
My Overpowered Chaotic Hero System

now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your viewing pleasure. " I wonder how it feels to be strong", Miles a weak 18 years old boy from the village of liegae in the kingdom of brinshelm have always had the dream of being an adventurer and exploring the world but all that is a pipe dream because he is so weak even to the standards of those younger then him he is even given the name wick bones because he was so wick . But all that changes when in a forest he is suddenly confronted by a boar who almost killed him,But before he dies all movement seems to slow down even the leafs of the tree moving to the rhythm of the wind comes to a complete halt,He suddenly hears a voice who gives him the mysterious and overpowered abilities of a hero. All of a sudden miles suddenly possess unimaginable powers,He then takes a step to venture out of his village into the unknown.

Afro_Grooves · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 15 Miles first guild quest

Miles was awakened by the sound of merchants trying to make a profit , Miles quickly realised that the city was a very busy and noise place , Miles grumpily got out of bed to take a shower and did some chores around the house while Lilly was still sound asleep.

'The city sure is noisy i can't believe how Lilly can sleep through that noise she sure is a sound sleeper ' Miles thought.

Miles moved to the living room finding nothing else to do Miles decided to take a look at the house

Just then Miles heard footsteps coming from behind him , he turned around and was greeted by lilly in her underwear, they but looked at each other .

Miles couldn't help but admire her body , she always wears her robe all the time so Miles had not noticed how well endowed she is with full boobs as well as a great body

' She have the shape of a goddess and she is wearing pure white undies nice', Miles couldn't help but compliment silently.

But on the other hand Lilly was so embarrassed she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her , she had come to the living room in her undies as usual and totally forgot Miles was around

Lilly's face reddened bright red.

" Pervert ", She shouted and threw one of the little statue's on Miles face and ran back upstairs.

"No , no ,no he saw me naked will he hate me now what if he doesn't want to stay here anymore ? will he hate me now " Lilly couldn't help but think.

' Damn I got hit in the face well that's what I get for staring at a lady , well I guess I better go apologize';Miles thought.

Miles went up to Lilly's room and knocked on her door.

Knock , knock , knock.

" Lilly am sorry about that I shouldn't have stared at you like that."

No its okay I know you didn't mean too.

"I actually meant too", Miles thought.

It was mid day and Miles and Lilly where on their way to the Guild hall , The guild hall was as busy as always with adventurers going up and down trying to get the perfect quest , while Mabel was at a desk with a bored face as always.

"How is your day going Mabel" , Lilly asked.

"Do you have to ask the obvious", Mabel replied.

When Mabel saw Miles she immediately changed her tune.

"Welcome sir your adventurers batch is ready" , Mabel said. with a smile on her face.

Miles looked behind him just in case she was talking to someone else , seeing nobody he was taking aback on her behaviour.

" Hmm, Are you talking to me" , Miles asked.

"Yes young Master" , Mabel replied.

"Okay can you please go back to being you", Miles asked .

"Of course ", Mabel replied now visible calming down.

"So does that Mean I can go on quest now" , Miles asked.

" Yes you can go on any quest with a difficulty from F rank to B if you wish."

" And please don't hesitate to call me if you need my help , "Mabel said putting on a smile which looked more like a vicious grin.

"O..... okay" , Miles said creped out from the laugh.

Lilly took Miles to the left Corner of the first floor where quest where placed on the wall, there where gathering quest , quest to protect goods and other type of quest , the highest difficulty of quest was a C rank quest to help exterminate a goblin settlement which had been attacking villages and kidnapping young girls while burning all that stood in their way, Miles tore the quest from the wall and studied it .

' Well I guess I found my quest ' , Miles thought.

" I am going to go on this quest" , Miles said showing Lilly the goblin quest.

Lilly was frightened when she saw the details of the quest , probably due to the fact that goblins where short green barbaric creatures , they had a humanoid shape with a skiny build and a big head that seems to be heavier than their body easily halve the weight of their body .

They are known for there sinister act of raiding villages killing every men , stealing all livestock while they kidnap the women to release their canal desires on them .

"Are you sure you want to choose that quest they are other quest that you can go on at least for your first quest ", Lilly said.

"No I can handle it and beside it pays more than other quest and it is just a C rank quest and am a B ranked adventurer".

Miles took the quest to the receptionist desk where Mabel was talking to an adventurer , He seemed to had done something wrong because she gave him a stern warning which could have made a scolding look like child's play, the adventurer fled as soon as she was done.

" I will like to go on this quest" , Miles said placing the quest pamphlet on the desk.

Mabel cross checked the quest and was surprised when she saw the details.

"Are you sure you want to go on this quest" , She asked Miles .

"Yes" , Miles replied.

"Okay when your quest as been deemed complete you shall be giving 10 gold coin as well as 100 power point" , Mabel said keeping the awkward smile on her face.

" Hmm what are power point ", Miles asked .

"You don't know about them , well they are points awarded to an adventurer after completing a quest the harder the quest the more the point, it is used to rank up an adventurer as well as determine how strong you are" , Mabel explained .

Miles thanked Mabel and turned to leave for his quest when Mabel called him back.

" Be careful of goblins they are dangerous creatures" , Mabel said.

" I will put that in Mind" , Miles replied.

Miles was about to leave when he noticed Lilly was still by his side.

" Hmm... I am going on my first mission I will be back soon" , Miles said.

"What you think I am just going to allow a naive adventurer go on his first mission alone? not a chance' , lilly replied .

" But it is dangerous."

"More reason for me too come with you I am a healer for Christ sake" , lilly said stomping a leg on the ground and putting on a angry face.

"okay fine" , Miles finally gave in.

And so our brave hero went out on his first quest to safe a village from the treat of the goblins.