
My own Isekai story

A young man's soul was about to be sacrificed with many others in other to save all of creation, but thanks to the beliefs and determination of a young Goddess, his destiny changed and now only a new world full of challenges await in the future. He now has a new body and two special perks that might just be powerful enough to save or destroy everything, will he use them correctly or get consumed by the power hunt?

Darkias07 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

A seed

At this moment in my hands, there's a small seed that looks simple and normal. Even though I wasn't expecting to find anything that can change the whole world, I was at least expecting something decent from that weird box.

I spent some time just looking at the seed thinking about, what I should do with it? I don't know but I'll leave it for later. Right now let's worry about finding food! Something I can eat in this is a very beautiful and peaceful looking forest, I'm sure there's some kind of eatable berries or fruits... I just hope I'm not a carnivore.

I move out of the shadow made by the umbrella-like tree which I was under until now so that I can get to the bushes that seem to have some berries on them, but as EXPECTED I just realized I can't do that because of a new problem.

(Arrrggghh!!!) I was trying to voice out my pain but it was useless.

Just now when I tried to go under the sun, it burned me and it burned me hard! I can't even be under the F*CKIN SUN! What am I? Some sort of devil?! Why is the world hating on me so frickin HARD!?!?

After trying a couple of times more I absolutely give up with my left arm covered in light and medium level burns, I really just want to curse the whole existence but not even that's possible since I can't speak... You know what, f*ck it! F*CK ALL OF THE WORLD REGARDLESS!! I just wanted to leave the white space and live calmly after that, but it seems I'm some kind of nocturnal demon that CAN'T EVEN GET SUNLIGHT! How am I even considered a living being if I can't get sunlight at all!

Whatever! I just give up.

Then I just went back to sitting while laying my back on the tree, I just sit there hating everything and complaining while my stomach complains even more.

-Some hours later-

I don't know how long it's been but I know one thing, I CAN'T TAKE THE HUNGER ANY LONGER! It's like it accumulated while I was in the white space and now I feel sooooo hungry.

I try to distract myself and sleep but it's all useless, I have thought of all my options and like a man, I have decided that sometimes you have to make some choices and those choices sometimes include doing disgusting things in order to survive like eating wood, dirt, leaves and In extreme cases your own flesh but happily I'm not doing any of that! I'll eat this seed and see what happens, I think some seeds should be eatable and even if it's not, I still believe it's less disgusting and a more honorable way to go.

You might be thinking that I'm dramatizing and that all I have to do is wait until it's night, but you don't understand the hunger I'm feeling right now! If I wasn't a very controlled and strong-willed young monster or whatever I am right now. I wouldn't be sitting waiting and thinking calmly like I did.

Not losing more time with useless thoughts and doubts, I just put the seed in my mouth and chew it. To my surprise, it, it tastes delicious!! Maybe because I haven't eaten anything since I woke up but this is sooo good, it tastes like perfect honey, I think it does, since I don't exactly how honey tastes. It really is a pain in the ass to lose all memory.

Once I sallow it, I feel full of energy, and my sunburns just disappear while my body starts shining, and then like usual in my life, a messed up level of pain attacks me. It's like I was hit by a car, ran over then drifted on, and since I didn't die they just straight it ran me over again, but this time with a plus 3 tons truck and then repeat the process over and over again until I who was for some reason still alive after all that, die.

The pain got to me and I soon was out.

-After a "voluntary nap"-

A beautiful night with a black sky and the moon shining bright, the forest leaves reflect the light creating a scenery worth spending your time here just to look at it, leave and never again visit while telling others you've been here and how much you would love to visit again despite the fact you never planned to do so.

In the midst of this glorious view, there's a beast child with a human-like appearance laying down on the grass completely unconscious while under it there's a puddle of a black disgusting substance.

That beast child is obviously me, and I really need to stop fainting all the time but that's something that can only be changed with time and patience, lots, and lots of patience which I don't have so forget that.

After a while longer I finally wake up and looked around again trying to gauge if there's danger or anything suspicious, once I confirmed it's fine I check myself out and despite the pain earlier I feel great and actually a lot better than before, and no longer feel hungry or tired and I even feel a little relaxed which I didn't expect or understand at all.

[The {Seed of creation} has been consumed by the individual Invicta..... The benefits are being administered due to the successful integration of the {Seed of creation}... Perks <Creation's eyes> and <Creation's body> have been acquired..... Exp reward will only be available after the individual Invicta has fully stabilized with the bonuses acquired] A mechanical voice said in my head and this time I wasn't as surprised as last time, but it was still surprising, especially since I didn't get what this thing means with all of this.

I just keep getting a lot of info at the same time and don't get to properly digest it at all. It talked about perks, because of the seed I ate which means it was probably a good decision, also what's exp?? I think I heard it somewhere but no matter how I try I can't seem to remember what it means.

I decided to simply give up on it, for now, I have other things to worry about. I first move away from the disgusting looking black puddle that was close to me then when I start moving out of there, I want to find some food for when I'm hungry again and maybe find a cave for me to sleep during daytime.

While I'm trying to leave I bump against something and step back, then move my hand forward and there's something stopping it from moving any further... Now I have to deal with an invisible barrier?!

I look at the tree and its leaves are glowing with a blueish-green tone. I believe that should be related but exactly how beats me, while I'm asking myself what's wrong with the tree, something new pops up.

[Demonic umbrella tree] [i]

I look at the floating screen that just appeared curiously since this time I didn't hear any voices transmitting me the words. I don't lose much time and try to touch the floating screen that despite being touchable didn't show any reaction, so I touched the [i] button beside the main one. A bigger screen filled with information opened up.

[Demonic umbrella tree


Race: evil living plant


Age:123 years old

Titles:|Evil tree|, |living trap|, | Illusion caster|,

|Moon loving plant|

Level: layer-0, tier-0, sub-level:77

Racial traits: Evil, mana eater, immobile, tricky, sentient being.

Overall rank: E

World rank: I+

Description [i]

Skills: <Illusion Magic>, <Moon light barrier>, <Mana absorption>, <Mana detect>, <mana drain>]

I look at the information and find myself surprised by all this, I can look into the information of other living beings? just like that, this can only be called cheating. I totally have to try this out in other things.

Thanks for reading.

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