking toward but I went with my head raised up.

I had not taken up to three steps before I was yanked back towards him.

"I believe I asked you a question Elena" he started calmly..

" i believe you can see I do not want to reply" I retorted. He let out a short growl of frustration but I refused to be fazed and stood my ground.

"How can you walk there dressed as you are? Do you know what would have happened if you were caught? They would have done inappropriate things to you and no one would blame them based on how you look now" he said with his voice rising with each word he said. But his statement made me angry. With eyes blazing, I turned towards him,

"It does not matter how I was dressed no one was going to blame them anyway, the blame would always be on me" I yelled back at him. How dare he! I was fuming already

"I had it all under control, no one asked you to step in and act as my knight in shining armor when you are all the same, " I told him. He looked genuinely hurt by my statement but I was far gone to care.