
My own Isekai story

A young man's soul was about to be sacrificed with many others in other to save all of creation, but thanks to the beliefs and determination of a young Goddess, his destiny changed and now only a new world full of challenges await in the future. He now has a new body and two special perks that might just be powerful enough to save or destroy everything, will he use them correctly or get consumed by the power hunt?

Darkias07 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The airhead attacks again!

In a luxurious room, that's very beautiful and decorated with a lot of gold, there's a young man with an imposing aura, that young man is none other than Adrian Van Demonic, current King of the Gare Kingdom, who's now reflecting about his kingdom's current situation while he anxiously waits for any reports on the fiend's situation.

"Why did it have to be now?.... The kingdom is very unstable right now, if news about this fiend spread the older generation will definitely not idle, they already wish to strip me of my position.... I can't allow this to become a problem..... Maybe it's time to go meet that old witch."

Adrian said to himself in a monologue as he's worried that the older generation of citizens who are against a youngster as himself being in command will use the existence of the fiend against him, what matters in this situation is not the actual threat the fiend poses but the fact it's there while he's in command.

The elves have always been a superstitious race and that's very understandable in a world full of magic and mysterious creatures, but that also means that sometimes logic will be forgotten. One of their beliefs is that demons are the worst enemy of their Supreme God, The Spirit deity-Chi, also known as 3rd of the 12 Gods, so if the fiend's presence was known the consequences for the king would be very serious.

While King Adrian is deciding whether he should or not go meet with an old witch, someone came inside the throne room and kneeled looking at the King.

"Jin.... Did you receive a report already?... Or is there something wrong with the lords of the forest?"

King Adrian said with an expression that made seem like he's actually surprised to see Jin here, but in reality, he was already expecting this, after all, Jin hates fiends.

"Your majesty, I understand that we should act with caution because of the delicacy of the situation but I do not understand why we are giving that monster the time to recover any of its power!"

Jin said with hate and anger present in his voice and even though it's evident that those feelings are directed towards fiends, it's not the correct disposition of someone of his status to do so in the presence of the king.

Adrian didn't mind it as he understands Jin's situation besides, Klaus and Loyd have done worst too many times.

"Jin, I understand that you bore hate towards the fiends after what happened to your sister, but we must not forget yourselves in such feelings, fiends are very dangerous and scheming creatures, we don't understand the extent of their abilities even now and we don't know if it has any companions or any way to call its people for help.... If we are to act in impulse then our judgment turns out to be the wrong one, what do you think will happen to our kingdom?"

Adrian answered Jin with some worry for his servant's mental condition right now, Adrian knows that when it comes to fiends Jin will usually lose his calm and not listen to a soul usually causing trouble.

In Adrian's opinion, had he known that the report had anything to do with fiends, he would've never let Jin know of it, but what's done is done, he can only hope Jin will listen to him and not cause unnecessary trouble.

"Your Majesty, if there were more fiends we would have known due to how high the concentration of chaos energy would be, so I believe it's wiser to kill this fiend before it brings destruction to our kingdom."

Jin insisted despite the clear intentions of the king, he doesn't plan to let a single fiend live and wouldn't even mind losing his position in the palace just for the chance to kill this fiend.

"If detecting the fiends was as simple as that, wouldn't we have known the moment this fiend appeared in our kingdom? And this close to the capital non the less. Right now the best we can do is watch its movements carefully."

Adrian said with a firm and calm voice.

Jin wanted to say something but nothing came out of his mouth, no matter how much he hates fiends, he's not selfish enough to put the whole kingdom at risk because of his own personal grudges, and he also understands that what the king said is true. If they could detect fiends so easily, why didn't they know of this one? When it's so close to their capital city, this could only mean the fiends have methods to avoid being detected and there could be many hundreds if not thousands of them without their knowledge.

Thinking about all these possibilities Jin started calming down a bit and even though reluctant to do so, he decided to spare the fiend for now and claim it's life once they have an understanding of the situation and have properly prepared counter measurements for it, only then would he be able to do so without causing the kingdom too many problems.

Seeing that Jin finally seems to have given up on killing the fiend at least, for now, Adrian sighed in relief inside his heart. Then he made a decision he had been hesitating to make for a while now.

"Jin, I must thank you for understanding, I know your hate towards them is not a simple thing.... But right now it's not the time. I have decided to go visit the 'Old witch', make sure Alyssa is safe and doesn't know of the fiend."

Adrian said with a serious expression and a firm tone.

"Yes, your Majesty.... Please be careful."

Jin has already decided to wait on the fiend matter, so he's back to his usual serious and calm disposition, upon hearing that the king will meet the old witch, he was worried.

The kingdom is not in it's best right now with most of the old generation being against King Adrian and many of the younger generation being influenced by the older generation also ended up being against the king, besides their internal conflicts that are already a huge problem, this fiend appears and makes everything many times worst.

Now, the king is actually going to leave and to meet the old witch none the less, this made Jin very worried but he understands why the King chooses to do so right now and can only accept and do his part by taking care of everything while the king is out, specifically so taking care of Alyssa.

Alyssa Van Demonic, the royal princess of the kingdom of Gare.


Back in the midst of the demonic forest in there's a small town that has many small wood huts, and inside of these huts, there's a young woman with green hair and a beautiful face that's tending to the wounds of a strange being with horns and animal-like ears on the top of its head despite having human ears as well, this weird being is also bandaged on the stomach area and is of course Invicta!

(Invicta's POV)


I say as I feel an immense pain hit me and slowly open my eyes.

I feel that once again I've been run over, and I turned my head to the side to try and understand where I am while my head rings with pain.

As I'm trying to deal with the pain I'm welcomed by the beautiful Shalia who's holding a wood bucket on her hands while she walks towards me, I smile seeing this.

I seriously thought I was going to die of blood loss, but it seems that I was too lucky in meeting Shalia.

The pain in my head is slowly going away but it's still far from a full recovery, after all, I don't even know how many days I've been unconscious.... Maybe even longer.

"Master!! You're finally awake, you worried Shalia a lot....."

Shalia said with her soft and nice voice of worry making me feel happy that someone actually cares for my wellbeing.

Shalia really is one of a kind, a true goddess unlike that shameless lady of the pond.

While I was having such thoughts Shalia came closer and put the water bucket down while looking at me with her beautiful golden eyes that showed her obvious worry.

Feeling bad for my selfishness for not thinking about how she would feel, I decide to apologize.

"Shalia I-"

Before I could even finish saying it a punch came right at my stomach that was now bandaged!!!


I scream in unbelievable pain, as I lay in a C position while holding my stomach, I never in my life expected to be betrayed like this!!

Could you at least go easy on me!! I just woke up after a really hard fight! I had to fight my fear and prove my courage! Can you at least show me a little bit of pity!?

This is so evil!!! I never expected something like this to come from my dear Shalia....

While I was having melodramatic thoughts Shalia spoke.

"Don't you dare move!! Master just how reckless are you?!?!..... Since I saw you being cautious around that shameless woman, I thought you would at least now not to throw yourself at danger unnecessarily!!..... You could have died!! Do you know how I would feel if that happened?!?! Do you know how much gratitude I feel towards you?! Do you even understand how impossible what you did for me usually is?!..... If you want to fight fine, you can fight... But... But at least take me with you!! You have me, you don't have to risk your life for nothing!..... If what you want is to get stronger than I can also help you, you can depend on me.... That's why I became your servant, to protect and make you stronger.... You probably don't understand it yet, but the fact you cured me will bring you too much trouble.... I can't ask for forgiveness as it's already irreversible but I can at least try and compensate you only if it's just a little bit.... So I'll ask of you, please don't take this away from me.... I've had so many chances to be better before but I always failed everyone, so please just let me succeed this once, I know I'm being selfish but please let me help you!.... Let me serve you!!"

Shalia said with a faint smile and a sad face, as she continued talking tears started falling from her face.

I don't understand some of what Shalia said, it most have to do with her past, so I won't ask, but seeing her like this makes me feel even worse than before, the physical pain is a problem but that's just a minor thing.

I thought my actions and decisions have nothing to do with Shalia and the same about her actions and decisions outside of my orders should have nothing to do with me as well.

Right now those thoughts seem weird, despite not knowing shalia for even a single day, I feel that she actually cares, and for some reason even though I'm trying to avoid it, I also seen to care for her.... I don't know why I feel that way, but it must have something to do with the soul contract, after all, it's a contract that links our souls and it would actually be weird if there wasn't a weird connection between people with linked souls.

I don't know exactly how it works, but I know Shalia is being honest and I'm happy about it... Maybe I won't have to be by myself on this journey around a whole new world.

"Don't worry, I don't intend to act so recklessly next time..... Also, I'm sorry for making you worry."

I turned my head to her and said, despite the fact I'm still feeling the pain of the punch earlier I can't really be mad at that, not only is she stronger than me but I also feel a little guilty for making her worry.

Shalia got up and carefully hugged me, making sure to not hurt me too much.

"Oh Shalia, what about the Goblin I fought? Is it dead?"

I decided to ask since I never had the chance to truly confirm my first kill.

"Actually about that.... The goblin was only half dead.... Either you were super unlucky or the goblin was super lucky, but that doesn't matter anymore because it's dead now."

Shalia had a complicated expression on her face, as a little pity is obvious in her eyes.

She's pitying me!! I can feel it! I'm not that weak!!

I felt the moment where we hugged just a while ago crumble as reality came back and I once again felt my powerlessness.

Do you have to be so honest?! Can't you fool me and tell me I did it!?!

Why is reality so harsh?! I worked so hard!! Why can't I get my prize?! Why did that dammed goblin have to be lucky enough to survive?!

"Shalia... Something doesn't seem right... How did the goblins survive?!"

I asked very disappointedly and doubtful.

"It survived because its companions found it in a half-dead state and gave it a low-grade healing potion.... Then it wanted to kill you as revenge, then they got killed by Elves.... And in the end, I rescued you from the elves."

Shalia said with an embarrassed and guilty expression.

"Shalia, if you saved me from the Elves, how did you know about the goblins?"

I asked as I found it strange that she seems to know what happened but only appeared at the end.

"Hum.... Well, I- I- I- I was so mad at master that when I found you lying in the ground I left you there for a little longer and went back to exterminate this goblins' town, and when I came back, I found a group of goblins surrounding you and instantly they got killed by arrows and the Elves got closer to you, then I appeared to rescue you."

Shalia said extremely embarrassed and disappointed in herself.

In normal circumstances, I would just forget it since all is fine but this girl really is a little evil, to leave me lying down on the ground bleeding as a punishment for being reckless?! Isn't that a contradiction? Why do I feel like my luck was lost while gambling in some weird casino?! Otherwise, why do I keep fainting and waking up in weird situations? I could at least stay awake so that I have a minimal grasp of the situation but it seems even that is asking for too much!

Also, how did Elves end up involved in all this?!.... Even more important if this forest has Elves, why I we have to kill the goblins?! Can't the Elves do it?! Aren't they the pointy-eared protectors of nature and whatnot!

Wait? How do I know what Elves are?!.... I guess you can consider this common knowledge to a certain point... You know what, at this point, I don't know what to think anymore.

"What did you do to the Elves?"

I asked Shalia since I got curious and I kinda want to meet an elf, I'm curious about these fantasy races!

"I killed them all.... Well, a messenger escaped to the Greenleaf city's territory before I could kill it though.... I'm sorry for my incompetence, it has been a long time since I had a body, I'm still having trouble adjusting."

Shalia said in disappointment as if she had failed her parents.

"How many were there?..."

I ask since it seems like it was just a small team, for her to be this disappointed to let one escape.

"47, I suppose they lost some people already, the royal hunter squads of the elves usually have at least 55 people, so I suppose my failure is unacceptable."

Shalia said very seriously with her head down in disappointment.

"You..... You....."

I didn't know what to say, is this normal or does this girl have no common sense... Wait! Did she just say royal?! Doesn't that mean the people she massacred work for the king?! Aren't those people trained for years?! Don't elves live very long?! Considering this, shouldn't they be super killing machine?! And Shalia just casually said that she killed 46 of them! And she us disappointed about that?!?!

No matter how I think about this.... This Girl really is an airhead!!!!

Thanks for the views.

As you can clearly see I currently can't up to at a proper rate and will do it only when possible.

I'm sorry about this but it's the best I can do.

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