
my one-shots

just a bunch of story one-shots that are in my mind, maybe some will become stories in the future

mister_black_cat · Anime & Comics
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A one-shot with no name


There was a very handsome young man with rather long black hair and blue eyes, he was lying on his bed in "his room", he had just woken up and started staring at the ceiling of "his room", he didn't want to get up, he didn't want to get up and realize that this was really happening to him, he didn't want to accept his new reality, he just wanted to be at peace, but fate always had another way for him.

The young man was shedding small tears as he slowly accepted what was happening, knowing that he is in a reality where he knows he will suffer, where he knows that whoever put him there did it to watch his suffering and agony while laughing.

He didn't want to suffer anymore, he didn't want to feel pain or agony anymore, he didn't want to feel "that" feeling again.

You may be asking yourself, "But what was going on?" or "What is he talking about?" to explain it, we'd better go back a bit into the past.


The scene showed a young man with brown hair and hazel eyes, he was shirtless that showed his body with several scars, he was also wearing only a short in a luxurious and large bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror with an empty and almost dull look, why this look you ask? It is simple, he is about to start a "job", a "job" that he hates with all his heart, but it is a job that he unfortunately could not refuse.

The young man began to wash his face at the sink before taking one last look at himself and left the bathroom, walked to a double bed that was as luxurious as the bathroom and sat in the middle of the bed waiting for his client.

The room itself was all luxurious, the primary colors of the room were red and a violet purple, if the young man looked to the side, he would see a small balcony with a beautiful view of the city;

Soon the customer the young man was waiting for had just arrived, she was a beautiful woman dressed in lingerie and with a tiara that had two cat ears on her head, with long brown hair with eyes of the same color but darker, she had a body that would leave many men amazed, her breasts were above average as well as her hips and her buttocks which stood out even more because of the lingerie, She had a beautiful malicious smile as she looked at the young man who continued with his face inexpressive, because he had seen so many beautiful women in his "job" that this beautiful woman's body was nothing to him, he didn't even look at the woman's body just stared at her face.

The woman began to slowly feel her body in a provocative way trying to get any reaction out of the young man, which ended up not happening, making her give him a cute pout.

Woman: Damn, I thought I would get a reaction out of you this time. -She says, still pouting and then sighing.

Young Man: How many times are you going to try this, Jade? -He asked, still with an inexpressive face and a monotone voice.

The woman now known as Jade, she crossed her arms in irritation while making a pout, she had already come here so many times there, and always loved every time she came here because of him, but never managed to get any reaction out of him, for her it was a crime that a man as handsome and charming as the young man in front of her did not show any feeling or expression.

Jade: Well, let's put that aside and start the fun. -She said, coming back with her beautiful mischievous smile as she walked over to the young man and stopped in front of him.

Jade: After all, I am paying for this, aren't I? -She says over the young man before giving him a lustful kiss on the blue-eyed young man.

The young man as soon as he was kissed lost what little sparkle was left in his eyes and he returned the kiss at the same level as the woman.

Without wasting any time Jade began to caress the young man's penis over his shorts, noticing that the young man was already standing on his member, she broke the kiss with a smile on her face.

Jade: I see you're excited, aren't you Gabriel? -She says smiling proudly, for she was recently afraid that her appearance was no longer as beautiful as before, this was one of the only explanations in her mind for her husband not paying attention to her anymore.

The young man now known as Gabriel just nodded, but in his mind, it was something else.

Gabriel: (The sooner this is over the better, so hurry up and let's get it over.) -This was the young man's only thought, he wanted this to be over as soon as possible, while for Jade it was pleasurable for Gabriel it was nothing more than a disgusting act that living beings did to reproduce and that some races including humans took advantage of the sensation of this act.

Gabriel quickly began stroking Jade's body, exciting her and making her moan a little.

Jade: Ahh~ that's what I missed~ a real man enjoying my body~ -The woman said between moans, her speech made the young man frown and kiss her to make her keep her mouth closed.

He didn't like the fact that she was married, if she continued with this talk, he would find it more and more disgusting what he was doing, he hated to remember the fact of how many families he destroyed because one of his clients was married, it wasn't his fault, but still the guilt was inside him especially when the husband of his clients came to complain to him.

The young man began to give firm squeezes to Jade's hard, round ass, which was already being completely dominated.

Gabriel: (If I remember correctly, she was one of the clients that was easiest to satisfy when I am the dominant) -He thought recalling the mental chart he made in his head of every client he ever encountered.

He began to run his hand over the woman's vagina as he pulled down her bra and began to suck on one of her breasts.

Jade: AH~ So good~ -She said trying to maintain awareness, the last three times she came it was the same amazing feeling, an extremely pleasurable feeling that she would never get sick of.

Gabriel: I think you're ready now. -He said after looking at his hand that was wet with Jade's honey, he turned her around and stood over her, he gently removed her panties and took off her shorts showing all the glory of his little friend that was not "little" at all.

When Jade saw the young man's penis, she couldn't help but lick her lips and think that comparing his penis to her husband's, she would end up calling her husband a worm, she was ready to have it all inside her.

Gabriel wanted this to be over as soon as possible and seeing that Jade was already very well lubricated and simply penetrated his cock into her to the stem, making Jade surprised and have a small orgasm while having her tongue out of her mouth.

Jade: Ah~ s-shit I ended up Cumming just from you sticking it in~ next time let me know. -She says breathing heavily.

The young man just moved closer to the woman's ear and spoke.

Gabriel: You can say what you want, but we both know you like it like this. -He says in his usual monotone and emotionless voice, but for some reason it made Jade even wetter.

The young man, seeing this as an opportunity to get it over with, began to rapidly penetrate Jade's vagina, causing her to widen her eyes and grab Gabriel's back, scratching them in the process.

The room was filled with moans coming from the woman and it wasn't long before she climaxed and came, and just like the other times she passed out in the process.

The young man just sighed, carefully pulled his penis out of the woman and put on his shorts, walked to the balcony and began to look at the beautiful view of the city at night.

*POV Gabriel*

How long am I obligated to do this? How long do I have to keep doing this?

He he he, it is very likely that if any man saw me now, he would say something like "you are lucky" or "I wish I were in your shoes", how naive they are.

Living every day of your life being forced to have sex with different women with different fetishes and tastes, not to mention the fact that how many of you women have tried to **** me in public? And how many have succeeded?

I am so lucky that my own parents sold me into a brothel, MY FUCKING PARENTS! *sigh* It doesn't matter anymore, they just sold me with the excuse that they were in need of money, but when one of the security guards from the brothel was taking me here, I could see the look of disgust my father was giving me, I knew that man didn't care about me, my mother maybe did, but it's not like I care now.

I've had a few luxuries here and there, but I just wish this would all be over once and for all and I could rest in peace... Is that too much to ask?

*POV Narrator*

While Gabriel was thinking about his life while without realizing it he shed some tears, he did not notice that a person was standing behind him, this person was not Jade, she was still sleeping after the intense orgasm, it was a man who had an expression of pure hatred, he had a revolver in his hand, he pointed the gun at Gabriel who was still on his back.

Man: turn around you bastard! -he yelled at the young man as he continued to point the revolver at him.

Gabriel turned around and looked at the man who was pointing a firearm at him with his dead monotone look, by his deduction either he was the husband of the client he just slept with or he was the husband of another client and just showed up, he was betting more on the first option.

Gabriel: Excuse me, but would you be? -he asks in his monotone voice as if he were in a conversation, wasn't he afraid? Of course, he was afraid, only a psychopath or sociopath or someone very experienced would not be afraid in this situation, but he was always good at hiding things from others, after all he always managed to hide his face from fear or pain when several of his clients hurt him.

The man felt irritated he gritted his teeth in anger and stared into the young man's dead eyes, but to him it was as if the young man was looking down on him with superiority.

Man: MY NAME IS JOSÉ AND I AM THE MAN WHO IS THE HUSBAND OF THE WOMAN YOU JUST FUCKED!!! -The man now known as José said with even more anger as the gun in his hand was shaking with anger and he had his finger on the trigger.

Gabriel: I see, so my thinking was correct in the end. -He says still in his monotone voice, Gabriel looks at the revolver that is in José's hand, for the first time in a long time he gave a smile, even if it is an almost imperceptible smile. -That's a nice taurus 838 revolver you have Mr. José. -That's a nice taurus 838 revolver you have Mr. Joseph. -He says looking at the revolver which irritates Jose even more and he clenches the revolver in his hand.

José: Then you know what's waiting for you, don't you? YOU FUCKING BASTARD! -The man yells angrily preparing to shoot Gabriel, he just sighed and walked to the man who was not at that sudden approach and squeezed the trigger...


The loud sound of the revolver firing made Jade wake up in fright and look around without understanding anything, but as soon as she looked at her husband and the call boy, she just had sex with one in front of each other, but with a difference one had a revolver in his hand and the other had a bullet hole in his chest, right towards his heart.

Jade: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! -Jade screamed at the scene in front of her, it was a normal reaction after all, she just saw a murder, even if Gabriel didn't drop dead yet.

Gabriel was looking at the bullet hole in his chest with his eyes a little wide open, he only had one question in his mind "why am I still alive?", the pain was unbearable, he always hated pain, if he was going to die at least a quick and painless death, well quick this was going to be, but painless was another story.

Gabriel accepted his fate with pleasure, it wasn't as if he wanted to stay alive anyway, he returned to his normal expression and looked at José who was also surprised.

José didn't want to shoot the young man, he just wanted to scare him so that this would never happen again, deep down he knew that it was more his wife's fault than the young man in front of him, but he wanted to believe that the woman he loved so much, the woman of his children would never betray her without being seduced.

José couldn't help but shed tears, he had just killed a young man who had his whole life ahead of him, he never wanted to kill anyone, but because of his mistake the young man in front of him was about to lose his life, without realizing it he just dropped his revolver while in shock.

Gabriel realized that he was beginning to lose consciousness, the hole began to leak blood so the young man put all his efforts into walking towards the man in front of him, the man came out of his state of shock and was surprised at the young man's approach to him while he was in that state.

Gabriel fell towards Joseph who held him in his arms, Gabriel knew that he was about to die and could not help but give a long smile, look into José's eyes and say.

Gabriel: I am sorry for the trouble and for destroying your marriage, and thank you for freeing me from my torment and for letting me rest in peace. -These where his last words before his body lost all its strength and with it his "life" as well.

The security guards that were flirting with the call girls arrived late, if one looked at them one could clearly see that their clothes were wrinkled, some put on quickly and some had kiss marks all over their bodies or clothes.

José couldn't help but cry, for he a totally lifeless young man with lifeless eyes that looked like he didn't care about anything in his last moments of life, his eyes seemed full of it.


A gray sphere was floating through the void, what was that sphere? You probably already know, but I will tell you anyway because it is my job, that sphere is the soul of the person who was previously known as Gabriel, now it was just a nameless soul.

The soul continued to float away into the void without any destination, it had no consciousness it was just an unconscious soul in the form of a sphere that floats until some entity decides if it will go to heaven or hell or even purgatory depending on the soul, but the soul of the one who was known as Gabriel continued to float for quite a while, how long? Well...

*TIME SKIP: Two decades*

The gray soul continued to float aimlessly in the void, it was an amazing fact that the soul remained the same even after two decades, soon the soul stopped, not by choice, an entity was holding it with his power, this entity had a smile on his face, it was not a normal smile, it was a macabre and malicious smile, this entity had big plans for that soul to entertain him.

The entity's appearance could be summarized as a silhouette, a totally dark silhouette, but slightly purple even in the darkness of the void it could be seen perfectly, in this silhouette you could see two small violet points that were like its eyes and a wide macabre smile below.

The entity snapped his fingers and suddenly the gray soul began to remember his past life, the few good moments he had either with his family before they abandoned him or afterwards when he did a very good "job" and earned certain luxuries like being able to eat candy, have access to the internet for a limited time, can read comics or manga, etc. But right after these few moments his mind was flooded with his bad memories, things like his clients basically torturing him during sex to see if they could get a reaction out of him, the first times he had to "work", the times when he was younger and a client of his found him on the street and raped him and much more.

The gray soul wanted to scream, but didn't have little to do so, she wanted to cry, but didn't have what it took to do so, the soul couldn't do anything but wait until this burst of bad memory wasn't over.

???: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! -The black silhouette laughed at the soul, the soul could not show anything as it had no body, but the entity could feel the suffering of the soul and it entertained him.

???: YOU ARE PERFECT FOR ENTERTAINING ME HAHAHAHA!!! THIS MUST BE THE REASON OF YOUR EXISTENCE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! -The entity says laughing at the soul, that soul was one of the best entertainments in centuries for the entity, seeing all the suffering, of course sometimes the entity would get a little bored and manipulate things a little to spice things up, like taking the notion from one of the soul's clients so that she raped him, or when the entity made the grey soul's clients get violent thoughts against the soul and hurt him, it was very entertaining for the entity.

Gray Soul: W-who are you? -the soul says confused and in shock she had basically overdosed on memories and had just returned to her "senses".

???: WHO I AM DOESN'T MATTER LITTLE SOUL, BUT WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU DOES! DO YOU KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU? HAHAHAHAHA! -The entity asks, still laughing, making the soul even more afraid.

Gray Soul: N-no, what will happen to me? -The soul asked in fear, the soul knew that it had no way to fight or run away from the entity in front of him.

???: IT'S SIMPLE! I WANT MORE GOLD ENTERTAINMENT LIKE THIS! SO I WILL PUT YOU IN A HENTAI WORLD WITH ALL YOUR DISTURBED MEMORIES SO I CAN HAVE EVEN MORE FUN HAHAHAHAHAHA! -The entity laughed waiting for the soul's screams of dread and agony, but they never came, the entity looked confused at the soul who was not understanding anything. - YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SCREAM OR LAMENT YOUR FATE OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT? -The entity asked confused and not understanding why it didn't have any reaction.

Gray Soul: Excuse me for asking, but what is hentai? -The soul asked innocently.

The gray soul's question, made that for the first time in centuries that entity stopped making noise for at least 5 seconds, that little soul did something that not even other entities could do.

???: *sigh* I HAVE FORGOTTEN THAT YOU HAVE ALMOST NO CONTACT WITH THE INTERNET OR WITH CULTURE IN GENERAL -The entity says while holding his palm to his face, for having forgotten such a simple detail. - I'll explain it to you according to an internet dictionary, it says "Hentai: Japanese word for manga, drawings or illustrations with pornographic content. -The entity asks the gray soul.

Gray Soul: Excuse me, but what is pornographic? -the soul asks again innocently, that entity spoke some words that the soul never knew in its former life, pornographic? Hentai? What language is that? He had never heard of such things. The owner of the brothel where he worked made a great point of keeping his "goose that laid the golden eggs" very well, not even letting him know what was going on outside the brothel.

Again, the silence was established in that "place" if the other entities were here, they would laugh at the face of the entity that is here at this moment.


Gray Soul: W-W-Why! Is this some kind of punishment for something horrible I did!? -The soul asked in desperation to the entity who just gave a small laugh at the soul and moved its head closer to the soul.

???: YOU STILL DON'T GET IT? IT'S SIMPLE BECAUSE IT'S ENTERTAINING HAHAHAHA!!! -The entity laughed in the soul's "face" as the soul filled with more despair.

???: TO MAKE THINGS MORE INTERESTING LET'S ADD THIS! -The entity snaps her fingers and a small violet aura forms in her fingers and she stabs the little grey soul with this aura, who is left not understanding anything as the aura surrounds her. - I HAVE JUST PUT A LUST CURSE ON YOU, BASICALLY EVERY TIME YOU APPROACH AN ADULT WOMAN SHE WILL FEEL SEXUAL ATTRACTION FOR YOU, AND THE LONGER YOU STAY IN THE SAME PLACE WITH A WOMAN WHO IS ALREADY AFFECTED BY THIS CURSE THE ATTRACTION WILL INCREASE AND INCREASE UNTIL THE POINT WHERE SHE WILL TOTALLY LOSE HER MIND AND YOU KNOW WHAT COMES NEXT, DON'T YOU? AFTER ALL IT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU BEFORE HAHAHAHA! -The entity can't help but laugh at the situation, it was very amusing to put more and more despair into this little soul.

???: I KNOW WELL THAT IF I KEEP YOU HERE FOR ANOTHER SECOND YOU WILL START "CRYING" AND BEGGING ME TO CHANGE THINGS AND AS MUCH AS I WANT TO SEE THIS, I WANT THE REAL ENTERTAINMENT TO START SOON SO BYE BYE. -The entity says snapping its fingers again and a portal suck the soul that tried to beg to the entity but was completely ignored. -NOW I WILL GO BACK TO MY DOMAIN TO WATCH MY ENTERTAINMENT HAHAHA! - The entity says before it starts to go to its domain, but something it didn't realize and it had several pairs of eyes watching it.

well... hi, I just want you to know that English is not my primary language, and this is the first time I've written something like this, so if it seems like the writing is amateurish, know that it is because it is amateurish...

so please let me know if you see any grammatical or other errors

Thank you for taking the time to read my One-shot

mister_black_catcreators' thoughts