
My own Isekai story

A young man's soul was about to be sacrificed with many others in other to save all of creation, but thanks to the beliefs and determination of a young Goddess, his destiny changed and now only a new world full of challenges await in the future. He now has a new body and two special perks that might just be powerful enough to save or destroy everything, will he use them correctly or get consumed by the power hunt?

Darkias07 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Goblin-town and triple trouble

In the midst of the demonic forest, there's many small towns and villages that belong to various different creatures, and right in a small goblin known to the elves as goblin town 19 is empty, and there doesn't seem to be a soul in it, except for the two people who are currently inside of the many wood huts of the town.

These two people are me and Shalia.

After Shalia said some absurd stuff about how she's incompetent because she let one out of 47 elven battle veterans escape and made me feel useless again, I decided to sleep my worries away and did so.

Today is the 10th since I first woke up here after Shalia rescued me, I've been learning a bit about this world with Shalia and I got used to this goblin town and it's not that bad even though it's extremely basic.

Since the walls that surround this town are only made of weak wood, I convinced Shalia to get better, thicker and more resistant wood so that we can at least have the bear minimum defensive ability.

You might ask, why improve the defense of this goblin town? Well, that's simple I want to make this place our home for now.

We don't really have anywhere else to go and this place isn't that bad.

During my time here, I started understanding just much of a monster Shalia is, not only does she have a strength that seems endless, all her other attributes seem to be just as scary.

I saw her cut multiple trees down with her bare hands!! Knight my ass!!! This girl looks like the definition of a barbarian when she does these things, she also lifts and carries heavy stuff all day like it's nothing.... Actually, if it weren't for her terrible design and drawing, I wouldn't be needed at all, I'm basically doing the architect's job and she's doing the work of dozens of construction workers.

Not only that, she's super fast and has the energy to keep up with the other monstrous powers she has.

Shalia's literally a super woman and I'm basically that useless comic relief that's just there to stop things from getting too serious.

On the third day here I almost fell into the fecal pit.... It was a traumatizing experience.

With Shalia working on the constructions and modifications I designed for the town every day, I'm left with nothing to do but explore the place so, sometimes I find unpleasant stuff.

Like on the second day, I found the meat storage, it seems that when things got tough they killed their own to survive.... It was extremely disgusting to come across, if Shalia were to be the one exploring it would be done on the first day, but I'm taking things easy and not rushing, not only is this my only distraction, I also don't have the mental strength to open more than 20 huts a day. There are about 223 huts in this place and calling it a town is a bit stretched but it's not too far off, since don't really know how many goblins lived here I'll just accept it.

On the fourth day, I just came across a lot of trash and nothing really happened.

Things went on like that for a while until on the 8th day, I found a pouch with some shiny crystals in it, and Shalia said they are mana crystals. They are valuable and can help with magic training and many other things, so I decided to save them for later.

The 9th day was just another normal day and today I've also found nothing special up until now, I've finally reached the last house.

Today, unlike the other days I visited 22 huts and it found nothing, this being the last hut, I hope I find something interesting instead of something disgusting.

I went inside the hut and was surprised by what I found.

Three kids laying down on the ground and in an obviously visible bad condition, I immediately approached them and check them, happily they're still breathing but they seem really weak.

The first kid has cat ears and a tail a cyan colored hair wearing a ragged shirt and a ragged skirt, the second kid his red hair and is wearing a ragged shirt and ragged pants, the third kid has dog ears and a tail also wearing a ragged shirt and a ragged skirt.

Approaching the three I could see that they're all girls.

"These little girls are really unlucky to have been caught by the goblin.... Well, I'll ask about it once they are in better condition."

I said as I carried the three little girls to my hut.

Not too long after I reached my hut and laid the little three girls down on the bed and started searching for something inside one of the leather bags in the hut.

These bags are the ones I collected from all the huts I explored and some of them have low-tier healing potions on them. This is actually very unexpected according to Shalia, this is only possible because of the green leaf City that exists in the central area of the forest beneath the giant three.

Since that city is the capital of the Gare kingdom, carriages transporting goods pass-through the only paved road in the whole forest, it seems these goblins managed to get their hands on these potions by stealing from some unlucky merchant.

Rather than unlucky they were just unprepared, according to Shalia goblins haven't attacked like this in hundreds of years, that truly surprised me but it's still their fault for coming to a forest that has many types of beasts without hiring some guards to escort them.

"Found it!"

I shouted in excitement as I looked at the glass bottle in my hand that contains a green liquid with a yellowish tone that shows how impure it is being the lowest grade of potion, Shalia explained that the purer a potion is the closer it is to dark colors.

For health potions, they go from yellowish-green to green, to red, to purple, and as for mana potions, it goes from light blue to Orange, to gray, to black. But it seems purple and black potions are only theoretical and appear only in legends.

"There's a tag on this one as well? Is this thing really necessary?"

I said as I looked at the paper tag on the bottom of the potion's bottle.

This tag is apparently a type of conservant, to make sure the potion doesn't lose quality over time, it's called an alchemist tag, because not only preserves the effects of the potion by absorbing the mana in the atmosphere but it also serves as a kind of signature the alchemist leaves on their work once it's done, this way it's impossible to steal other alchemist's work, well impossible if you put a tag before it gets stolen.

Alchemist tags are like a seal that can only be released by the owner and have many uses in this world. There are methods to forcibly remove one but I don't know anything about that and it's probably really painful, like removing a tattoo but harder.

As for Mana, it's the energy present in any and everything of this world, it's a magical force of nature that can be manipulated and used with enough study and training. It's not simple to use mana, but it's the key to magic so I'm very interested in it, even so, that can wait.

Not only my understanding of mana is very broad, but it's also not the best environment for it and plus I want to learn martial arts and other forms of combat before I get to magic, and Shalia agrees that its best I do that since I don't really want to depend on magic.

Magic is the strongest weapon of this world aside from skills, titles, and perks which I don't know if they classify as magic or not... Regardless, since magic is a major here there are, of course, counter measurements against magic, from what Shalia told me the most dangerous magic and magic counter measurements were discovered by other worlders, and even though this world has many genius that discovered many uses for it, most of them are related to other worlders in some way.

So basically other worders are responsible for making this world more dangerous.... Well, many games and useful items were also 'Invented' by them.

"I guess this world would eventually become what it is now regardless of other worders, they just accelerated the process.... Yeah, it's best to believe that."

After deciding to believe that it's not the people from my world's fault things are like this, I once again look at the bottle in my hand and this time a floating screen appears in front of me.

<Creation's eyes>

[low-grade healing potion] [i]

I press the [i] button and a bigger screen opens up.

[low-grade healing potion

Time of existence: 3 months: 2 days: 7 hours: 53 minutes: 48 seconds

Item classification:Mortal(1st class low-grade)

Titles:|created by Dolce Ru| |Stolen goods| |max potential| |tagged by Dolce Ru|

Item's rank: I

World's item rank: I-

Description [i]


Heals minor injuries

Alleviates pain of minor injuries

Prevents infection of minor injuries


Alchemist tag-Dulce Ru ]

[Do you wish to devour? y/n]

So, this is how the info of a potion looks like, not that different, aside from the effect thing. I don't feel the need to see the description of this potion.

But, what is this devour thing?? It never appeared before.... Why now? Is it because it's an item? But if ur was that it would have appeared when I saw the lady's pond.... So, this has to be related to the effects.

Should I try it? This is the only potion left, if I try it out now and something happens to the potion these little girls will definitely die...

No matter how curious I am I can't just let these kids die after going through the effort of bringing them here.

I decided to ignore the new screen and walked towards the girls, I pour a third of the potion on each of them one by one, a green glow shines on their skin as the potion is absorbed into their bodies, and their complexion looks slightly better than before but it's still very evident that they need to eat and rest to recover from whatever terrible conditions the goblins left them in.

I looked at the kids for a bit before deciding to look at their info.

<Creation's eyes>

[Myne Strongheart] [i]

[Lya Strongheart] [i]

[Greorge Strongheart] [i]

Seeing the names I frown.... just one of them is a girl? Are all boys nowadays this effeminate? They both have long hair and are wearing skirts.... Actually the girls the one that's wearing pants.... The hell is going on here?!

Whatever, what they do with their lives has nothing to do with me.

[Myne Strongheart

Name: Myne Strongheart

Race:Cat-Dog people breed(Cat type)


Age: 9 years old

Titles:|Abandoned child| |ex. Tundra family's black sheep| |little thief| |slave|

Job:Cat Thief

Sub Job:slave

Class:0 class mortal tier

Level: layer-0, tier-0, sub-level:5

Racial traits: Agile, cat reflexes, strong body, tiger disposition, strong claws

Overall rank: I-

World rank:I-

Description [i]

Skills: <Very low•Claw arts>, <Very low•dash>, <Very low•Stealth>, <Low•Steal>]

[Lya Strongheart

Name: Lya Strongheart



Age: 8 years old

Titles:|Abandoned child| |slave|

Job:blind archer

Sub Job:slave

Class:0 class mortal tier

Level: layer-0, tier-0, sub-level:3

Racial traits:average, talent(Archery)

Overall rank: I-

World rank:I-

Description [i]

Skills:<Very low•blind shot>, <Low•blind throw>, <Very low•shot>, <Low•throw> ]

[Greorge Strongheart

Name: Greorge Strongheart

Race:Cat-Dog people breed(Dog type)


Age: 9 years old

Titles:|Abandoned child| |ex. Tundra family's black sheep| |slave|

Job:Fighter Dog

Sub Job:slave

Class:0 class mortal tier

Level: layer-0, tier-0, sub-level:4

Racial traits: cat reflexes, strong body, wolf disposition, strong claws

Overall rank: I-

World rank:I-

Description [i]

Skills: <Very low•Claw arts>, <Very low•Grappling> ]

"These kids.... I don't know if they're very weak or if everyone I've known until now is just abnormal.... Actually taking any of the two be it Shalia or Miayra... Aren't they both super strong.... Forget it, it's useless to try and figure that out right now."

I was just about to see the descriptions when someone came in.

"Master, who are those three children?! Where did you find them?"

Shalia asked immediately after she came in.

"I don't know who they are either and I found them in one of the huts on the northwest corner of the town."

I answered calmly.

"I see..... Poor children, I can't even imagine what they must have gone through being captured by these disgusting beasts!!."

Shalia looked at the children pitying them and got angry at the goblins' actions as she spoke.

"This world sure is full of tragedy.... I guess that's the reality every.... This world just has it more evident, I'm sure even on earth horrible things happened behind the scene.... I'm not a hero but it's not a sin to help if I can."

I said to myself as I decided that I won't just be a bystander and will do something if it's not a problem for myself.

"Master Invicta, what do you plan to do with these kids?... Are you perhaps thinking of raising them?... Even though it might sound cruel to say this, but I don't advise trying to raise them, and if you really want to do so, it's best to live here until they reach adulthood, traveling with children is not a simple task and I'm not sure we'll be able to an eye on them properly if we travel..."

Shalia expressed her thoughts on the situation to me.

"I agree that it would be dangerous to travel with them, but rather than raising them, I wanted to take them to their families..... Since that's not possible I guess we could try and find someone to take care of them in Greenleaf city."


While Invicta and Shalia are deciding what to do with the children in another area of the forest far away there's a cave where a young man with golden hair and blood-red eyes is walking calmly as if there's not a single worry in the world.

This is obviously King Adrian!

He walked into the deeper part of the cave and heard two voices.

"Kids nowadays think they are smart but I still scammed them! I'm sorry little monster's onto me but the newbie is a still too naive, but I must say he's pretty impressive and cute, he might be able to satisfy me a little when he's older, hehehe!!"(First voice)

"You dumb sl*t, is that all you think of all time! Hahaha! But I must say I really didn't expect little monster to be back, this one might be one of the interesting ones, we haven't had one since Satoru, or how you used to say "Satoru-Sama!!", you truly are the worst of all woman, hahaha!"(Second voice)

"Shut up! Old sack! You can't talk about my dead husband like that! Show some respect!"(First voice)

"Respect my ass! That guy was just another one of your army of simps, but you really are something else, to become a goddess just by gathering simps, hehege!"(Second voice)

"It was his fault for falling for me, I didn't force him."(First voice)

"You can bullsh*t others but not me! I know very well that you charmed the boy to the point that his soul will simp for you even after 100 lifetimes. Hahaha! You're so evil and people call me a Witch and you a Goddess! Hehe, he! The irony is just too much!"(Second voice)

"I'm just surviving, don't judge me! Besides you're the one that curses people and does voodoo, of course, you're the evil one."(First voice)

"Hmph! People just misunderstand curses and voodoo to be evil, just how they misunderstand necromancy!"(Second voice)

"Hehehe! Just like I can't lie to you, your fake ass kindness can't fool me!"(First voice)

"Fine! Fine! I like killing people and making them suffer, what's so wrong about it? I make physical pain, you who makes emotional pain is much worse!"(Second voice)

"That's not how the world works! We are both bad so what? Who's going to kill us? Hahaha!"(First voice)

"Hahaha!"(Second voice)

Hearing their conversation, Adrian could only make a comment.

"F*ck my luck, the old witch and the old sl*t are together! This will make everything at least ten times harder, at least the old monster isn't here...."

Adrian seemed to be used to the behavior showed by the two voices, as he tried his best to ignore their shameless talk and leave his morals intact.

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