
My opinion system in Marvel

I am Lyon Coulson, the nephew of the most popular S.H.I.E.L.D agent in history, Phil Coulson. This is the story of my good deeds everywhere in the Marvel world, and how i gradually become stronger. PS: The timeline is dominated by the MCU universe.

Novelsfan1 · Movies
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60 Chs


Under the faint night, he couldn't stop him from seeing everything in the garden: a familiar figure was walking out from the side door of the garden.

It was a tall young man in a black suit. Especially that face, that's what made Lyon surprised Roar.

"Grant Ward?!"

That's right, he actually saw Grant Ward at Osborn's birthday party!

"Why is he here?"

Although the time to join S.H.I.E.L.D is still short, I don't know many people.

Most of them are honest S.H.I.E.L.D agents, such as Carter, Hill, Fitz, Simmons, etc…

However, Lyon knew that inside the huge S.H.I.E.L.D, there was hidden HYDRA that could not be counted!

There are not a few in high positions: Alexander Pierce, John Garrett, Jasper Sitwell, Brock Rumlow, Grant Ward…

These people alone are enough to allow HYDRA to steal immeasurable intelligence and resources from S.H.I.E.L.D.

It's just that, as his newcomer, he hasn't had much opportunity to meet these people yet.

However, he was very lucky. When passing the Hub in a hurry, he met Grant Ward!

And that face was just like the Grant Ward he had in mind.

That's why, at a quick glance, he recognized Ward.

There was no time for Leon to think too long. Seeing that Grant Ward was about to leave the manor, Leon supported his hands, jumped over the guardrail, stepped forward, and followed Grant Ward in the direction where Grant Ward had left.

Perhaps because of the cover of the night, or the distance between the two, the distance between them was so far that Grant Ward, who was walking in front, did not notice that there was a person following him behind him.

Looking left and right, he hurried to the open parking lot of the manor.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel the slightest strangeness behind him, and he turned his head abruptly!

However, Leon had already guarded his hand, and the moment he twisted his neck, he hid in the bushes aside.

Therefore, Grant Ward did not find him.

"Is it my fault?" Grant Ward frowned and muttered to himself as he sat in a black BMW sedan, then started the engine, and the car roared away…

"It's really dangerous…"

Leon, who walked out of the grass, did not rush to follow him, but stood still and watched Ward leave.

Don't ask, Grant Ward certainly didn't come to the party after being invited by the host like himself.

Then what did he come over, the answer is self-evident…

Collect intelligence!

Who is collecting intelligence for?

That is naturally his adoptive father, HYDRA hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D, John Garrett, code-named "Acute eyes"!

From this, Lyon easily guessed the truth of all this hidden in the dark.

As far as he knows, John Garrett is the first experimental product of HYDRA's "Death Warrior" project. Since more than ten years, the reformed body organs have gradually failed, and he has begun to frantically search for various methods to treat himself all over the world.

The kidnapping of Osborn, if Leon had not guessed wrong, should be the ghost of John Garrett behind the scenes.

The reason is also very simple, in order to obtain the cross-racial genetic technology that Osborn is studying to save his dying body, and even to perfect HYDRA's super fighter plan!

During World War II, the appearance of Captain America marked the feasibility of the Super Soldier program.

For so many years, HYDRA will certainly not give up this very attractive plan.

In Lyon's view, John Garrett, who infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D, should be an heir to or an executor of the HYDRA Super Fighter program.

As for the question of why Grant Ward, who is loyal to John Garrett, came to the Osborn mansion, it is also very easy to explain.

The purpose is very obvious. After the failure of the last hostage incident, John Garrett did not give up, so he sent Ward, his confidant, to personally go out to collect relevant information.

However, what they never expected was that all these were clearly seen by a traverser!

There is a fixed number for one drink and one peck.

If Lyon did not save Osborn during the kidnapping incident, he would not get Osborn's party invitation; if he did not come to the party, he would not see Grant Ward's figure; he would not see Grant Ward If he did, he wouldn't be able to see the truth behind the whole thing!

Perhaps, from the moment Lyon joined S.H.I.E.L.D, he was involved with the evil organization HYDRA…

Leon did not stay in the parking lot for too long.

Now that he knows that John Garrett is behind the kidnapping incident, his task of collecting intelligence is, to a certain extent, completed.

After all, it is more straightforward to find out the real murderer than the names of a few suspects…

Returning to the party scene again, Leon scratched the back of his head, a little distressed: "By the way, how do you write this report…"

Knowing the truth is one thing, and making the truth public is another.

After all, apart from HYDRA, maybe only one person in the world knows that HYDRA is not dead, but has been hidden inside SHIELD, constantly absorbing nutrients, seeking to one day, with a rebirth, once again sound the clarion call to rule the world. !

Lyon felt that even if he knew that HYDRA had been rooted in S.H.I.E.L.D for many years, he couldn't directly tell Phil Coulson or even Fury, "The destroyed HYDRA has actually been lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D all the time!"

Even if you tell Fury now, he might not believe it.

Besides, before he didn't have a strong self-protection Ability, he felt that he should not attack HYDRA in advance.

That would only put yourself in a dangerous situation, and startled the snake.

Moreover, for Leon, the enemy is in the dark, and he is in a darker place.

It is not a good strategy to walk to the bright spot by yourself and expose your hole cards.

As long as HYDRA is not looking at him, he can hide in the dark, slowly accumulate enough power, and then it will not be too late to report to Fury.

Thinking of this, Leon's worry about how to report to Phil Coulson has also been reduced a lot.

However, John Garrett's shot was a wake-up call in his heart.

Reminded him again that this is a dangerous world.

In addition to the evil organization HYDRA, which has been eyeing the hegemony of the world and wants to swallow the entire S.H.I.E.L.D at any time, there are many powerful enemies waiting for him in the not-too-distant future…