
My Overpowered Chaotic Hero System

now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your viewing pleasure. " I wonder how it feels to be strong", Miles a weak 18 years old boy from the village of liegae in the kingdom of brinshelm have always had the dream of being an adventurer and exploring the world but all that is a pipe dream because he is so weak even to the standards of those younger then him he is even given the name wick bones because he was so wick . But all that changes when in a forest he is suddenly confronted by a boar who almost killed him,But before he dies all movement seems to slow down even the leafs of the tree moving to the rhythm of the wind comes to a complete halt,He suddenly hears a voice who gives him the mysterious and overpowered abilities of a hero. All of a sudden miles suddenly possess unimaginable powers,He then takes a step to venture out of his village into the unknown.

Afro_Grooves · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Chapter 26 Slight disorder

Early the next day over fifty adventurers where gathered at the front of the guild hall, and if you where to look carefully you might notice the tension in the air , the group was made up of 20 A rank members and 30 veteran B rank who can be considered as the best of the best in B rank , standing in front of the group was a man who wore a sleek green full body armour and had a great sword and a shield behind him , the armour looked like it weighed a ton but it was designed with one of the hardest A rank metal Velanium which could match the defense of low S rank Metal and although it was heavy it was no problem for Avrion to move around freely inside .

Avrion a heavily muscled man with a face that is chiseled and attractive making him look like an righteous knight , he is a veteran A rank tank type adventurer he had been in many raids and he is a capable man when it came to leading and was always respected due to how good he is in battle strategies.


Avrion cleared his throat to gain the attention of the crowd .

" Am sure you all know why we are here and I thank you all for showing up today , and I assure you as long you all listen to my orders we shall make it out alive" , Avrion stated.

Hearing this the adventurers started to gossip among themselves.

"Hey did you hear that."

"I sure did , with him in charge we will surely make it out alive."

"We are saved."

But a certain someone didn't take kindly to the news , Vastor had always been confident in his abilities and been a young A rank adventurer he was always proud of his skills in battle , he awakened the wind attribute having one of the best affinity in wind magic in the kingdom , he's use of Mana was simply incredible but unfortunately he's Mana capacity was less than average , but still none the less even with he's low magic capacity he he had a fine use of Mana and was more sensitive to Mana than most warriors , which he used to boost his speed , his immense speed will leave even the fastest monsters dazed , so he was quiet confident and arrogant about following someone he deemed beneath him

"And why should I listen to you "? Vastor asked .

Avrion turned to see Vastor coming towards him , the adventurers made way for him allowing him to pass through the crowd till he was directly in front of Avrion, Vastor was now five feet away from Avrion.

" I said why should I obey your orders "? Vastor asked again.

"You will do well not to insubordinate me I have been given full authority by the flame empress disobeying my orders is questioning her authority , so are you saying you are questioning her authority Vastor ", Avrion said looking Vastor in the face.

Vastor was about to reply when he was caught off by a female adventurer.

"Will you stop your childish behavior , even though you are now an A rank adventurer you still behave like an immature kid".

"Who said that "? Vastor said trying to locate where the voice came from.

Just then a slender figure moved closer to the duo from the crowd.

i"sn't that The leader of the red rose group" , one of the adventurer said.

" You how dare you "? Vastor said

" Will you shut your mouth , you are like a 12 years old throwing a tantrum" , Mariposa said .

"Do you mind repeating that bitch" , Vastor said placing his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Enough all of you , we should be working together to clear the dungeon not trying to kill each other", A voice said from the crowd.

Coming out from the crowd was a man who seemed to be in his thirties with Black hair and eyes a straight nose and an oval shaped face and an average build he had on a complete light blue armour and had a longsword behind him almost as big as him.

"Hey do you know who that guy is "? .an adventurer asked.

"wait you don't know him how is that possible he is one of the top ten A rank adventurers in the kingdom" .

"Yeah he is the one with the rare type element, lightning , I heard he once stood toe to toe with an S rank adventurer before "

"Wow in that case he must be really strong".

"Zatiel I thought you where on a special quest from the capital," Avrion asked.

" Yes I was but the nature of the quest is a mysterious one and we still haven't been able to figure anything about it so the quest was called off , so Eleanor said I should join the group just in case you need someone as strong as me ", Zatiel replied.

Zatiel was among the top ten A ranked adventurers in the kingdom and is feared because of his freakishly strong lightning spells , which is only possible because of the amount of MANA he has , Not all adventurers can use MANA and even the ones that can use MANA most are only able to produce a small amount of it , but Zatiel has a monstrous MANA level allowing him to use more powerful spells that use more MANA

"Vastor it will be appreciated if you obey any order given to you or else," Zatiel said sending a deadly stare at Vastor and releasing his aura sending cold shivers down Vastor's spin.

The group started their journey after that, on the way Avrion started a conversation with Zatiel.

" Don't you think it is strange that an A ranked dungeon is showing up , I mean A ranked dungeon are supposed to be very rare but these days their appearance rate as gone up ", Avrion asked.

"You are right before an A rank dungeon only come up like once every two years in the kingdom , but now they are popping up like flies we record A rank dungeon every month now" , Zatiel said.

"Well that aside what type of quest where you on ? I heard the quest was a special one from the capital itself ", Avrion said.

" Well its classified information so I can't tell." Zatiel replied.

"Ohh, well I figured" , Avrion said letting out a defeated sigh.

"But off the books, their have been report of monsters moving in group towards the temple of the goddess although it might seem as an easy matter the troop and herd's of beasts heading to the goddess temple as caused rampages with beast destroying towns and city , with most beast migrating to our kingdom causing the increase in the population of beast to increase the closer you get to the temple no matter how many you kill they just keep coming , it kind of felt like they where been drawn there by something , so we where sent to look into it but we couldn't find what they where been drawn to but the mages sent their think it is a legendary artifact locked up in the temple but it is just mere speculation ", Zatiel said .

Monsters drawn to the temple very Strange.

The group walked for another half an hour before coming to the front of the dungeon , the dungeon gate stood five meters tall and two meters wide ,it as a distortion in space which connected to another plane .... well that is what the mage believes


Wassup guys am really sorry I haven't posted in two weeks I had some issues but it is all taking care of any ways you know the drill.

20 power stone = one extra chapter.

50 power stone = two extra chapters.

100 power stones = three extra chapters.

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