
My own Isekai story

A young man's soul was about to be sacrificed with many others in other to save all of creation, but thanks to the beliefs and determination of a young Goddess, his destiny changed and now only a new world full of challenges await in the future. He now has a new body and two special perks that might just be powerful enough to save or destroy everything, will he use them correctly or get consumed by the power hunt?

Darkias07 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The airhead?

I immediately start using my new ability to look at the information of things.

[grass] [i]

[stone] [i]

[LilBerry bush] [i]

[Wine's fruit tree] [i]


I looked at a bunch of stuff and it worked on every single one of them, the information on some was really simple like the stones and grass, it's their definition with the fact they are located in this forest which by the way seems to be called demonic forest and I have an obvious guess on why. It's definitely these evil trees that give this place the name!

Going on with my previous explanation, while some things have rather simple details about them, things like that lilberry which I can somehow see perfectly despite being night and me who is trapped by the evil tree, being at a distance of 13m(1300cm) from it, I can see some resemblance with strawberries, and the wine's fruits are obviously grapes from name alone but they are huge, like at least 20 times the size of a normal grape from Earth, I think it's a little hard to say.

The information said stuff like how people of this world use lilberry to make juice and wine's fruit for exactly what you guessed by now, sweets! Yeah, I'm not joking, it really said that since this fruit is very sweet it's used to produce sweets. If you're wondering, it's called wine's fruit because it was indeed used to make wine, but that was a long time ago according to the information of my ability and it was substituted by a fruit discovered later that was called grape. So, in the end, grapes do exist in this place.

By now I'm absolutely sure I'm not on earth, I had my doubts but the reality is this one. I've already convinced myself that it's fine, so let's leave that behind before I get all stressed and cry over it.

Now, let's see if there's any way out of this trap and then I can think of whatever I want after I'm sure, I'm safe. This thing is called evil so whatever it does is no good, I really would like to know what that mana thing is though.... I guess I have to add it to my already huge list of things I didn't get since I woke up with no memory.

I only remember some feelings and some random stuff keep popping up from time to time but nothing relevant, I don't even remember how the family I know I had looks! I only know they existed and we seemed to be a pretty happy family, I'm also still curious about why my father wasn't present and those weird words that made me faint before I woke up here, and even that weird voice that keeps telling me stuff, this time when I got my new ability thing it also used a weird word, but I didn't feel anything special this time..... I really can't think about all this now, it's useless to keep running my brains, I'll need to learn from someone or something.

Back to the current state of matters, I once again use my ability on the evil tree. All I have to do is focus on whatever it is and think of how I want to know it's information and it's done. From what the voice that spoke in my head said, It should be my perk and it's definitely <Creation's eyes> since this only works with my eyes opened and yes I tried.

I try to use my ability by thinking of its name.

<Creation's eyes>

[Demonic umbrella tree] [i]

It works and I once again press the [i] button.

[Demonic umbrella tree


Race: evil living plant


Age:123 years old

Titles:|Evil tree|, |living trap|, | Illusion caster|,

|Moon loving plant|

Level: layer-0, tier-0, sub-level:77

Racial traits: Evil, mana eater, immobile, tricky, sentient being.

Overall rank: E

World rank: I+

Description [i]

Skills: <Illusion Magic>, <Moon light barrier>, <Mana absorption>, <Mana detect>, <mana drain>]

After the main screen opened I pressed the [i] beside description and a new screen opened.

[Demonic umbrella tree

Description: This monster is one of the many subspecies of the evil living plant race, this one in specific is an Immobile creature that feeds off by absorbing the mana of its preys that are attracted by the calm and pleasant aura this tree releases, then it uses illusion magic in other to fool it's praying into staying close to it or traps it with whatever means it has. These trees are naturally formed one of two ways, first are born because of the accumulation of negative mana like all other monsters, and second are born from the corpse of unburied nymphs, dryads, wood fairies, elves, and some others. They tend to inherit some of the skills, titles, and even perks possessed by the individual from which they were born if they are born through the second way. If they receive enough damage they will let go of their prey, even though classified as evil plants they are actually very merciful and don't kill their prey, all they do is absorb their mana until Its very low which leaves the prey tired and weak, but since they don't want to stay close to the evil tree any longer most preys run away and get killed by any other monster bypassing because of their weak state being easy preys. Since most don't come back alive after meeting a demonic umbrella tree, some crazy rumors about how these are the most dangerous of the evil plant race were created and thus they become feared as merciless mass-murdering beings, even though they would actually protect their prey because most monster wouldn't dare go near them, for monster mana has a bigger impact and even though humans might also die of mana deprivation, monsters will certainly if their mana reaches zero.

Weaknesses: fire, acid, ice, poison, and some other minor weaknesses.

Other weaknesses [i].

Battle methods: none currently usable.

Other Battle methods [i].

Escape method: Currently individual Invicta can only apply one method- using Invicta's blood, it's possible to revert the process and revive the original individual from which the monster was born, to do so simply apply a drop of blood on the target.

Other escape methods [i].]

"What?!.... Wait I can speak again?!" I get a double shook cause not only did I discover I can revive this tree back to what it was, but I can also speak again?! Does this have to do with the other perk? It's probably that, I tried a lot but couldn't speak before.

Once again there are things happening at the same time and making me lose my focus, it's great that I can speak again but that doesn't change my situation. I have to try this blood reviving thing out and if it works I can also know if the information I get from my ability is trustworthy. This better work!!

I move forward and stand in front of the tree then I poke my own finger with my nail a little hard and soon purple blood starts coming out and my neck's black marks start glowing purple, I ignore that and look at my purple blood with a golden glow around it, sighing with slightly sad eyes then press my blood on the tree.

I move my hand back and immediately put my bleeding finger inside my mouth and start drinking my own blood before I know it, it's probably a habit I had before, I tell myself to not feel weird for doing it as I just let my finger in my mouth like a child.

While I was trying to convince myself there's nothing too bad with drinking my own blood when I hurt my fingers even though I touched the ground and a tree, the tree itself starts shining very bright and I close my eyes out of reflex.

When I open my eyes I'm in a different space, a dark and shabby looking one. Really?! This time all I did was close my eyes and when I open them, I'm in a different place! Again!! Don't f*ck with me!! Things were just starting to get good!! And you-.

"You.... You're a kid, How are you here?... All I did was try to make a contract with the one who saved me...." A young-looking beauty with a lime-green hair, who appeared out of nowhere said as she looked at me with curiosity.

"I was in front of a tree, then it shined really bright and here I am. Anyway, who are you?" I ask after I tell her the basics about my situation, after all, she might be able to get me out of here.

"Oh, sorry about that. I'm Shalia Dryad. You said you were in front of a tree right? Did you see who saved me? I was one of those ugly demonic trees, but some hero/heroine saved me and I want to thank them and ask to make a soul contract with them, so I tried to bring them to my mind space, but somehow you ended up here.... Are you perhaps my savior's child or friend?" The beautiful green-haired girl said with a pretty cheerful and childish tone which surprised me cause, this girl is just some years from milf! That's for sure.

"So, that's it. Well, that seems annoying. Anyway, what's a soul contract? And what exactly is the mind space? Is it like inside someone's mind?" I ask her while ignoring her question.

"Hum... A soul contract is like a special contract where the souls of those that sign it get linked temporarily or permanently depending on the contract in question. About the mind space, yeah it's basically a place that exists inside someone's mind where they can meditate and so on, it's pretty useless but zen people like it, I learned how to use it when I met some" She says it like it's simple and none important information, while not bothering to ask me anything.... This girl might be some kind of an airhead.

"In reality, I'm the one who saved you." I say honestly, it's no use in hiding it if she'll just discover once we are outside.

"..... Oh you're talking to me? Saved me? From what? Was I in danger?" she said with a very lost look in her eyes while she tries to pretend she knows what's going on.

This.... Maybe she wouldn't have figured it out if I didn't tell her.... This is sad.

"The one who saved you from being a tree forever or whatever is the life span of evil trees." I said calmly.

"..... OHHH, that.... WAIT IT'S YOU?! Aren't you a little too young? How on earth did you get yourself a <Godly body>?! Are you perhaps a blessed person, another worlder, Or a reincarnator with some crazy power?!" At first, she seemed like an airhead but then she caught up and basically asked the right questions right up. DECIDE YOURSELF! Are you an airhead or not?!

"First of all, I don't know what's a <Godly body> and second I don't have to answer your questions, didn't I already save you." I say to her.

"Yes, you're right. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to pry into your life" She says to me while she bows her head.

She really is an airhead! Who would just give in and apologize to a kid like you're getting lectured by your parents or something? I look like I'm... I don't know, 3 or 4 years old or something like that, but you never know, my race might just be short.

"I'll forgive you this time, as long as it doesn't repeat itself. Anyway, tell me about those blessed, another worlder and reincarnator people." I'll take advantage of the fact she's listening to me and ask as much as I can.

"Thanks for forgiving me, and I promise it won't happen again! About those people, they are like, really dangerous. Blessed people are people who were born with the blessing of one the many gods and reincarnators are people that died in their own worlds and then reincarnated here, many of them get a lot of skills and magic that make them very powerful and some even have blessings as well and not only that, they also get their bodies stronger than normal people from the start, but there are some that don't have any luck and don't get anything, some use the crazy knowledge of their world while others just die as nobodies, as for another worlders they are kinda the same, they are people from another world who didn't die but got summoned by a God or just appeared here for some random reason, just like the reincarnators some have crazy powers and others just don't, at least that's what I was told." She says with a proud face as if she wants me to acknowledge her for being smart and knowledgeable.

Oh, I get it.... According to this, I should be a reincarnator and one of those who didn't get much, I guess that box was a present from some God right? At this point nothing is impossible.

"I see, do any of those change their races when they die?" I ask just to make sure.

"Yeah, only reincarnators since most people don't like monsters, and some monsters just can't be talked with anyway." She says while making the expression of someone trying to remember something, should I be concerned? Maybe.

This confirms it, I reincarnated into a monster in another world and even though I want to say this is crazy and impossible, but at this point nothing is impossible, besides the way Shalia explained it, this is common sense isn't it? Well who cares! Considering all she's saying is right, there should be a way for me to go back but that would be useless, not only do I not remember how my family looks, I don't have any information to find them, plus since I died there's the possibility they did as well, so I'll just try to live with what I have and keep that dream where mom told me to take good care of myself in my heart at all times, that's as much as I can do.

Since I know I died and reincarnated, all that's left is to discover what that white place was and which God or whatever it is put me there and why? for some reason, I just can't shake the feeling that this is important and so when I have time and enough information I'll think about that.

"So, what kind of soul contract do you want to make with me?" I ask Shalia.

"OHHH, yeah I forgot that for a second! Hehe!" Shalia says and laughs.

Tell me about it, of course, you forgot.... I'm questioning if all the knowledge I got isn't fake!

"Well, the contract I wanted to make is a simple master-servant soul contract. Where I'm the servant and you're the master, it's a way to thank you for saving my dignity and life" Shalia said quite serious for the first time since they started talking.

Master-servant is it? It seems very familiar to me, but I can't remember!!!

"So, what does that contract imply?" I ask.

"Well, that depends on how much percent each of us has of control over the contract. 1%-99% is a master-puppet contract, 10%-90% is a master-Absolute slave contract, 20%-80% is a master-slave contract, 30%-70% is a master-pet contract, 40%-60% is a master-servant contract, 50%-50% is an equality contract also known as friendship contract. There's the written form where we can normally set things like any other contract but we can't do it without the proper material which I don't know and there's the physical form where the contract is decided by soul strength, mana, and willingness which is the only one we can do right now, but don't worry, I'm going to let you set the contract at which percentage you feel it's best for us my savior." Shalia once again explained things In an understandable way but it feels like something is missing.

This seems dangerous.

"Ok, but first what's mana?" I ask.

"Hahaha! You can't trick me with such a basic question! Shalia isn't that susceptible you know!" Shalia while laughing at what I said which makes me think that this must be a very basic question, she actually speaks in the third person at times.... This only adds to my worries.

But one question worries me. How the hell does she know the meaning of the word susceptible?!?!

Thanks for reading.

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