
Feelings (thurs 9/28/23)

Girl I really hate having a roommate and nothing against my new roommate but its soo fucking weird bc I no longer have privacy. The lack of privacy and the awkwardness in the air. We literally sit in silence the whole time and say nothing to each other and it's been 4 days since she became my roommate. A lot of things has happened but this is something I don't like. I can only ft gor gor ghetto when im outside of the dorm or when she is outside. I also think she's sick cause she has medicine on her desk and she eats a cough drop every so often. Another thing is that I saw a dayquill and night quill wrap in the trashcan. 

It feels so exhausting having her here. I also texted Emily for the first time since this summer. She ditched me for her ugly ass bf and ditched me for everything that we had to do for senior year. Fucking bitch. Anyways, I saw that she followed my new roommate so I asked her if she knew anything about her apparently they went to elementary together and that she was quiet popular. That's interesting to note cause I see her so often in the dorm. If she's popular she shouldn't be a home body like me.

I just wanna go home and tomorrow is going to be the mid autumn festival so I can't wait to eat mooncakes (davy's mooncake). 

Anyways Im kinda nervous for tomorrow because I have to pack to go home but i think shes free around the time I get back so its going to be so awkward when i stuff togo boxes into my bag and carry out the whole dorm into my arms and then come back on sunday with even more things. Anyways I want an ipad and headphones that dont bother my ears like the earbuds I have right now. I just want to go back to before I had a roommate and before I was in college. I want to be a senior again in high school and my only worry was about college looming ahead and not this fucking thing. You know, a lot of people say they become bffs with their roommates but I'm literally struggling with interacting with her. Also my keyboard is really loud and she proabably thinks Im doing hw. 

That's it folks see you soon

Guys... don't get roommates if youre a homebody and an introvert. Having a roommate is the worst cause you two are very different people. Girl I told her I wake up early and she tells me she also wakes up early like arounf 8 am. I was like "..." I wake up at 6:30 am which is an hour and 30 minutes before you wake up. I litereally have to tip toe around the dorm so I dont wake her up. Anyways, Imma stop ranting cause I need to eat soon and also the words here don't add up to the total word count unfortunally

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