
Tuesday October 3, 2023

Hey... so it's been awhile hasn't it? Anyways today is about me spending about 10 meal swipes in TWO DAYS. Fall break is this Thrusday and Friday (10/5-10/6) and I won't be here on campus (obviously). So I have to use up my meal swipes cause it would be a waste of money if I don't use them.


On monday I spent 5 meal swipes. One for breakfast and then class (bio and chem) then I ate at the dining hall and then I had class again (honr 102). Thankfully one of my classes was cancelled so I went and got another to-go box for lunch. After sitting in my dorm for a while, I heated up my chicken soup and went out for another to-go box. My roommate was thankfully not in here so I didn't have to feel so awkward about it. Thats four already and then my fifth one was my dinner one.


Today I spent 5 already. I spent one to grab breakfast (box) and because one of my classes was canceled, I was planning to go back to my dorm. But before I went back, I got breakfast (actually ate there)in the dining hall and then went to get my combo meal. I go back and place my combo meal in the fridge and go get another to-go box and heat up my chicken soup. I leave for class and when I return, I make a stop at the dining hall to get another to-go box. And my last swipe is going to be used for my dinner. 

This will leave me with 2 meal swipes which is perfect for breakfast and another combo meal I will probably eat. 

This is later into the day. My roommate took awhile to get back into the dorm. She got back almost around 7pm and I was in the middle of my facetime with gor gor ghetto and watching my Zoom meeting for my required points. Anyways I went to go eat while still facetiming gor gor ghetto. It's still really awkward with my new roommate and idk how to communicate with her. I hope she decides to switch to a new roommate. Because I really hope she realizes that when I say I wake up early it means I wake up early and not like at 8 am but like 6 am.

College sucks and espically if you a homebody, don't go to college. If you can, try to go to your community college if you have one near by. Anyways, if you have big dreams of going to medical school like me, community isn't good enough for me to spread my wings :(

WZNcreators' thoughts